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XWA one year thread IV: The Clown Wars


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round up of the ladies I have been talking with


Kara: Im sick, going to see the doctor


k1 (the one I met on the 4th): Date set up for the 25th afternoon. It is a 2 1/2 hour drive to her place, so I was going to spend the afternoon evening there. Scary thing is she invited me to stay in her guest room and cook me dinner and breakfast.


k2 - Going to call her tomorrow


E - Talked to her sunday, had a good conversation, going to call her tomorrow and arrage a meet-up.. she's in Milwaukee


So nice to be wanted, I am having fantasies of the Ladys fighting over me and trying to one up eachother :D

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So nice to be wanted, I am having fantasies of the Ladys fighting over me and trying to one up eachother :D


remember, unless they are drunk sorority sisters(its happened, at a bar, the outcome wasnt as awesome as you would hope, but its still fun), that is unlikely, what is likely is that they will get upset and ditch you if they find our you are dating lots of women

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went and ran today. same exact time i ran yesterday, wtf is that. going to run again tomorrow see if i can take 20 seconds off that time and get a 19:00 time. my ankles aren't too bad except in the morning when i wake up they're all like '**** you'

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round up of the ladies I have been talking with


Kara: Im sick, going to see the doctor


k1 (the one I met on the 4th): Date set up for the 25th afternoon. It is a 2 1/2 hour drive to her place, so I was going to spend the afternoon evening there. Scary thing is she invited me to stay in her guest room and cook me dinner and breakfast.


k2 - Going to call her tomorrow


E - Talked to her sunday, had a good conversation, going to call her tomorrow and arrage a meet-up.. she's in Milwaukee


So nice to be wanted, I am having fantasies of the Ladys fighting over me and trying to one up eachother :D




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I'm going over my actress friend's apartment tomorrow night after her show and helping her carry up and install an A/C unit in her room.


Makes me feel manly. :D


And it could be an "in" to approach a couple of subjects I've wanted to talk to her about in private for a while now while we are alone...


It's gonna take a LOT of effort while there to not do or say something creepy. Gotta plan the timing just right...



Work today was easy... for the most part.


Ripped my new black vest already, though. Grr... :mad:

It's a simple rip (right along a seam...) gonna see if I (or more likely, mom...) can fix it

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I mean, if there is no pregnancy, there is always a chance to go for if going for that 'tactic' again.


shoot, rubbers get thrown away


so where's the 'proof' that you had 'relations' with another girl 'in such a way'





i found out a while ago that I apparently drank about 2/3rds of one of those 'big bottles' of absolut


after which while i was 'sobering up' with that Dihyrdoic-oxide chemical that I told R15 was a great formula


well yeah, enough said, i was (if you guys havent noticed) REALLY drunk when I made those posts


but all in good fun right? Yeah ok, I was making good fun with r15 (haven't heard complaints yet) but while maing a good ass out of myself...



As Mr. Kim to Mr. Dallas says: "Seek good and bad, I like! FORTUNE FOR YOU!"


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thats because i rule.


i keep saying it.


Why doesnt anyone believe me!! :ohdear:






that and, i know how to control myself when I drink heavly,

well, OK, not really


but at least I dont pick fights with street curbs. :xp:

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And it could be an "in" to approach a couple of subjects I've wanted to talk to her about in private for a while now while we are alone...


It's gonna take a LOT of effort while there to not do or say something creepy. Gotta plan the timing just right...


yes, don't get caught sniffing her panties, they hate that

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DAMN! :mad:




Naw... It was just going to be me bringing up the subject of getting to know each other better, spending a little more time together one-on-one... but I don't think it's probably a good idea to suddenly bring up that subject for the very first time once we are alone in her bedroom together. :dozey:


Could be... misconstrued.


I think I'll just have to broach the subject in the car ride over, and let the chips fall where they may.

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which parts? shins or lungs? both? :p


decided to take a day of rest, gonna go tomorrow though.


i watched rambo last night, it was pretty cool.


tried getting back to my recruiter about the apft, he didn't pick up. guess i'll call again tomorrow. i'm planning on being ready for the test on 15 august 2009. go to meps sunday, and get 11x in my contract and ship to benning late september.

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If anything Ed, confidance is sexy. Also you could mention that when she talked about being too busy to date, and having all of her friends look at you when it was mentioned


Good luck Ed, maybe you will cool things down with the A/C but heat things back up with your manlyness ;)

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If anything Ed, confidance is sexy. Also you could mention that when she talked about being too busy to date, and having all of her friends look at you when it was mentioned

Well... I didn't mention that... but I did get a bit more out of her about it.


Her last couple of relationships were bad situations... and I think she's afraid of falling into something like that again. Her last serious boyfriend was controlling, jealous, and manipulative. (And though she left him over it... it didn't sound like she's completely over him yet, either...)


I think she is partly using being "really busy" as an excuse to not get into any emotional entanglements. She is genuinely pretty busy... but she also gave me the impression that when it comes to relationships, she is done with them... at least for the time being.


She also has a strict rule about not dating guys in her theater group (which, technically, I guess I now am...)


It still doesn't look very promising... though I do think she's warming up to me.


At the end of the night, after I had seen her act, and the play after hers, drove her home, set up her A/C, and we had a dinner and talked a lot about a lot of things; I said something like: "This was fun! We should do something like this again. Let me know whenever your schedule frees up and we'll do something..." and she replied along the lines of: "OK! Thanks! Yeah, I do work too much. I really should relax and get out more..."


Hardly something to base a lot of hopes on... but it could be a sign that she might be willing to maybe start to think about it again.


I'm not going to stop keeping an eye open for other possibilities... but I'll keep making offers and gestures her way to see if there really is a door opening.

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I hate those Jesus Camps. It's like Nazi brainwashing for kids. Let them make up their own damned minds about belief and religion. GOD. Stupid overbearing fanatical parents.


Some parents do it with well intentions, but most just do it because they are afraid their kids might have a goddamned original thought.




R15: Initially, it was both of my legs. Like, everywhere.


Now it's just the front thigh muscles, ya know, the ones responsible for lifting my fat ass out of the chair. Lungs burned while I was running, but I attribute that to smoking and not having done any cardio for the past 5 years.

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lol nazi brainwashing. i went to a christian school in upstate ny, experienced some of that stuff so i think it's pretty funny. i never really participated with the raising hands or singing which pissed the teachers off somewhat, i figured why would god give a damn if i do what everyone else is doing? if singing and moving my hands in the air is considered worshipping god, i'm going to hell. i never really got called out for not doing those things, well except singing, which is lame cause the songs all sounded the exact same and were generally boring.



about legs hurting.... http://www.twohundredsquats.com/ lol


also don't stretch until you're warmed up or finished running. i always stretch when i'm finished.

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well at least warm up for 8 minutes before you stretch or you'll pull a muscle.


i ran 2 miles in 19:00 today. it's becoming much much easier.


also run on an empty stomach or waiting 2 hours after i eat helps prevent side-stitches. and i can run faster. my personal goal is 15 minutes by the time i ship, this way i can just ace the run part when i get to bct.

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