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Dath Maximus

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  GeneralPloKoon said:
I don't care for shoes...


Wow! That is some really amazing input there, Koony. I want to be just as full of useful amazingness as you are when I grow up. :thumbsup:


And, RoxStar, quick question for ya: You do realize that this is the Swamp correct? And that this one little thread of hilarity will not be the factor to turn this into a ****hole, right? Mmkay. :D

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  Lady Jedi said:
And, RoxStar, quick question for ya: You do realize that this is the Swamp correct? And that this one little thread of hilarity will not be the factor to turn this into a ****hole, right? Mmkay. :D

That's what Dath wants you to think. I know his secret plans.

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  The Seeker said:
*fathoms the scope of Dath's plans.*


oh ho ho, smells like someone just got burned.


The fact that you're speaking in English means you're a liar.


Those who fathom Dath's plans and live to tell about it, tell about it only in tongues no sane man can derive a meaning from.


Interesting fact: those tongues have a vague similarity to Mexican Spanish.

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  Tyrion said:
The fact that you're speaking in English means you're a liar.


Those who fathom Dath's plans and live to tell about it, tell about it only in tongues no sane man can derive a meaning from.


Interesting fact: those tongues have a vague similarity to Mexican Spanish.


tru dat


my plans were set into motion eons ago, and everything is hurtling toward a path which i have forseen and orchestrated across space and time

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  Tyrion said:
Yes, it's Henry VIII if that's what you call Martin Luther.




Martin Luther? Try LEX LUTHOR:




You seem, Martin Luthor only wanted to reform the church, not split from it. Reformists were still considered, albeit loosely, part of the church. Henry VIII did an actual splitting, using Martin Luther's ideals.

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  Kjølen said:
Martin Luther? Try LEX LUTHOR:




You seem, Martin Luthor only wanted to reform the church, not split from it. Reformists were still considered, albeit loosely, part of the church. Henry VIII did the actual splitting, using Martin Luther's ideals.


If you're considering Reformists as still part of the Catholic Church, then so was Henry VIII and the Anglican Church


Although some claim he became a Protestant on his death-bed, he advocated Catholic ceremony and doctrine throughout his life;


And from the page on the Church of England:


The Church of England considers itself to be both Catholic and reformed:


Ergo, either Martin Luther split the Catholic Church through his attempts at reformation, or protestants(Anglican, at least) could be considered Catholic as reform alone isn't enough.

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Would you claim to be a student of Michigan Tech if you were not accepted? Reformists were Catholics so long as the Catholic church allowed them to be. King Henry could claim to be God, Satan, and a green Pikachu for all the truth it would be.


(Lol, religious war.)

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  Kjølen said:
Would you claim to be a student of Michigan Tech if you were not accepted? Reformists were Catholics so long as the Catholic church allowed them to be. King Henry could claim to be God, Satan, and a green Pikachu for all the truth it would be.


(Lol, religious war.)


I would follow King Henry VIII if he claimed to be a green Pikachu. It would either mean he had a sense of humor, or at least was openly insane. Honesty in a politician, especially in one I can't vote for, is important.

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