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Disbeliever's crazy project!


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But do you guys have any idea of how the planet will be in size compared to the other planets in the game?


Hmm maybe Q can chime in too. I am thinking like Dantooine? Or maybe Taris?


Or maybe Korriban once its "expanded" ;) (note to Q, after Sleyheron is done :thmbup1: )

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How big will it be? Hard to tell. Me and Dis aimed at 10 area models as a Maximum.

So far we got about 3 done, 4 sort of is known what it will be.


Thats for the outdoor, I started work on Pazaak&SwoopRace Den interiour(market area).

Then I got a fancy Cantina planned(market area), then I'll have to do a more sloppy cantina and shop for the landing bay.


So thats like 4 more, though these are small. Compared to the outdoor areas.

There are still certain things open; like Hutt palace interiours, depends if the story needs a lot of that. Else it might turn out to be just a throne room for cut scenes and such.


Factory&Mines will no doubt get an area. Looks more then 10... o_Q

I think it'll be close to the game planets, perhaps less quest heavy, more focused on 1 big quest. Instead of having extra little quests at the side.


IIRC Tatooine is rather small. Anchor Head+Landing bay, Cantina, Cerzka shop, Swoop Racing, Hunters building and the droidshop. Now the interiours arent big models.


3 outdoor desert models. 1 with the crawler, 1 with the Krayt Dragon Cave, 1 with the entrance to the Sand People Enclave.


Then Sand people Enclave itself. So comes down to 5 "bigger" outdoor sets, plus some smallish indoor models.


Compared to some other planets, like Manaan or Taris, Tatooine isn't that huge.

But I guess time well tell how large Sleyheron becomes.


@Cris: Korriban is another project I'm doing alone. The thread has sunk a bit, since I haven't updated it in a while.

Think the thread is called Quanons Crazy Projects.

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:lol: reading this depresses me, not even close to the finish line :lol:


We are shooting for one main quest *maybe a side or two*. As long as the main quest is done, side quests could be added as patches later on.


So I think a good goal to have is just a great planet to explore, that adds to the game, and one good quest to complete.




How big will it be? Hard to tell. Me and Dis aimed at 10 area models as a Maximum.

So far we got about 3 done, 4 sort of is known what it will be.


Thats for the outdoor, I started work on Pazaak&SwoopRace Den interiour(market area).

Then I got a fancy Cantina planned(market area), then I'll have to do a more sloppy cantina and shop for the landing bay.


So thats like 4 more, though these are small. Compared to the outdoor areas.

There are still certain things open; like Hutt palace interiours, depends if the story needs a lot of that. Else it might turn out to be just a throne room for cut scenes and such.


Factory&Mines will no doubt get an area. Looks more then 10... o_Q

I think it'll be close to the game planets, perhaps less quest heavy, more focused on 1 big quest. Instead of having extra little quests at the side.


IIRC Tatooine is rather small. Anchor Head+Landing bay, Cantina, Cerzka shop, Swoop Racing, Hunters building and the droidshop. Now the interiours arent big models.


3 outdoor desert models. 1 with the crawler, 1 with the Krayt Dragon Cave, 1 with the entrance to the Sand People Enclave.


Then Sand people Enclave itself. So comes down to 5 "bigger" outdoor sets, plus some smallish indoor models.


Compared to some other planets, like Manaan or Taris, Tatooine isn't that huge.

But I guess time well tell how large Sleyheron becomes.


@Cris: Korriban is another project I'm doing alone. The thread has sunk a bit, since I haven't updated it in a while.

Think the thread is called Quanons Crazy Projects.

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:lol: reading this depresses me, not even close to the finish line :lol:


So far you've been steam rolling through the models :p


So I think a good goal to have is just a great planet to explore, that adds to the game, and one good quest to complete.


Yeah, the main quest will big enough of its own. Remember that you always get multiple choices in Kotor, go dark side, go lightside, bit inbetween greyish.


Each of these choicese has influences on how the quest/story evolves.

Well to a certain degree of course.


For the look of what you are doing I don't mind to walk around Sleheyron without having anything to do....


You'll be doing some jogging, Dis likes his area wide and open :p

Bit opposite on what I usually do or get after a modelling session.


This isn't bad though, leaves room to place lots things around. Create interesting setups and such. We'll see how things pan up.


