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Star Wars: Legacy of Hope

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The Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer, under the command of Darth Sethos, entered the atmosphere of the Planet known as Socorro. The design of the Pellaeon is easily associated to that of the Empire, something Darth Sethos found great comfort in. The Malevolent One was to land in the city of Vakeyya, something Sethos discovered after deep meditation. Vakkeya, as his chief intelligence officer tells him, is the capital city of Socorro, and thus its most important. Sethos did not ask the Vakeyyan Dock Control permission to land, neither did he need to. The Vakkeyan ships were too afraid to directly confront The Malevolent One.


The ship found a good landing spot in the spaceports of the massive city. The people who came out first, that of Darth Sethos and ten of his elite guard, found themselves being confronted by local police forces.


"This landing pad is reserved. Please leave immediately", said one of them, who appeared to be the commanding officer.


Sethos stared at the brave and soon-to-be dead man.


"Do you know who I am, fool?", He remarked. The officer stood his ground, then pointed his blaster at the Sith Lord. His twenty or so companions followed suit.


Sethos snatched his lightsaber from its holster with his right hand, then lighted it. The red blade was enough to scare the commanding officer, but he still did not run away. Whether it was of fear, or resolve, Sethos still does not know. Sethos then used his left hand to choke the police man, all the while lifting him up into the air.


"It's Darth Sethos to you, fool!"


With one final closing of his fist, the commanding officer found himself breathless and after a few moments, dead at the floor. The other policemen started firing at Sethos. His twenty guards dispatched of them quickly, using their red shotos while Sethos deflected all their blaster fire.


Onlookers were shocked, and they soon ran away. Sethos has made his presence known to the survivor.

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"Thats the basic equivilance to what I said, so there wont be much difference..."


Lyna smiled at Cade. "Of course..."


Later, after they left The Ossanian Angel, Lyna, along with Cade, Nale, and Cyan, walked down the streets of Vakeyya. It looked a little crowded, but that didn't bother her. Deep inside, however, she was afraid of this place. Especially the mastermind that resided the Crimson Axe... Rav, the Feeorin. She didn't like him much, and was also afraid of him. But knew that she had to work for him, no matter what.


Suddenly, Lyna felt a disturbance in the Force. Something... or someone... was here, on this planet. And they weren't far. She could feel a strong darkness as well...


"Cade? Um... are we almost there at the cantina yet? I... I need someplace to sit..." Lyna asked in a soft-spoken voice.

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Cylax had to walk on the sides of the streets in order to avoid people running into him. He looked up at Cade's group, and kept his eyes fixed on the jedi. He knew he could easily take a shot now, but there was no fun in that. Cade's death would be be far too quick and painless. He wouldn't know the pain that Cylax had went through; Cylax would make sure he did. He almost jumped back when Cade turned his head around. Cylax stopped moving and did not move a muscle. He waited a few seconds after Cade turned back around before moving. He hadn't even attacked yet and Cade was already uneasy. Things were looking good for Cylax. Now how would he get Cade alone from the others? His eyes darted around the streets until they caught the back of a woman's head. It was that girl that was always following him around...Lyna Honso. He could use her as bait to get Skywalker, but how to isolate her as well? He looked down at the small creature that was with them and smiled. He could easily get that stupid beast to run away from the group. He was slowly forming the plan in his head while he waited for the group to rest.

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"Sir, the Red Beelte is prepared to land." FH-78 said, Austin glared at the droid.

"I know," He replied, "And don't bother with talking with other droids, I hate it when you get carried away, then I have to give you a memory wipe, you know I hate it when you grow a personality." The droid didn't seem offended by this, as it had lost it's emotions from the last memory wipe.

"The equipment is ready for your employer, fifty blaster rifles for each box of two boxes."

"Did you double check?" Austin asked.

"Why yes, yes I did sir," FH answered proudly.

"Good," Austin said, the droid was growing a personality again, but this wasn't the best time to perform a memory wipe. He pressed a few buttons on the control panel which deactivated the Beetles cloaked status, he then opened up a comm channel.

