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Canderis's WIPs


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Well the problem is that the chest and the rest of the body, don't completely go well, so you should combine them better, as jai'galaar, said, some of gray on the hemlet, and maybe add the same king of texture, of the chest, on the rest of the armor, to make the different parts of the armor, looks as parts of the same armor ^^

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I agree, and you should change all the gray parts of the armor to look like the chest ^^


I always wanted to see what the backpack from the default soldier clothing would look like if you put it on Mandalorian armor... maybe that?


I heartily concur with these assertions. :thmbup1:

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Nice job!!


As others have said take the chest texure and put it on other parts throghout the model. As for putting some of the gray texture on the helmet, I think it should be a stripe starting at the top of the visor and going down the back of the helm.


I like the idea of the soldier backpack. In addition I think there should be two blaster holsters (one on each leg).

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Well i am going to start a new project to finish before my next k1 playthrough. This mod will be a tweak, or total redo of everything that just annoys me. Nothing plot related will change, just cosmetics really. Leveling rates will be tweaked, things skinned, items added, NEW FEATS, and much much more.


First pic:



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Well i am going to start a new project to finish before my next k1 playthrough. This mod will be a tweak, or total redo of everything that just annoys me. Nothing plot related will change, just cosmetics really. Leveling rates will be tweaked, things skinned, items added, NEW FEATS, and much much more.

This sounds like you are going to tweak stuff that annoys me as well. So I can't wait to see what you do ;).


First pic:



Very nice!!

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