This isn't done, not for a long time. I'll be celebrating once we get all the models in game. But me and Dis knew this when we started :)

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:lol: the landing bay is the only WIDE area. The market is much more closed off and the rich area is pretty small.


I may even redo the landing bay :lol: Maybe we can get some testers who we trust to load it up on their pc's and give us their input, after they imagine the area filled up with life.


So far you've been steam rolling through the models :p




Yeah, the main quest will big enough of its own. Remember that you always get multiple choices in Kotor, go dark side, go lightside, bit inbetween greyish.


Each of these choicese has influences on how the quest/story evolves.

Well to a certain degree of course.




You'll be doing some jogging, Dis likes his area wide and open :p

Bit opposite on what I usually do or get after a modelling session.


This isn't bad though, leaves room to place lots things around. Create interesting setups and such. We'll see how things pan up.


This isn't done, not for a long time. I'll be celebrating once we get all the models in game. But me and Dis knew this when we started :)

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:lol: the landing bay is the only WIDE area. The market is much more closed off and the rich area is pretty small.


Well it was mostly compared to my own made models, which are a bit more cramped :p


Even compared to game area models. I don't know why I keep things smallish :lol:

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This is an inspiring mod idea which gave me some quick thoughts..:


One of the things I'd expect to see at this type of location would be cybernetic enhancements for working in the mines, perhaps a very wide variety of implants would be available at this planet.


Would there also be a bounty hunters cantina, where enforcers and bodyguards of the Hutts frequent and duels are common.


Many of the Hutt palaces are probably only used when they are visiting, most of the time they're probably deserted but would have tough security, dangerous house pets and possibly a few treasures.


I understand Wookiees are often used as slave labour, probably traded by Czerka and they may have their own improvised village/enclave they've made for themselves apart from the other species, in a back alley somewhere for downtime between long shifts. Breeding is probably outlawed though (to prevent an uprising and keep them strictly controlled), so there could be a sidequest hook here. Perhaps there is a legend of a brave Wookiee star traveller who keeps strange company and is prophecised to rescue them...


I should think the Sith would have little interest in such a place except for its produce, the enterprise would be entirely controlled by the Hutts, but it is not inconceivable for a Force Sensitive to appear among the slaves. Perhaps a young alien with unusual abilities, discovered and set upon the path of the Jedi by a traveller of happenance. Since in Kotor the Jedi Academy is still active it would appear reasonable that travelling Jedi might send those Force Sensitives they discover in their travels to Dantooine, funding their journey and opening them to the possibility.

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Good ideas :thmbup1:


This is the kind of thing we like to see/hear. Well thought out ideas, with details.


Not "maybe make the planet.. ya know... orangish or sumthin" :lol: (no one ever actually said that but you get the idea)


This is an inspiring mod idea which gave me some quick thoughts..:


One of the things I'd expect to see at this type of location would be cybernetic enhancements for working in the mines, perhaps a very wide variety of implants would be available at this planet.


Would there also be a bounty hunters cantina, where enforcers and bodyguards of the Hutts frequent and duels are common.


Many of the Hutt palaces are probably only used when they are visiting, most of the time they're probably deserted but would have tough security, dangerous house pets and possibly a few treasures.


I understand Wookiees are often used as slave labour, probably traded by Czerka and they may have their own improvised village/enclave they've made for themselves apart from the other species, in a back alley somewhere for downtime between long shifts. Breeding is probably outlawed though (to prevent an uprising and keep them strictly controlled), so there could be a sidequest hook here. Perhaps there is a legend of a brave Wookiee star traveller who keeps strange company and is prophecised to rescue them...


I should think the Sith would have little interest in such a place except for its produce, the enterprise would be entirely controlled by the Hutts, but it is not inconceivable for a Force Sensitive to appear among the slaves. Perhaps a young alien with unusual abilities, discovered and set upon the path of the Jedi by a traveller of happenance. Since in Kotor the Jedi Academy is still active it would appear reasonable that travelling Jedi might send those Force Sensitives they discover in their travels to Dantooine, funding their journey and opening them to the possibility.

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@Vanir: Great ideas. They all fit. Regarding the Sith though, it's always nice to have someone lurking around--poss some new apprentice or lord, keeping an eye on our hero with the anticipation of an upcoming duel.


