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Marius Fett's W.I.P

Marius Fett

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Cheers Canderis. :)




I've been playing around with body models today, and i've done something I think at least a few of you might like. I've taken Darth Sion's body model, got rid of the head and made it useable as an item. Right now I have it replacing the underwear model, which I don't think i'll be changing.




Now, the texture i'm using there is one from a mod I had laying around on my computer, (by Inyri, I think), so it won't be included in the final thing. I'm going to make my own re-texture which matches the head skin tone better and use that. (Black and Asian variants will be included also).


It's a pity more people don't do this sort of thing with single body models. The only person I can think of to do something like this and release it is Oldflash, and that was the Atris model. (Just a bit of trivia there :p).

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I REALLY like that Darth Malak Armor, Marius. I'm sure it'll please people who would like to look like the Dark Lord. :D


That Darth Sion body model is really neat too, you could even release it as a modder's resource because I think that model is the only one with the "Cut Off Hand" animation. :)

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Marius I thought you should put an ancient sith force power or feat banned of both jedi and sith being extremely dangerous to master with terrifying results in the holocron.I mean aren't the holocrons made by jedi or sith to store information and teachings(and souls in some cases,but even force ghosts can teach you something.Right?I mean they are the essences of dead induviduals).

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Thats one nifty looking Sion body re-model, Marius. :)


My only gripe with it are those 'seams' in the arms. Its really noticeable in the uncovered arm. But, I suppose unless you want to re-weight the entire model, you won't be doing that. :)


  Marius Fett said:
It's a pity more people don't do this sort of thing with single body models. The only person I can think of to do something like this and release it is Oldflash, and that was the Atris model. (Just a bit of trivia there :p).


I would've already released my Atris model, once I can get it to stop having those troublesome polys flying around... :p


Oh, yeah, both DK and Giygas beat me to it. Thats what I get for wanting to game. :p

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My only gripe with it are those 'seams' in the arms. Its really noticeable in the uncovered arm. But, I suppose unless you want to re-weight the entire model, you won't be doing that.


Would you want to go through that? :p There are far less painful ways to kill yourself. >_>




Thanks to the wonderful Photoshop skills of Darth Jaden, I have a great texture for my Sion model. I tweaked it a bit so I could get the skin tones right and i've now played with it enough as i'm comfortable with.


Some of the heads match up great, others, not so much, but i'll never get it to match them all. Here's a screenshot of the model with the new textures:




(Since this mod was a collaboration with DJ, I figured i'd try and emulate a Darth Jaden style screenshot. :p)


As far as i'm concerned, this is now ready for release. I just need to get it all packaged up and then it's finished.




DJ and I are also working together on something else, which I haven't posted any screenshots of yet. Those'll be coming within the next few days. DJ's already finished her part of the mod, now i'm just putting everything together, making a few more 2da changes and setting up the TSL Patcher. That'll be out soon, too. I'll try and get some screenies up of that, ASAP.

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I found a post by Shem last night, in one of J7's old WIP threads, saying how he wished the boots on the Padawan robe model in TSL were more like the ones on the Jedi Master model.


I've had a go at that and here's my result after five minutes playing around:




The boots are now less 'fat' and there's a much smaller bulge at the knee. This is only after a few minutes playing around remember, so it'll be worked on a lot more.


Here's the Jedi Master robe to compare against:



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  • 2 months later...



Had a bit of a 'dry patch' with modding lately, but in the last few days I got a few new idea's so i'm trying out some new things.


I've got two files ready for release that I might as well show.


The first is a head mod for TSL. If you've ever looked at the Goto head texture, you'll see it has a blue tinge. I've removed that and now the head actually looks human. I've made it a selectable head. It also comes with an edited Weequay model as the default clothing:




Second is a portrait pack for K1 that I made. (Every bugger else appears to have made one, so why not? :p)




As for things i've yet to start, i'm going to make a mod that's basically like ChAiNz.2da's longsaber crystal pack, but with TSL Patcher, so there's less problems for people who aren't comfortable editing 2da files.



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Ok, I have another update. I spent most of last night and a bit of this morning making new higher quality icons for the armour and robes in K1. They're in a style I personally like, so I know they won't appeal to everybody:




As part of this mod, the red Sith armour is wearable and has its own icon, as you can no doubt see, and there's an opportunity to get it and the original silver armour (also with a new icon) later in the game.


All three Mandalorian armours are now wearable, if you couldn't tell by the screeny. ^_^


I'm considering doing some of the weapons, but that would obviously take a LOT longer, so i'm not sure yet. "/



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