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XWA one year thread IV: The Clown Wars


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Yea... i never understood how Hollywood just re-hashes the same old stuff now with Fancy CGI special effects action scenes added in. It used to be actors were the ones that carried movies, it didn't matter the sets were cheap and the actions scenes were hokey.


there are plenty of good actors and good movies now adays



dont use OG Star Trek as examples of good movies please, its just sad and wrong :¬:

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mm...working today is fun. :rolleyes: i go in the lab and the printer starts its paper-jamming process. yay! i ended up breaking a housing unit (a thing attached to the crossover that has a nozzle on it that water goes through) to one of the crossovers while pulling it off to remove the paper...fortunately there was some more in our spare parts kit. it was annoying though!!!!!


going to train my apprentice tomorrow and wednesday on how to clean those ps tanks and racks.


so far im having a pretty good day. only 3 hours left of work when i go back. going to close up at 7 and do one of the ps tanks/racks.


no good pictures coming through today. :p


think on thursday (payday) i'm going to pick up an sd card reader so i can upload some of my own pictures. :)

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got the girl's myspace. saw more pictures. she is pretty hot. brunette with blue eyes=!!!! also found out today was her birthday. she just turned 26. 1 year older isn't as bad as 16 years older, but this still doesn't take into account that all women are insane.


i'm pretty much asking for an awkward moment though by pursuing a date from someone from the internet, but what the hell, there's always the chance of it being a good time and i make a good friend instead, i'm gonna try hard not to turn this into something more than it is. if a good relationship comes of it, great. if not, oh well at least i tried, it's not the end of the world.


so i got the myspace account, next up is asking her for her phone # i guess.


i already know how to retrieve all that information without even asking.....it's easy as finding friends that use an instant messaging device on facebook, finding out a first and last name, then going to yellowpages.com and typing it in with their city, then going to google maps and pinpointing the location and getting directions, satellite maps, etc. yeah i've got too much time on my hands it seems...

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I would be the last to say I am an expert on internet dating. But until you meet face to face.. it is just fantasy. But with that being said, there is noting wrong with a "Meet-up" that involves you and her meeting for drinks (Caffinated or relaxing) for a few hours in a quiet place where you can talk and get to know each other. Leave it opened ended and after a day or so you can decide if you want to meet again for a real date.


So far, I have recorded a personal best 3 meet-ups and 2 dates this year with 3 ladies

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Almost accidentally swallowed my Listerine yesterday morning. My throat has been all messed up ever since. Not a good time.


Eric Benet (R&B/ soul singer and Halle Berry's ex...) yesterday. Pretty simple.


Think it will be a short casual day today.


The hardest thing will be moving the new refrigerator to the Green Room area... in the basement. It was delivered the other day (when none of us were around) to my office... 2 floors up.


Genius... :rolleyes:

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You wanna know what I look like when I'm bowling? You're about to find out...you can now have YouTube vids embedded in posts, and I'm about to do that for a couple of mine. First, the side...


(This BBCode requires its accompanying plugin to work properly.)


Now the back (includes a couple of ball reaction shots)...


(This BBCode requires its accompanying plugin to work properly.)


A couple of people on the bowling forums have spotted some flaws: one thought I should be holding the ball higher in my stance, and late timing has also been noticed in the side view (I noticed it myself, actually).

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You're about to find out...you can now have YouTube vids embedded in posts,


yeah, i knew about that when I was waging a one sided war against ATHO in the name of Aresen


and on TWL had it long before that :p

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Short day at work. Long walk afterward... left from work and ended up at the Boston Garden. Back to South Station from there.


I was going to do more once I got back home, but the subway was running crazy slow (what should have been a 10 minute ride took close to 40...) and I fell asleep.


Once home, I ate a bit, and went right to bed. Just woke back up.


Might go see Star Trek tomorrow. Maybe.

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went to a local softball diamond today and practiced my Disc Golf drives. Had one go up 250 feet wooo!


Bad news I found that a high school classmate who was a complete arsehole and treated me like $#!% now has the park as his Memorial Ball park since he died in a DWI crash a few years ago. Interesting how some people try to whitewash a person's bad reputation

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Yeah that happens. I guess it's understandable: Even the biggest douche-bags on the planet have somebody out there who loves them.


The crash was his fault?


Folks who are *******s in high-school rarely grow up to be much better as adults.


I'm always entertained by the stories of high-school enemies who are now struggling with life. (Alcoholism, multiple failed marriages, jail-time...) There's been a few. And it's never surprising.



Maybe there's something to this Karma stuff after all... ;)

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nice my one friend did that, but opposite...he snuck a few bottles and a drink out of the club we were at, though he didn't get caught...he's terrible when he's drunk.


nice on getting back in the place though!!!

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Saw Trek tonight.


Didn't hate it. Didn't love it either. Parts of it were good. Parts of it were too noisy and jumpy.


I'd probably see it again... just to catch all the references.


And Scotty is still the best character in all Trek canon.


Saw it on digital projection. IMAX would have been better... but that was pretty sweet.

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