"Red Beetle requesting permission to land in Vakkeyya." He said.

"Vakkeya Dock Control 4 is processing you request." Said a rodian.

"Any day now," Austin said to himself.

"Red Beetle, this is Vakkeyya Dock Control 4, your permission has been granted, proceed to docking bay 25." Said the rodian.

"Affirmative," Austin replied. The Bettle had landed in the hangar, fortunately he landed in just the right spot for Kalor his employer.

"Alright FH, let's get these supplies out of the ship and get to Kalor." he said.

"Affirmative, sir" Replied FH-78.

"Hopefully this goes quickly, trandoshans are known to be impatient." Austin said to himself.


((I seem to like dialogue :p))

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"Cade? Um... are we almost there at the cantina yet? I... I need someplace to sit..."


"Wanna piggy-back then?" Cade jested. "We're almost there..."


He could sense Lyna's felt disturbance. Her and him both; they were being followed. Nale sighed behind them.


I have never seen a moment where she and that pet of hers have ever seperated... he thought.


"Wouldnt it be wise to leave that pet of your back on the ship?" Nale added. Then he took a moment to think about what he said. "Actually, I take that back! That thing would probably cause more work for me to do if we leave it on the ship..."


"I agree..." Cade whispered, making sure Lyna couldnt hear that remark of his.


Eventually the group approached the cantina Cade had in mind of visiting. They moved through the crowd of drunk people, and into the dining area where it seemed slightly more civilised.

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The scent of alcohol, vomit, and wreaking sweat; that was the smell of the cantina.


The sounds of laughter, shouting, cheering, breaking glasses, and distant thumping as people fought; that was the sound of the cantina.


Yet despite his greatest of reservations, Slate still had to come here to conduct his planning, since he lacked a formal 'hideout', and this was one of the 'better' cantinas when it came to it's patrons being less rowdy, and the food actually being half-decent.


Slate sat at a booth table, that, from his frequent visits to this particular cantina, had unofficially, 'officially' become his booth, as every patron had learned not to infringe on that particular booth while he was, at the least, present.


As the ex-Imperial Knight sat staring at the empty booth seat opposite of himself, he probed the crowd with the Force, feeling for any threats, or particularly 'different' people. Most were drunks, gamblers, or those who wanted to remain, and even look - almost to a fault, nondescript. It was all normal, except...


"Hm?" The Assassin barely uttered to himself as he felt the new, non-drunk presences enter the cantina. They were far different from anyone who he normally felt, far more like himself, in the sense that they had a stronger connection to the Force from what he could tell. And they felt, familiar, almost eerily so. Slate straightened up in his seat, maneuvering himself around to see who these newcomers were.

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"Wanna piggy-back then?" Cade jested. "We're almost there..."


"Always gotta be the funny bone," Lyna thought with a warm smile.


"Wouldnt it be wise to leave that pet of your back on the ship?" Nale added. Then he took a moment to think about what he said. "Actually, I take that back! That thing would probably cause more work for me to do if we leave it on the ship..."


Cyan looked up at Nale, and squealed. It was as if she knew what everyone was saying. She jumped from the ground and on Lyna's shoulder. The young woman smiled at her, and patted the little binjinphant's head.


They were finally inside the cantina Cade wanted to go to. It was a good thing that Lyna was with Cade and Nale, otherwise, these guys would try and hit on her.


Sitting at the table that was good for them, Lyna looked down, playing with her fingers. She still wondered what that strange feeling was. As if... someone with the Dark Side was here... searching for something. Or someone.

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The Shadow Dwellers. A name made to strike deep into the brains of every creature, and intoxicate it with fear. A name that makes even the strongest of men tremble, and bend over for the impending storm. The Shadow Dwellers are never the oppressed, but always the oppressors. Today was no exception.


Darth Sethos had received no additional resistance from the local government since his incident with the police. He wondered if they were up to something. The possibilities of a city thinking on its own send shivers down Sethos's spine, and the thought of it had outnumbered whatever threats this "survivor" might pose. Sethos realized what he had to do first.


