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J7's random tinkerings thread... (56k beware!)


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The brown should turn into Juhanis skin. Since Predators is out I want a net over her body, to make her a killer hunter x-D


Oh, so you're not talking about the golden brown on her shins or fore arms, but the almost blackish brown on her thighs and biceps? Kind of like Redhawke's siberian Cathar, right?

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Oh, so you're not talking about the golden brown on her shins or fore arms, but the almost blackish brown on her thighs and biceps? Kind of like Redhawke's siberian Cathar, right?


Yeah. That's what I was pointing at.


The shins are of the same dark brown leather. Forearms are black, the same as the black borders around the cherry red corset.


Perhaps I should shift it all to the same brown or the black... The golden metal details are staying, I luuuve gold :lol:

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Aww, kitty face.


She looks like a proper CAThar now.


Could you also include an optional version with hair? PFHB02 hair would do.

I haven't had any success yet with merging models, but I am going to at least try to change the hair. That being said, even if I do get one to work, there's no guarantee that the hair would animate like a dangly mesh... it might remain solid. If that's the case, I'd have to do something much tighter and constricted than B02. We'll see, and cross our fingers, eh?


The shins are of the same dark brown leather. Forearms are black, the same as the black borders around the cherry red corset.


Perhaps I should shift it all to the same brown or the black... The golden metal details are staying, I luuuve gold :lol:

4 colours still works well. When in doubt, make one with only black, one with only brown, and one with both :D They can fight it out in the Taris duelling pit, and whichever comes out on top gets put in the mod.

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4 colours still works well. When in doubt, make one with only black, one with only brown, and one with both :D They can fight it out in the Taris duelling pit, and whichever comes out on top gets put in the mod.


To late now, I've gone for the black :p


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Only a annoying seem problem on the shoulder armour, this a minor fix. Though it needs attention. This nearly done now; just need to do a good job on the furry skin. That needs to match the lion head and cheetah head.


Oh, the small pouch on her belt aswell ofcourse :lol:


Mind folks, in the screens above I didn't use the altered head; so it looks a bit whacky.

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What's a full new look for an important jedi party member without a new hilt?

Worthless ofcourse; that's why I've started work on this.


Beware very early WIP; a lot more needs to be added.


And just for you DDD, aka Marius; a BIG @SS RESOLUTION SHOT!!! :lol:

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What's a full new look for an important jedi party member without a new hilt?

Worthless ofcourse; that's why I've started work on this.


Beware very early WIP; a lot more needs to be added.


And just for you DDD, aka Marius; a BIG @SS RESOLUTION SHOT!!! :lol:

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Looks absolutely awesome Q :D - Perhaps we should do a LS and DS version?

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What's a full new look for an important jedi party member without a new hilt?

Worthless ofcourse; that's why I've started work on this.


Beware very early WIP; a lot more needs to be add

it looks beautiful, but frail. Quite the opposite of the vanilla Juhani :lol:. It's a good thing I'm prettying her up :xp:


So, are you going to put some kind of energy effect in the handles, between the points?

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it looks beautiful, but frail. Quite the opposite of the vanilla Juhani :lol:. It's a good thing I'm prettying her up :xp:


So, are you going to put some kind of energy effect in the handles, between the points?


I might :D


Though I'm considering other "filling" options. That should take away the frailty of the construction. But like I said, more details are going to be added.


So it'll require some experimenting to find the right look :p

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How extremely very ****ing dare you. :p


Sweet hilt, mind. :xp:


Héhéhé, I'll never forget Marius, never. :p


Here's an update on the hilt, the LS version. I've played around with it and decided that trying to add, didn't work out well. So copy/past, some rotating and scaling... did the job. KISS (KeepItSimpleStupid); works best.


Well here it is, now to texture this thing >_>


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for those who want to know what changes I've made to the model, here are some pics:

UPDATE: I think I've ironed out all of the clipping issues. The biggest change, was that I was able to move the pony tail (mesh as well as bones) without any problems. The gif now also has jonathan7's lioness & cheetah skins (after I changed the hair line on them).


static screenshot ------ animated gif

juhanibeforeafter2.th.jpg juhanibeforeafter2.th.gif


Comments are always welcome. I have a question too, since I changed the stripe pattern on her eyebrows so that she doesn't look too angry, does she now look too wimpy?

