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Star Wars: Second Legacy Casting Sheet (43 ABY)


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With DARTH CAEDUS, formerly known as Jedi Knight Jacen Solo, now defeated, the galaxy find itself once more trying to recover from the devastating aftermath of war. LUKE SKYWALKER, Grand Master of the Jedi Order, has been exiled for ten years from Coruscant--or until he can determine what has caused his nephew's fall to the Dark Side. Anti-Jedi sentiment is raging, and the few who remain struggle to keep order in the midst of the chaos and hatred all around them. The Jedi's one last hope, BEN SKYWALKER, has accompanied his father into the great unknown and thus is unable to guide his comrades toward peace and resolution.


In the midst of everything, conflicted Jedi Knight CHETYRA VEK is trying to come to terms with the fact that ADMIRAL NATASI DAALA, now Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance, has seemed to betray it by banishing the brightest light in the galaxy and therefore condemning it to live in shadow. Will she risk everything, including her own exile and imprisonment at hard labor, to try and bring Luke and Ben back--or at least contact them? Only they can counter a new Sith threat, which has emerged closer to home than either Skywalker--or even Chetyra--has ever imagined possible...


NAME: Chetyra Vek

GENDER: Female

RACE: Human


APPEARANCE: Golden hair with platinum highlights, blue eyes, very fair

SPECIALTY: Treading the fine lines of the Potentium (Unifying) Force, meaning that she knows how to use Dark Side tactics while staying Light (although, as you'll see, her mastery of this skill is far from perfect...)

ROMANTIC INTERESTS: None yet, though she is attracted to all

WEAKNESS: Vulnerable to manipulation, impatient, too blunt at times

STRENGTH: Commitment to the way of the Jedi; she is not rigid

GOAL: Risk exile, and possible imprisonment, to bring her Master back!


NAME: Loru Tsana, who later becomes Darth Unum

GENDER: Female

RACE: Human

OCCUPATION: Bodyguard and servant to Master Leia Organa Solo

APPEARANCE: Like Lucy Liu, plus 30 years or so. She has gray hair.

SPECIALTY: Manipulation, in all its subtle and obvious forms.

ROMANTIC INTERESTS: Absolutely none--hence her Sith name, Unum.

WEAKNESS: Very single-minded, dogmatic, controlling

STRENGTH: Combat. Unlike Chetyra, she's a monster in battle.

GOAL: To live in a galaxy as unified and undivided as she herself is. (She's the complete opposite of my Andirrul, although twice as insane.)

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You know, I read the book from which you got this, so I'm in.

Name: Sam'kil Oscheha



Occupation: Jedi Knight

Appearence: 6'2" Blond Hair, blue eyes, caucasion. Muscle bound.

Specialty: Combat and torture. He knows that Jedi don't use it, but he can't help but knowing it, seeing as how he served the Remnant for a few months.

Romantic Interest: The twi'lek vendor in the temple cafeteria, Olo Vira.

Weakness: Far too impatient, and a little too trusting and open.

Strength: Knows when he's being tricked, sometimes, and can easily bash open a skull.

Goal: Near future: To get engaged to Olo. Far future: To end the Sith, or at least convert them.

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Sounds fun!:D


Name: Korran Syroh

Gender: Male

Race: Miraluka

Occupation: Mandalorian Warrior

Appearance: 6'4", black hair fashioned into spikes, no eyes, tan skin, stocky for his size, fleximesh bandanna covering place where eyes would be.

Specialty: Good food, computer slicing, anything related to Mandalorians really.

Romantic interests: Chetyra Vek (he wishes)

Weakness: Big mouth. Impatience.

Strength: Beskar'gam, family, Mandalorian training.

Goal: Complete construction of his Basilisk War Droid

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NAME: Ghel Thek


RACE: Human Alderaanian


APPEARANCE: 6' flat, brown cropped hair, bright blue eyes, muscular, but not incredibly buff

SPECIALTY: Influencing emotions, charisma, and mastery of Ataru, piloting

ROMANTIC INTERESTS: Married to Jaina Solo

WEAKNESS: His love for his wife

STRENGTH: His dedication to the Jedi Order and learning all there is too know about the Living Force.

GOAL: Restore the Jedi Knights, protect his wife, study the Sith Threat.

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Dunno how much time I have with school starting and all, but let's try it out.


NAME: Jagar Kord


RACE: Zabrak


APPEARANCE: Pale skin, light gray eyes, curved horns, black tattoos under his eyes and down his cheeks, fit but not particularly muscular

SPECIALTY: Lightsaber combat; physical applications of the Force; piloting


WEAKNESS: Tends to form attachments; not very sympathetic; sways from rules and standards

STRENGTH: Combat; is able to accept the situation, as well as himself

GOAL: To change himself and the Republic so that crisis will become far less common

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NAME: Kevan Drax


RACE: Human (Coruscanti)


APPEARANCE: Brown hair, Blue eyes. Slim, athletic build.