One of the Shadow Dwellers, who will only be known by his callsign "Praetorian", stood beside Sethos. Praetorian served as Sethos's personal bodyguard, although Sethos rarely had need of his services. He was mainly there in case betrayal strikes. Praetorian was one of the best Shadow Dwellers there was, and his mind was completely programmed to be loyal to Sethos and Sethos alone. This is a most comforting fact for a man of Sethos's power.


"Praetorian. Order the Shadow Dwellers and the rest of the Bloodbringers to take over this city. Spill as much blood as possible. Send our ships and set up a blockade around this pathetic planet. Not a single spaceship will pass, or I will have all of your heads."


Praetorian knew better than to question his master's orders, and he took a bow to him.

"Understood, sire. I will get to it right away."


He walked away from his master, into the ship known as the Malevolent One. The order he presented to the rest of Sethos's army was to change Serrocco's history forever...

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Cylax made an attempt to cross the street as he saw Cade go into a cantina; Typical move for his prey. A man running from something bumped into Cylax and nearly made him fall. He deactivated his camo and grabbed the man by the throat. He slammed him into a wall before letting him go.


"Next time watch where you're going." he hissed at the man.


Cylax put his camo back on and stopped right before the entrance to the cantina. He put his back to the wall and stuck his head out to see where Cade was sitting. He pointed his gun arm at not Cade but the binjinphant. Rather than fire his weapon he set it to a high pitched frequency that only it would be able to hear. A high pitched ringing shout out from his arm towards the cantina. Cylax would have no way of knowing if it worked as he could not here it. The only way he would know is if the creature reacted.

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So many landing pad's, so little ships that really fit was he was looking for. Dravin walked along the landing pad as he noticed something odd, people were screaming and running towards him. This made him slightly tilt his head to the right and let out a soft sigh. As a woman was running by he stuck out his foot slightly and tripped her causing her to fall flat on her face making a soft squeaking noise. Calmly he walked over towards her and lowered himself into a squat on her left side.


"What are you running from?" Dravin asked the female with the fire red hair as she slowly got upon her hands and needs. He could tell that fear obviously comsummed her very essence. Her big green eyes glistened with the tears of fear as if at any moment she expected Dravin to strike her down and kill her.


"Ple... please... Don't kill me." she said with a stutter in her voice.


Again he tilt his head to the side still just as confused as before. Dravin didn't think he was that threatening looking, mysterious maybe but threatening, never in his life. Slowly he ran his tongue along his chapped lips supplying some moisture to them before he spoke in a calm voice.


"I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to know whats going on?" he let out a soft sigh.


Then suddenly he heard a buzzing sound flying through the air. He turned into the direction of the noise to see a black throwing spear coming right towards them. Dravin's hazel eyes grew wise in fear as he inhaled deeply. But before he could react when he noticed the spear lunging with all its might towards the woman it impaled her. Pinning her into the landing bay. The spear missed vital organs allowing her to suffer as she desperately clingged to life. But slowly as if he could feel it course through every fiber of his being Dravin felt her life fade away in the vast void of nothing.


Slowly he raised his hand upon the hilt of his blaster as he stood upon his two feet to look upon the being that would kill a woman over nothing. A person who edmitted the coldest aura he had ever felt. This made his jaw clench and swallow hard the saliva that was in his mouth. His heart raced in his chest that was either out of the excitment of the moment, or the begining of fear.


"Guess this is the last time I hunt for a ship alone..." he muttered to himself, ready to fight what ever this thing was.

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Austin had just exited the docking bay, and everyone was running around screaming.


"Why is everyone running from something? Is there some rancor running loose? Nah, probably just some angry group of gammorreons." He said to himself.


"There you are human." Said a trandoshan.


"Ah, Kalor, there you are, your supplies are here, did you notice that these people are running from something. What do you think it is?" Austin asked.


"Yes, I did see this, it is quite obvious human, many said something about a 'sith lord', but this is not what I'm here for. Give me the supplies, and I will pay you your credits." Answered Kalor. Austin widened his eyes, a sith lord, it can't be Sethos, no now.


