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WTF of the quarter hour

Black Knight of Keno

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This can be the WTF of the next quarter hour (or maybe even half hour): http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hNXg5FqcqZg1KUgf6PNrmnRRk-4wD9546FT80


A mother that looks like she just stepped out of a Stanley Kubrick film, and a father who's look says "I want to touch you in your naughty place" sound like excellent parents to little "Adolf Hitler" and "Aryan Nation."


I'm sure there's absolutely no reason to do something like, say, call Child Protective Services.



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Heath Campbell said he named his son after Adolf Hitler because he liked the name and because "no one else in the world would have that name."


Yeah, did you ever stop to think WHY no one else has it? Maybe it's because parents don't want to subject their child to a life of torment YOU DUMB ****!

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I wonder what the kid will be like on the playground when he gets to elementary school.


And the statement about doing it because he liked the name "Adolf Hitler" is bull. If that were true he wouldn't have given JoyceLynn the middle name "Aryan Nation" amirite?



People are so stupid.

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"Say he grows up and hangs out with black people. That's fine, I don't really care," he said. "That's his choice."


See? Only a good parent would tolerate their son hanging out with the black kids. After all, it's the kids choice to make his own mistakes, right? :xp:


I'm going to reference this article to anyone who gives me crap about naming my daughter after the little girl from F.E.A.R. henceforth.

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Lol, the parents can be as pissed off as they want, but if the cake lady doesn't want to write "Adolf Hitler Campbell" on a cake, well, then they can just go **** themselves and cry all they want. They have bigger problems than not getting a birthday cake, like how the kid is going to be a target by everyone for the rest of his life.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Follow up.


"There are actually cases from early in the last century, like in the 1920s, about the rights of parents to teach their children a foreign language, like German, and to make other decisions like that for their own children, and the decision to name the child is clearly a very personal decision," Smolla said.

Teaching your child German ≠ naming your child Adolf Hitler.


Oh, and the father has a Nazi swastika tattoo.

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