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I wouldn't say wimpy. But, and this is just an idea that I've had when viewing previous versions of your model, but changing the eyes a bit more "cat like".




As we see here with Sylvar, her pupils are triangular rather than Juhani's circular.


Might also be neat to have a dark side version for her grove encounter. Perhaps with war paint as we saw in the final chapter of "Redemption". Sith eyes - maybe/maybe not?

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I wouldn't say wimpy. But, and this is just an idea that I've had when viewing previous versions of your model, but changing the eyes a bit more "cat like".




As we see here with Sylvar, her pupils are triangular rather than Juhani's circular.


Might also be neat to have a dark side version for her grove encounter. Perhaps with war paint as we saw in the final chapter of "Redemption". Sith eyes - maybe/maybe not?


We may do an eye variation one, although big cats actually have circular pupils rather than the diamond shaped ones that most domestic cats have.

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Time I did another update in this thread.

UVWmapping is in full swing for the lightsaber hilt, but that's not really thrilling to show off. So, instead I also continued some work on the skin I was working on.


Here are the results so far:




The visible skin parts I burrowed from Redrobs reskin of Juhanis underwear skin ;)

Buuuuuttt; it seems things get awefully switched around; take the legs for instance. I had to switch front and back around for my skin.


Same annoying thing with the upperarm, which gets sliced in two. Shoulder is a loose part. Getting it all smoothly blended without to much obvious seems is .... driving me crazy :lol:


Plus we have differant versions: Cheetah, Lion.... and the fishnet thing looks to heavy >_>


Must find something to solve that to.

It never ends... bah :p

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I see... so, the chest and stomach are visible through the center of the corset (covered by mesh). I'll have to send you a copy of my underwear psd, so that you can copy it without the jewelry.


I agree that the mesh does seem rather overpowering, and it is hard to see the fur details underneath. Perhaps for the arms and legs you could make the spacing of the mesh larger, and make the colour a dark grey or brown rather than black? The mesh on the corset looks ok.

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Super tight. The model is fantastic, especially with the ponytail down further. The skinning of the hair is still messing with me though. I think the hairline is is down far too much. It makes her look like she has a pseudo bowl cut, which I guess would be fine, but her hair is pulled back into a ponytail, thus negating the evil bowl cut. There's my two cents. You know what? Because I'm a nice guy here's a third penny!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I see... so, the chest and stomach are visible through the center of the corset (covered by mesh). I'll have to send you a copy of my underwear psd, so that you can copy it without the jewelry.


Ah, dang, pretty late to reply... your away, enjoying free time x-D


But, yes, your PSD would come in handy; also some tips on solving nasty seems.

Cause the layout for her legs are differant on the underwear skin. Things get switched about.


I agree that the mesh does seem rather overpowering, and it is hard to see the fur details underneath. Perhaps for the arms and legs you could make the spacing of the mesh larger, and make the colour a dark grey or brown rather than black? The mesh on the corset looks ok.


I tried making giving the mesh a more wider spacing, euh bigger gaps, you know :p

Also tried the a more darkish grey colour instead of black, still I only got the result posted previously. I do know you did some skins in with the body mesh: so any tips on that aswell? What secret PS tricks do you use? :)


On other news folks: a full textured lightsaber hilt! Picture time!

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Though not yet ingame. That'll be for another time ;)

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dear sweet mother of god.


...how many polys is that exactly? :p


5264 polys :)


And how big is the texture


2048x2048 pixels, think it's about 4 or 8 times the size most weapon textures get in the standard game. Mind many high-res mods use this sort of format to give you a nice quality :p


Is that a granite/marble texture (red stuff)? Me likey.


Indeed it's marble: found back 2 PDFs that contained marble samples. I luuuvve using this stuff on saberhilts.


Ok, that's a NICE hilt. I wouldn't mind using that.


Well, you'll soon be able to have a swing with this hilt. I just need to make a neat looking DS hilt now. Plus finishing up my Juhani skin. Then it's in the hands of my compadré's J7 and RedRob.

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