"Uh, yeah, yeah, here are your blasters." He said. He gave him the crates of blaster rifles, and Kalor tossed him five hundred credits, and then headed off. If these are sith, they wouldn't hurt me, I'm part of the empire myself. Austin then headed off to the cantina.

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Cade sat on a chair by the table opposite Lyna. Nale sat between them on the end of the table.


There was a large datapad that acted as the menu for the table - Nale grabbed it so he can have a look at what this cantina had offered.


"Sorry I couldnt find a place more decent" Cade apoligised "- its just mainly cantinas, gambling areas and all sorts of places you wouldnt quite approve of me going to."


Cade turned his head back to the crowd. Though his connection to the force had slightly deadened over time, he had the feeling somebody was after him. Then again, everybody was after him nowadays. He wasnt too worried - Cade always did manage to get himself out of bad situations.

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Slate had spotted the three, studying them carefully.


'A male Zabrak, a male Human, and a female Human,' Came the glancing thought off of the surface of his high-processing mind, as he studied the party, noticing the little binjiphant as well. Then it hit him, Slate hastily reaching into one of his belt pouches. What the armored man pulled out was a datapad photo, the front had the picture of a young girl on it, with a signature.


At this Slate stood up, removing himself from his position in the secluded booth, he approached the group of people, while still holding to the datapad photo. As he drew closer he finally recognized the male as Cade Skywalker, someone quite well known among Bounty Hunters, Mercenaries, Assassins, and such; this knowledge didn't hinder Slate in the least as he reached the table where the small group sat.


If his predictions were right, neither the girl nor Cade would strike at him, knowing that they might recognize his armor and even his presence in the Force. If nothing else, he didn't seem all that threatening to two people that he knew had lightsabers on them, even if only one of them could handle their lightsaber effectively; with his only visible weapon being his 'Caster' pistol, he didn't look as if he'd be much of a fight, beyond the fact that his armor was rather intimidating.


"Cade Skywalker, descendant of the legendary Luke and Anakin Skywalker, how very pleasant to see you..." Slate spoke quietly (so as not to gather attention), in his naturally smooth, yet cold voice, his head averting to the girl. "...And, Lyna. Honso," he spoke, pausing between her first and surname, placing the datapad photo on the table picture up, revealing the image of the photo as Lyna herself, with her signature on it.


"Young, beautiful, trusting, and naive; former slave, and dancer...." He continued, still speaking quietly to avoid unwanted attention, he seemed to study her for a brief moment, not that one could tell with his armor, and helmet on. "....You haven't changed much I see," he finished, turning his head to look at all of them in a broader spectrum.


"It's been awhile since the incident on 'The Wheel', hasn't it?" He questioned, his normally emotionless voice leaking a hint of woe, and depression at the mention of 'The Wheel', and all the events that occurred afterwards. Though, one couldn't tell whether the question itself was palaver or not.

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It was truly a site to behold, the skies above Serocco. No longer was it brimming with traffic getting in or out, no longer were there any ships but his own. Sethos relished the thought that he had just blockaded a planet.


Where is your Republic now?, he thought, as he looked above and saw only magnificence. A magnificent military work indeed. The blockade has encountered no resistance besides that of mere pirates and smugglers, wishing to get in or out of the desert planet. And who would want to resist them anyway? Who would have the courage to stand up to a gargantuan fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers?


A thin smile began to take shape over the deformed lips of Darth Sethos, amazed at the brilliance of his Shadow Dwellers. At the moment, hundreds of the elite Bloodbringers are storming the Vakkeyan Palace, to establish a martial law under Sethos's command. The Vakkeyan Police have been offering puny resistance, reports them, so there should be no problem taking control of Vakkeya.


Darth Sethos was now standing on a large building the Bloodbringers have established as an HQ, observing the city below. He saw hundreds of citizens being massacred from the impending flood that is the Bloodbringers. He watched as Blaster casings flew all around the place as civilians fell. He watched the pathetic civilian try to use his vibroblade against one of the elite warriors, only to be decapitated with one swift blow from a Shadow Dweller. This was not war. This was massacre.


