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Quanons Crazy Projects!


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Slowy but surely I'm decorating my street area. Things are crawling forward; but I still need more stuff to dump in there. I'm pillaging TSL areas for crates and containers. Also enlarged my commercial signs. They where rather smallish.


And after awhile I started to play with the lights.

So ended up with renders. :lol:


Have a peek, they're quiete colourfull.


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Look at all the colorful lights! Reminds me of a club. As always, your work is splendid!


Well, that's sort of the look I was after. In TSL you're running about the drab and sad Refugee sector. I consider my area to be the "FUN" sector. It's where the inhabitants from all around the city converge to have a good time.


If I ever get it finished you'll be able to visist 4 to 5 differant clubs :lol:


:ave you considered having any of the signs animate?


Yes, but area animations are still not possible. Doing an animated texture is possible; but either it's something very simple and ruff. Or you need a very big file and lots of work.


At the moment they won't be animated. I want to finish this mod, so I've got to watch out and not get dragged down by details.


i just walked through that whole area and couldn't stop saying "wow".



Great job Quanon. It seems to be alive, even without anyone in the module.


Very nice! I thinks its starting to look better then the ORG Nar Shadda.


Thanks! Really glad you guys like the area ^_^


Nice! Some of the TSL default crates will help you stacked up at random against those bare walls.


So far I was checking out the Ebon Hawk interieur model... there ain't much crates in there >_>

Another part of the decorating will be done with placeables, but thats for later.


That looks absolutely superb Q. I still get a Mass Effect feeling from it....But that doesn't really matter :p


Héhéhé, well; I can't deny that I really love Mass Effect. Though I wasn't planning to copy that "look". Guess it must have sneaked in unawares :lol:


Looks really really really good Quanon, I applaud your work here I hope you're able to properly finish and release these modules they are superb!


Thx, I really want this to be my best so far. Aiming to get this thing working with proper lightmaps. Else it just won't feel the same as the above renders.

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Doing an animated texture is possible; but either it's something very simple and ruff. Or you need a very big file and lots of work.


At the moment they won't be animated. I want to finish this mod, so I've got to watch out and not get dragged down by details.

Why don't you let me deal with some details for ya? I've got a few ideas for some simple animated silhouettes that I could try out.

I also worked on some commercial signs/ screens. Here's a small peek on how that's shaping up:




From left to right: Huttese escort burea, next a attorney/ lawyer service, then a U-shaped sign showing off an arms shop at the top and a dance club, last is a new type of starship for sale.

If you send me some psd files and the ascii models (just for uvw reference), I could take a stab at some simple animations. Nothing fancy, but I could do a few things like this video:


@ 6:13 (Dancer silhouette top center)

@ 6:18 (Dancer silhouette upper right)

@ 6:26 (Alien heads giving thumbs up, Pink vs Blue)

Oh, the nice skins for the Twi'lek and Chiss girl where made by Redrob. In some distant past he passed them along to me to have some rendering fun.


I figured they would look good on my commercial signs :D

That they do :thumbsup:. I'm glad you can make such good use of them :)

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Why don't you let me deal with some details for ya? I've got a few ideas for some simple animated silhouettes that I could try out.


If you send me some psd files and the ascii models (just for uvw reference), I could take a stab at some simple animations. Nothing fancy, but I could do a few things like this video:


That they do :thumbsup:. I'm glad you can make such good use of them :)


Allright, now this is an offer I can't refuse :lol:

The UVWmaps are pretty simple, though I might have to tweak them a bit. They where quickly made, so are sort of sloppy to properly use for animation stuff :)

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Another Quanon and Redrob41 collaboration? I am so looking forward to seeing the results of that!


Héhéhé, well I was planning to ask RedRob to do my characters and make some neat party outfits :lol:

But that is still sort of a loooooong way off. Not 1 area is in the game so far.

Though I guess it couldn't hurt to ask? :)

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  • 2 weeks later...



Back with an update. No big street area this time, but one of the clubs you'll be able to visit. It's a small underground club, you'll find it at an end of the little alleys. I textured most of it, just need to focus on the barstools and tables now. Perhaps throw in some of those commercial screens for some extra bling.


I think this will be my first candidate to put into TSL, it's a small area so shouldn't be as frustrating to get it to work as my big ass street area :lol:

I've also been sketching out that new "palace" for Vogga The Hutt. He plays an important role in my mod, but I found the small room he's sitting in in TSL to be a bit poor for a Hutt of his status. So that's why I'll make him a new proper fancy looking throne room :D


Anyway here's some renders of the club so far:

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