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VP Biden opens mouth and inserts foot


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An interview U.S. Vice President Joe Biden gave to an American newspaper was front-page news Monday in Moscow, where his characterization of Russia as a weakened nation hit a raw nerve.


Biden said Russia's economic difficulties are likely to make the Kremlin more willing to cooperate with the United States on a range of national security issues.


"I think we vastly underestimate the hand that we hold," he said in an interview to The Wall Street Journal published Saturday.


Biden's comments appeared to catch the Kremlin by surprise, coming less than three weeks after President Barack Obama said on a visit to Moscow that the U.S. wants to see a "strong, peaceful and prosperous Russia."


"It raises the question: Who is shaping U.S. foreign policy? The president or members of his team, even the most respected ones?" said Kremlin foreign policy adviser Sergei Prikhodko.


-From the AP via Yahoo! News




It seems the Biden failed to think before he spoke. Do you think such things are part of what can alienate the U.S. from the other parts of the world? Could Biden's remarks paint a poor picture of the administration in other countries beside Russia?

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When we look back on Obama's presidency, I think his greatest mistake will have been picking Biden for VP. I must say, however, that Biden's nearly as entertaining as Quayle.


I think Clinton will be able to repair the idiotic things Biden says without too much trouble.

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I must say, however, that Biden's nearly as entertaining as Quayle.
Until Biden shoots someone, he is still less entertaining than Cheney, but he is become just as embarrassing (just for different reasons).


The Vice President office meant nothing until it was given prominence in the last Administration. Hopefully the rest of the world will take the President’s lead over the VP. Maybe Obama can ship Biden to that same bunker Cheney used to hide in.

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This is highly expected from Biden. Not this specific comment mind you, but the ability to open mouth, insert foot. Biden really needs to take one of those classes on holding his tongue.


In any case, as much of a gaff that it is, it's still generally rather correct. Russia is not an economic powerhouse and at many times it's barely a democracy. They have neither the military might nor the economic backing to firmly oppose US policy and have enough power to do anything other than bluster.


This of course, will change if Putin keeps heading towards the old ways.

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They do still have a lot of those highly impressive ex-Soviet ICBMs, though.


I seem to recall around election time somebody on LF going on about how intelligent Biden was and how they had full confidence in his ability to lead the country. Present company excluded, of course. :p

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This is highly expected from Biden. Not this specific comment mind you, but the ability to open mouth, insert foot. Biden really needs to take one of those classes on holding his tongue.


In any case, as much of a gaff that it is, it's still generally rather correct. Russia is not an economic powerhouse and at many times it's barely a democracy. They have neither the military might nor the economic backing to firmly oppose US policy and have enough power to do anything other than bluster.


This of course, will change if Putin keeps heading towards the old ways.


I would tend to agree. Despite our problems, we're still the preeminent power on the globe. That doesn't mean that we should seek to do what we want, wherever we want, whenever we want w/whomever we want or even that this will remain true w/in a generation. However, it's baffling in some ways to see people in our govt so willing to lay America prostrate before so many unworthy enemies. Should energy prices and other prescious commodities continue to increase in price, it's quite possible that Russia could again become a serious "threat" or at least adversary to the US and its interests. Joe Biden publically rubbing Moscow's nose in the dirt, though, is about what you might have expected from.........Joe Biden. ;)

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I think Clinton will be able to repair the idiotic things Biden says without too much trouble.


This statement intrigues me and frightens me at the same time.


The way she cleared her remarks up about Iran's goal of nuclear weapons?


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from about 0:28 forward.


and then "clarifies" remark in the ME by claiming that, well, America would extend it's shield..." So, is she saying the US will take preventative action vs Iran's making of a nuke or that we'll merely react by promising to blow Iran into kingdom come if the threaten their neighbors?

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I would tend to agree. Despite our problems, we're still the preeminent power on the globe. That doesn't mean that we should seek to do what we want, wherever we want, whenever we want w/whomever we want or even that this will remain true w/in a generation. However, it's baffling in some ways to see people in our govt so willing to lay America prostrate before so many unworthy enemies. Should energy prices and other prescious commodities continue to increase in price, it's quite possible that Russia could again become a serious "threat" or at least adversary to the US and its interests. Joe Biden publically rubbing Moscow's nose in the dirt, though, is about what you might have expected from.........Joe Biden. ;)


A threat to Europe most pointedly yes. Though much as people complain about US oil coming from the Middle East, most of it comes from the Americas. Good ol' Hugo Chavez still knows we're good for a buck when the old oil truck comes around.


But I still agree that if Russia gets it's act in gear, it'll be a world power in a heartbeat once again. I think China is still content to be everyone's drug dealer.

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Biden just needs to shut-up. His comments might get us nuked.:mad:

Words alone are not likely to get anyone nuked. If they were then ‘The Great Communicator’ jokes during the Cold War may have done the trick. :xp:


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My only thought is doesn't somebody coach this guy on how to answer questions? I mean really...what a ridiculous thing to say when President Obama spent several days attempting to repair our relationship with Russia after recent disagreements.

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