Suddenly, Sethos heard footsteps behind him. He did not have to turn around to figure out who he was. He already knew.


"What word do you bring, Praetorian?", said Sethos, a firm authoritative tone in his voice.


Praetorian was used to the routine. He bowed down, the began his report.


"Sir, there has been word of an insurgency trying to push us out of Serocco. They're weak the the moment, but they bolster forces by the hundreds. They've caught 67th Company off-guard, sir, and unfortunately, 67th has been decimated."


Sethos turned around at this news. He did not expect any resistance from the local populace.


"Have you knowledge of the source of this rebellion?", asked Sethos.


Praetorian nodded.

"Yes, sir. We believe their main recruitment center is the local cantina. It might be worth paying a visit there. We just need your thumbs-up sir."


"Mobilize my speeder. I'll go there myself."

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((Get ready, Darth Betrayal! Lyna's outside. :D ))


As Lyna sat at the table, lost in her own world, the young woman noticed an armored man with a helmet come to them. He seemed familiar. He began to tell them about 'The Wheel', telling her and Cade about themselves, and showing her a signed picture... of her!


Lyna tilted her head a little at the newcomer. Suddenly... it hit her. "Slate? Slate Q'nal? Omigosh, it has been long!" She shook his hand joyfully. "Yes! Now I remember you! It's great to see ya."


Cylax put his camo back on and stopped right before the entrance to the cantina. He put his back to the wall and stuck his head out to see where Cade was sitting. He pointed his gun arm at not Cade but the binjinphant. Rather than fire his weapon he set it to a high pitched frequency that only it would be able to hear. A high pitched ringing shout out from his arm towards the cantina. Cylax would have no way of knowing if it worked as he could not here it. The only way he would know is if the creature reacted.


When they thought that all was going all right, Cyan started to jump up and squeak. The little binjinphant jumped off the table, and created a little bit of chaos inside the cantina.


"Get it off! Someone call Animal Control! It's a rat!!" People in the cantina were screaming.


Lyna jumped from her seat, and blushed with embarrassment to Cade, Slate, and Nale. "Um... heh heh. I'll... go get her..." And with that, the young woman dashed off after Cyan. The little binjinphant ran outside, still squeaking with confusion.


The young woman came outside as well, and Force pulled Cyan to her. Holding her little pet and friend, Lyna asked, "What's gotten into ya, Cyan? You nearly scared everyone outta their pants. Well... sorta..." She began to laugh at her own joke.


Suddenly, she saw people screaming and running around. Lyna stopped someone that ran close to her. "Hey! What's going on?"


"Run for your life, girl! Run for your life!!" The male Bothan yelled, and ran away. Lyna squinted her blue eyes, staring down the road. All of a sudden, she felt the very same dark presence she felt earlier. "They're coming this way..." Lyna whispered.


Cyan jumped on her head, and hid her little face, cooing worryingly.

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Cylax smirked as he watched the creature exit the cantina in a hurry. Lyna chased after the it and brought it to her with the force; his plan was working all too well. He began to make his way towards the with fire in his eyes. She would be the key to getting to Cade. People seemed to be running from something but that wasn't going to stop him. A bothan stopped for a few seconds to talk to Lyna. Cylax used that to get behind the jedi. He decloaked himself and pointed his right arm at the girl.


"They're coming this way..."


"Oh its not them you'll have to worry about...Lyna Honso."

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((Slate was whispering lol))


Cade glanced at who Lyna was talking to; Slate Q'nal. A former team mate many months back. This was totaly unexpected. He decided to join in the conversation.


"H'chu apenkee, Slate!" Cade greeted. "What have you been doing these past few months?"


Cyan suddenly felt disturbed, and Cade watched as the little creature darted off through the crowd, while Lyna chased after him. Cade looked up at Slate sheepishly.


"She still hasen't gotten rid of that greasy rat, unfortunatly."

