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The Hobbit


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I'm currently reading The Hobbit to my daughters every night, because I really want them to experience the book before the films comes out. I've had to get them into bed a half hour earlier than usual, because they simply won't let me stop some nights. I ended up reading to them for an hour and a half last night, mind you, it was a particularly good bit of the book (the riddle game with Gollum and subsequent escape from the goblin tunnels).


Anyway, on to the point of this thread. Do you think the films will be as good as The Lord of the Rings trilogy? Guillermo del Toro will be directing it (Pans Labyrinth) with Peter Jackson doing the screenplay. Thankfully Ian McKellen and Andy Serkis are rumoured to reprise their roles. I just really have my fingered crossed on this one, I'm praying they don't muck up one of my favourite books, but with Toro and Jackson, how could they possibly go wrong?

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I fully trust Jackson and Walsh's writing capabilities. When they (meaning when they were producers) were looking for writers they had a meeting and decided that they needed some big names who would have lots of experience with Tolkien Lore and fantasy work. Then they realized, accurately, that they're pretty much the only names in the business who had all those.


I guess what that means is, honestly, everyone knows that Jackson and Walsh are, in essence, the ONLY writers who can be trusted with this screenplay, so if the movie is going to be any good it pretty much has to be put in their hands. And as for Del Toro, whether you like his movies or not (I love them) you can't deny that when it comes to visual creativity he's definitely one of the best.


I have very high expectations for this film -- and I'm confident they will be fullfilled.

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Do you think the films will be as good as The Lord of the Rings trilogy? Guillermo del Toro will be directing it (Pans Labyrinth) with Peter Jackson doing the screenplay. Thankfully Ian McKellen and Andy Serkis are rumoured to reprise their roles. I just really have my fingered crossed on this one, I'm praying they don't muck up one of my favourite books, but with Toro and Jackson, how could they possibly go wrong?
I have faith that they will be very solid. But I'm interested to see if they take a lighter tone than that LotR films to reflect the book...
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I agree with you MrWally. Jackson and Walsh will probably find handling only a single book this time around indulging, allowing them to smell the roses a bit more (not due out until 2011). It sounds like del Toro is thrilled to be working on the project and unless there's some major falling out with Jackson, I think the Hobbit is going to live up to you and your daughters' expectations, LeXX. And that's cool to hear that you're sharing the experience with them currently. Good mum. :D

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Oh Lexx that's the greatest thing you can do. I read the Hobbit and the entire LotR Trilogy to my little brothers as a bedtime story for nearly a year, and it's such a cool thing for them. I was unimpressed with the writing style even though the story was amazing, but when I started telling the story instead of reading it, it absolutely came alive. Brilliant stuff. The Harry Potter series also makes a badass bedtime story. ;)


And yes, Jackson and Del Toro will make certain that this movie is made of awesome.

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I made one of my patented exaggerated rant blog posts about this a few months ago: click.


I guess it's the fact that I love the source material so much, and the first 3 movies are all up there with my most favorite of all time, that I'm so worried. I'm still looking forward to it though.

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For the fans, at least. I love the Extended Editions, but many people are turned off by them, and I know several people who won't watch any of the LOTR movies again because of their length, unfortunately.


It's like... right now I'm in the play Arthur Miller's The Crucible, which can easily be a 3 and a half to 4 hour show with intermission. We're losing a lot of sales to the casual theater fans because of the length. It's pretty disappointing, since it's such a good story and play.

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I'm actually having a hard time making up the tunes to go with the songs when I'm reading it to the kids. It will be interesting to see how they handle it.


And yeah, the longer the better imo. I hope they leave absolutely nothing out. I loved the RotK extended edition.

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Pfft, leXX. You know the real thing to read to your kids is The Silmarillion.


As for the movie, I think it will fail as hard as the half-assed Lord of the Rings movies.


Wow, I really couldn't disagree with you more. For one, The Simillarion is an adult book, The Hobbit is a childrens book, and saying the LotR Trilogy failed is ridiculous. It is comparable in quality only to the original Star Wars Trilogy and Aliens Trilogy, but hey, everyone is entitled to thier opinion.

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Wow, I really couldn't disagree with you more. For one, The Simillarion is an adult book, The Hobbit is a childrens book, and saying the LotR Trilogy failed is ridiculous. It is comparable in quality only to the original Star Wars Trilogy and Aliens Trilogy, but hey, everyone is entitled to thier opinion.

The answer lies in the sarcasm.

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