SPECIALTY: His mechanical skill. While he is adept in combat and The Force, he excels at manipulating machinery, whether it be stripping a hyperdrive or piloting a ship.


WEAKNESS: Impatience, sometimes has difficulty keeping his emotions in check. Often uses humor to mask his insecurities.

STRENGTH: dedication to the Order, and ultimately the preservation of life.

GOAL: Stopping who (or what) is responsible for stirring the Anti-Jedi hatred across the galaxy.

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((Looks like fun. :D))


NAME: Dray Shora


RACE: Echani

OCCUPATION: Echani Battle Master/Jedi Weapons master

APPEARANCE: White hair, Blue eyes. Powerfully built.

SPECIALTY: Weapons expert. He is also proficent in Force and hand to hand combat.


WEAKNESS: His hatred for the sith

STRENGTH: Dedication to the Jedi Order and his ability to adapt to battle situations in a short amount of time.

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NAME: Rolan Shain


RACE: Human


APPEARANCE:This, dressed in this.

SPECIALTY: Dual-wielding blaster pistols, sweet talking.

ROMANTIC INTERESTS: Any half-decent looking man or woman who might cross his path

WEAKNESS: Too much of a soft spot for the good looking.

STRENGTH: He gets the job done.

GOAL: Nothing long-term


NAME: Arren Kaltas

GENDER: Female

RACE: Human


APPEARANCE: Liv Tyler, but wearing this

SPECIALTY: Diplomacy, Soresu

ROMANTIC INTERESTS: None, she hasn't overcome the loss of her husband during the Second Galactic Civil War

WEAKNESS: Very protective of her infant son

STRENGTH: Unmatched in determination

GOAL: To return Master Skywalker and his son Ben from exile.

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NAME: Jalok Betra


RACE: Human

OCCUPATION: Exchange Compeer


SPECIALTY: Jalok is an expert in persuasion and manipulation, and knows how to wield a lightsaber and do some force powers. He is also handy with a blaster.


EQUIPMENT: A westar-37 blaster pistol,(upgraded westar-34 able to fire at great distances and equipped with a auto-targeting system), an antique Westar M-5.

WEAKNESS: Has excessive pride, unable to come up with strategies

STRENGTH: Can do force powers and wield a lightsaber, handy with a blaster pistol, manipulative.

GOAL: Destroy the Republic and take over the galaxy.

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RACE: Human


APPEARANCE: http://mikajima.deviantart.com/art/Gray-Fox-97828235

SPECIALTY: Unarmed Combat


WEAKNESS: Quiet, Honor bound

STRENGTH: Combat. He's a master of unarmed combat and very experienced with a blade. He also has sharp reflexes making him very hard to hit.

GOAL: To help when someone needs it

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Hmm, this looks like fun...too bad I haven't joined earlier:D



Name: Ve'ker'nac "Vek" Das'tak




Race: Human {But slightly more, as he is Mandalorian}


Occupation: None really, he is more of a nomadic warrior, or Martial Artist, living off the land and whatever opportunity provided.


Appearance: He stands slightly tall at 6'1,' has black hair, and his left eye is blue, while the other is brown. He has numberous scars all over his body, though the most evident are on his face. Vek wears gray-black armor, which is heavily battle-scarred, showing his experience{and intimidates possible enemies}. His helmet is black, with red lightning streaks painted on the sides. He sports a small, dirty, red sash from his right shoulder, he also keeps several pelts on his belt. He carries everything he needs in a small satchel that hangs from his left shoulder. He also sports a black jetpack, though he uses it sparingly, as fuel is expensive for someone without a stable income. He wears his weapons openly, a katana sheathed at his side, and his gauntlets always at full power.


Romantic Interests: None, at this time.


Strength: Combat and strategy, he's Mandalorian, so being a great warrior is not a problem. But what puts him apart from the others is his intellect, he's both a scientific and tactical genius, and asides from that, he seems...more human, so to say, then most of his past counterparts. Mostly due to his attachment both to the force, and the Manda. He has enough force ability to use the mind trick, moving stuff around, and even force-lightning.


Weaknesses: For all brains and brawn and Mandalorian killer-ethics, he cares greatly for the health of others, and can easily be swayed to save other people. He is also extremely quiet, and a bit anti-social at times. This serves to alienate him from others. He is also greatly bound to the honorable ways of the Mandalorian Knights.


Goal: To find that small measure of peace that has evaded him for so long...

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