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The speeder provided by Praetorian was an upgraded version of one that the Imperial Stormtroopers used, quite a deadly and speedy vehicle. Sethos rode with two of his elite Shadow Dwellers and Praetorian, each one of them with their own unique speeders. They cruised from the landing pad to the cantina in record time, dispatching of whatever pockets of resistance they faced. The blaster fire of Sethos's speeder was soon to be proven the most effective, one shot of it disabling an enemy tank while his cohorts immediately circled around and annihilated it.


They arrived in the cantina after five minutes of travel, the long time accounted for by the rebel Vakkeyan forces they faced. All of them got out of their speeders to a bizarre scene, with a strange little creature running around only to be caught by its owner. Sethos recognized the creature immediately, as one he saw in his visions. He motioned for his Shadow Dwellers to arm themselves.


The Shadow Dwellers brought out their red lightsabers, and Praetorian whipped out his purple one. Sethos ignited the purple longsaber in his hand as well. His left hand was holding the lightsaber, and his right hand was then pointing at the woman known as Lyna Honso.


"So it is you. The survivor."


The Shadow Dwellers and Praetorian ignited their lightsabers in one quick and exhilarating second. They were ready to dispatch of whatever resistance might follow while Sethos focused his attempts on the survivor.


"The survivor. Why?"


After that second, Sethos was no longer able to control his actions. His irises were gone, not unlike the same scenario on the bridge of the Malevolent One.


"It is time for you to face judgment!"

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"Oh its not them you'll have to worry about...Lyna Honso."


Lyna turned around, and gasped. She didn't know who he was, but something familiar almost struck her. "Who are you? And how did you know my--" All of a sudden, she heard speeder bikes stop.


The young woman turned back around, just in time to see four dark looking people come off. She gasped. The man who looked like the leader was the one she felt earlier! He and his minions ignited their lightsaber, ready for anything, from the looks of it.


Then... the scary, tall leader said something to her about "survivor". Why was he calling her that? Lyna whispered to Cyan, "Cyan. Go get Cade and the others. I don't want you to get hurt..." The little binjinphant licked Lyna on the cheek, and safely ran back inside the cantina to warn Cade.


Lyna Force jumped on a nearby building's roof, that was not really high. She pulled out her lightsaber with one quick swift, and ignited her orange blade. She looked down at them. "Who are you? And why do you call me 'survivor'?" Although Lyna could feel a dark presence within these spooks, she knew that she had to protect these locals, if need be...

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Cylax's sinister grin disapeared as quickly as it had been there. Four figures got off speeder bikes and ignited lightsabers. This caused Lyna to jump onto the roof and ignite her saber as well. He pointed his gun arm up at Lyna and than over to the four figures. He looked at the leader's face and instanly knew who he was. Cylax lowered his arm and gave a slight bow to show a sign of respect to the man. He activated his camo and back way not wanting to be part of the fight. Instead he would wait and watch the fight, and when the time was right he would attack the jedi.

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Slate was glad they recognized him, it would have been bad if they'd felt threatened with his unexpected approach to their table.


"Slate? Slate Q'nal? Omigosh, it has been long!" Lyna said, shaking his hand with quite a bit of gusto. "Yes! Now I remember you! It's great to see ya." Slate actually found it surprising that Lyna had even remembered his name, let alone recognize him so easily.


"Good to see you as well Lyna, pretty faces are always welcomed in my sight," he teased.


"H'chu apenkee, Slate!" Cade greeted. "What have you been doing these past few months?"


"H'chu apenkee, Cade," Slate responded with a bit less vigor than his peers. "Oh, well, since the end of the war I left the Imperial Knights and started up on taking Freelance jobs again, doing what I do best."


But before long their banter was disturbed by Lyna's little binjiphant jumping off and causing quite a ruckus in the cantina.


"Um... heh heh. I'll... go get her..." Lyna said, seeming quite embarrassed, and running off to catch the creature.


"She still hasn't gotten rid of that greasy rat, unfortunately," Cade said sheepishly.


