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J7's random tinkerings thread... (56k beware!)


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Yeah, I guess you could also go for obscure feats like Juhani's Perceptive feat, which I believe is unique to her.


Bastila already has Battle Meditation, which is unique to her. Juhani has her Force Cloak (the power actually comes from a stealth belt in her hidden item slot). I forget what Jolee's unique feat is. Canderous has his regeneration. If you find out all the unique passive feats that people have you can use them as requirements for items.


I've used the unique feats for Bastila, Juhani and Jolee (Force Focus) to stop others wearing them. In Canderous case, his regeneration is done via a hidden equippable item.. So it's not a feat...


With new Sith eyes:


"The city is in ruins."


*cuts to shot of eyes*




Hehe... Update on Malak... I'm aiming to stay pretty true to Bioware's original conception for him, but hope he looks better and more threatening here;



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I like the change, and yet for some reason I also like just the simple Sith eyes addition. Do you think you could include both in Force Fashion?


Won't be included in FFk1, but its in my LF photo album ;) The inspiration for the above change can be seen here;




Meanwhile, been doing minor changes to Jolee, so he's wearing his clothes when you meet him first on Kashyyyk;



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Hey Cap, yeah I'd love to have a look at what you've done with Davik, your WIP thread has alot really great stuff in it! :) Force Fashion K1 is basically a mod by the "Holowan Knights" i.e. it has contributions from a great many modders, such as (in no particular order) Quanon, RedRob41, Dak_Drexl, Qui-Gon Glenn, Prime, Xavier2, Chainz.da, Kha, Darth Jacen, Varsity Puppet, Maruis Fett, Darth333 and many others, so it's very much a community effort and would not be possible without everyone here at Holowan chipping in and being so generous with their work.


Cool, you can include anything i make that you like. :)


Yeah, we have been working on similar lines; including updating the low poly aliens and changing the Dark Jedi, its much further back in the thread; See this post for what I had done with the Dark Jedi (click me) Great minds thing alike ;)


Nice!, those dark jedi look really good... if those are replacements for the standard ones you could use the ones i made for the 3 masters at the end for even more variety (i'd be willing to pimp them up a bit further as well, maybe resize them to 1024 or something). :)


As a side note, a bit of a shame about the lack of some models though, having a robe/disguise be gender specific (can that actually be done?, as in 'restricted to male'/'restricted to female' characters?) is strange and runs counter to the norm in the game... someone needs to make a female darth bandon armor's model (!!!).


(...)never made much sense that no-one would know who Revan was so wearing a disguise made sense, at least to me...(...)


Well... but you (the player), until a particular point in the game, aren't supposed to know that you're Revan either, isn't? so it wouldn't make much sense to be running around in disguise... it's part of the plot that no one recognizes you until the thing is revealed, the player is just supposed to explain that away with a 'you were lucky you didn't ran into someone who would recognize you' (except perhaps Jolee, who just keeps it to himself). A disguise would make more sense after that point then, methinks.


Bastila stats are Defence Bonus +1, Stealth Bonus 5, Charisma +1 and restricted to Jedi Sentinel to try and stop others being able to wear it...


That ok?


Stats look decent (as opposed to 98% of overpowered stuff found on kotorfiles for k1 :p), but, while the stealth and defense bonus is ok, the +1 charisma is too much (imo), in both use and justification: that +1 obviously rounds up her charisma granting her more force points which would make the rest of Taris and some of Dantooine even easier as well as allowing the player to put 2 attribute points into something else because there'd be no 'need' to use one for her charisma (until you change her robes of course). And as for the justification, she surely wasn't wearing it on board her ship among the soldiers and jedi companions, so it is something quickly patched up after her rescue, so why such a disguise to conceal her features would make her more charismatic?

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@J7, Here's some screenshots of the Davik's armor variations i mentioned (different colors because i never liked the buffonesque purples in the original):


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52875961.png --- 56786639.png

And some alternate colors:


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94755662.png --- 83316260.png

Let me know what you think. :)

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@J7, Here's some screenshots of the Davik's armor variations I mentioned (different colors because i never liked the buffonesque purples in the original):




Let me know what you think. :)


I like the female version of the armor but the male version . . . the part with the split semi-circle and the box underneath - it looks like in put on top on the armor as an after-throught.




I'm referring to the areas I've highlighted above. If you can somehow "smooth out" those areas, I think you'd have a winner here.

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^ I like that one too, especially the gloves and boots, very nice! Tip on smoothing the areas too, I bet that region can be recolored and contrasted to about the same look from the default medium armor variant, around the edges of the main rectangle there. May save some hassle with the smoothing.

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I like the female version of the armor but the male version . . . the part with the split semi-circle and the box underneath - it looks like in put on top on the armor as an after-throught.


I'm referring to the areas I've highlighted above. If you can somehow "smooth out" those areas, I think you'd have a winner here.


I'm not sure i understand... do you mean, as 90SK above suggested, the edges of the main rectangle there? if so, they only differ from the original in that they are a bit darker and wider (i did that after re-size so they would be more defined, but now that you point it out they do seem a bit more pronounced than the other edges of the armor), in any case, it should only be a couple of clicks to change. :)


I like that one too, especially the gloves and boots, very nice! (...)


Thanks! (about the extra parts, there's some details i wasn't able to iron out though so it's not as perfect as i imagined it but i think it looks good enough...)

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The red details are really pulling Yuthura's outfit together :thumbsup:


Camouflage works IMO (just like in RotJ on Endor). The problem I have with the armor is the grey plate over the sternum; it looks like light is hitting it from below, whereas all the other ab plates are top lit. I'm just going by the highlights & shadows.

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Nice update J7, the armour looks lovely. Though I gotta agree with the rest: the skin on my helmet doesn't seem to match very well. Somehow the helmet looks more darker then when I made it or can remember :lol:


I'dd mess about with the skin of the helmet, to get the same "feel".

Oh, Yuthura looks really neat :-)

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The red details are really pulling Yuthura's outfit together :thumbsup:


Camouflage works IMO (just like in RotJ on Endor). The problem I have with the armor is the grey plate over the sternum; it looks like light is hitting it from below, whereas all the other ab plates are top lit. I'm just going by the highlights & shadows.


Will look into it, part of it is the sternum, is not near the chest plates, so when I textured it hadn't really thought about light direction.


I agree that the mask could use a little more texturing. Maybe some shades of gray, or just a re-iteration of the camo theme. But solid black seems depthless.


Nice update J7, the armour looks lovely. Though I gotta agree with the rest: the skin on my helmet doesn't seem to match very well. Somehow the helmet looks more darker then when I made it or can remember :lol:


I'dd mess about with the skin of the helmet, to get the same "feel".

Oh, Yuthura looks really neat :-)


In answer to you both, its your original texture Q, and trust me Zhaboka when I say the texture looks beautiful. But the light doesn't seem to be reacting with the helmet, the helmet appears dark in game due to some sort of error light and the helmet, rather than it being a texture issue... The helmet is almost acting as a black hole... If you follow?

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Ooh, thanks for that bit of info. Cause I'm sure my model doesn't have a "black" underlayer. The diffuse was the regular neutral gray on the diffuse channel in the Material palette. Normally that should avoid faults like on my helmet.


It's odd I can't seem to remember this appearing in my own game.

Saddly I can't do anything about at the moment. I'm in the hospital, just using a small Ebook :)

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