"I understand, your problems do not fall on deaf ears. My only surprise is that that little ball of flesh and fur survived all of what we went through a few months back, I know we barely did," Slate said, tilting his head slightly as if listening to something.


Although no one could see his face, it was grim under his helmet as he looked towards Cade, speaking in a rather sharp tone, but not one of an offensive matter, "Cade...do you..do you sense that? Like many lives all throughout this city, no, the planet are crying out, many being silenced."


Then Slate felt it, a dark ominous presence, that was growing in violence and anger right outside of the cantina. Slate looked at Cade, as if asking him with only body language -Do you feel that!?-. But Slate would wait for Cade to react, after all, Slate was more of an observer-type anyways.

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"Cade...do you..do you sense that? Like many lives all throughout this city, no, the planet are crying out, many being silenced."


Cade stood up, and stared off into space - as if he was trying to get a sense of what was going on in the outside world.


"We've got company! I hope you kept your Lightsaber since you left the Imperial Knights..."


Cade pulled out his blaster pistol, and ran out of the Cantina to chase after Lyna. As soon as he got out and breathed the night air, four figures with red lightsabers stood on the red sand. Cade looked up, and saw Lyna up in the air and landed on a small building.


"I dont friggin' believe this..." Cade breathed a heavy sigh. "When are you sith gonna get it through your thick skulls? Your not wanted!"

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A hint of surprise showed up in Sethos's face as the survivor brought out a lightsaber. Hhe did not yet know what the survivor was exactly, what role he played in Sethos's life, and neither was he in a position to do so. He was, instead, in a position of intense and uncontrollable power, power which he has to direct somehow.


"Shadow Dwellers, destroy that man!", he said, pointing to the man known as Cade. He then raised his right hand up in the air, focusing all the dark Force flowing through him. Afterwards, a storm poured out of the once sunny sky, and lightning struck Sethos's lightsaber. The lightning made the lightsaber crackle a bit, as if intense energy just waited to flow out from it.


The Shadow Dwellers, having full confidence in their power in numbers, engaged Cade, running and putting forward their lightsabers to deflect any blasterfire the man might shoot at them. They encircled the man, two of them prepared to flank him and deliver the coup de grace.


Meanwhile, Sethos leaped up as well, reaching a destination that was only about a few feet away from Lyna's.


"I know now why you are the survivor.", he said, laughing, still not in control of his body. "Tell me young one. Did you not peek out of the hiding place you were in while I butchered your parents?" Sethos let out a diabolical laugh, and lightning struck down from the skies. Sethos jumped in to engage, his lightsaber teeming with energy leading the way.

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Seth Rage had just landed , when he saw chaos going on in everywhere. He saw spenders going by , when he thought I need one of those and I'm going to get one. He then saw someone with a red lightsaber. Great the sith are here. Time to make some trouble for them. He then started making his way towards the Shaddow Dwellers. He then pulled out his orange lightsaber. Time for some fun.

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Cyan jumped on Nale's shoulder, squealing that they should help as well.




"I know now why you are the survivor.", he said, laughing, still not in control of his body. "Tell me young one. Did you not peek out of the hiding place you were in while I butchered your parents?"


Lyna engaged in a fierce duel with Sethos. Just as she met her lightsaber with his, she glared hard at him. "You're... you're the one who killed my parents?! You sleemo monster! I was just a baby!! One of my parents hid me from you. Thank the Force, I lived the day to see your horrible face!"


She continued to fight him. No matter how strong or powerful he was in the Force... Lyna would defeat him. Somehow. But then she remembered her Jedi teachings. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.


The young woman jumped backwards away from Sethos, and stared at him. "I will not fight with fear, anger, or hate. No matter what you do, Sith-- no matter what you say-- I will never fall to your trap."


Lyna raised her lightsaber in Form III of Sorseu opening stance. "I am Lyna Honso! Jedi apprentice and protector of the innocents. And I will not let you cloud my mind with vengeance nor darkness!!"


She looked down at her side. She could see that Cade was in trouble. But if he needed help, the young girl was always there for him. Lyna glared back up at Sethos.

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