Dis - I was working on a similar child/force sensitive mod for the nar shaddaa refugee sector that fits with Vanir's idea. You can have the backstory and anything I have for this historic mod. I'd like to contribute in some miniscule pathetic way.


You and Q keep up the fantastic work!

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Cheers :D The only thing I'd be a little concerned about is reaching the level 20 cap too soon by gaining too much experience. I suppose the only fix is restructuring the exp table 2da to suit the module additions so you still reach lvl 20 just as you face Malak on the Star Forge.


Has anyone ever tried an edit of the exptable.2da to simply offer five more levels, or is the level 20 cap hardwired into the shell?

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Yes, finaly Q does a thing on Sleheyron. Was starting to wonder myself why my name is first and not Dis's on our WIP thread title.


Anyway, the anwser to that, is I've been doing heroic battles with the market walkmesh! You'll soon find out that Walkmeshes are the biggest pain in doing new areas for K1 and TSL.


They bug you constantly, by making Max crash or the game. Working only half, you can't seem to cross a certain invisible line in the game.


These problems are not persé the most annoying, it's the searching for what is a miss with your mesh. The 3D shape you use as a walkmesh.


From 200+ PM's e-between me and DIS, I'm certain 99% are about bugged walkmeshes or trouble about the walkmesh... Its depressing sometimes.


But we survive, me and Dis keep pepping each other up, to keep on fighting!

Must confess, Dis is a real pro in this, keep trying and working hard! :p


Got I liuuuuve that man :lol:


Anyway, just to please our followers, here some in game shots of the market area. There's still a bunch of ugly textures to fix, but I wanted the walkmesh done first. Which was quiete a task.


Some people suggested moist vapour things from Tatooine as a inspiration for odd props to decorate the area. Well here's my take on it.




Other randome pipe things:





In the distance the market, with a bunch of kiosks:




And as a dessert a few shots of my interiour, planned for the Pazaak&swoop den aka the "casino". Lots of betting and drinks :)





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I think you should darken the planet a bit, it's supposed to be a dirty industrial world - not Tatooine crossed with Bespin.


Or maybe it's just that the buildings themselves don't seem to cast shadows for some reason. It's just that where the ground meets the walls that looks odd.


Other than that, good :)

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Well, we can't do dark things yet. We don't have lightmaps to give it a bit more atmosphere. At this moment we have to live with a very generale flat lighting.


Me and Dis really want to have lightmaps :p

As our renders with shadows are cool looking, but can't have that sort of thing in the game yet.


All depends on how fast MagnusII gets back to us with a updated version of Kaurora.

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Spectacular stuff fellers.


The piping adds to the industrial feel and moisture vaporators serve as the visual appearance of atmospheric rebreathers for localised air quality, I should assume this planet would have a lot of pollutants from the mining and industry released into the atmosphere.


The majority of industry is for my guess, refining the fuel, droid maintenance workshops and a healthy medical implant supply, industrial equipment (like what was to be found on Peragus in TSL), and a very workmanlike docks area. General manufacturing industry is more suited to a place like Nar Shadaa, and there are probably regular freight transports between the two planets for this reason (although Nar Shadaa cannot be visited in K1).


Because of pollution from mining and refineries it probably rains a lot and the skybox is overcast. I suggest several tents throughout the open areas and markets. Because of the slave constituent and health concerns on mining worlds there probably isn't much a black market trade, who'd have the money for that and would actually hang out on a backwater mining world? Bounty hunters would bring their own equipment, probably bought at Nar Shadaa, so would anyone who came here. Of course there would be low level cheap trinkets traded between the miners, but they're hardly going to have access to advanced material that they wouldn't have used to gain their freedom well before selling it to random strangers.


I'm beginning to picture a place which in appearance is roughly halfway between Nar Shadaa and Tatooine and in theme is a lot like Peragus but outdoors.



-Had another idea for the Star Map, something unique (potential spoiler warning).

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Remember in the third Indiana Jones movie where the ancient tombs were beneath a regular library in the middle of the city, they had to solve some puzzles in order to reveal it, and then of course defeat the traps.

I could just picture the Hutts discovering an archaeological site and building a city right over the top of it. Both in complete apathy and a desire to capitalise on an existing sewerage/aqueduct system and foundations with as little cost as possible.

Also adds some fun possibilities to the Deserted Hutt Palaces sidequest hook, and makes this an ideal activity to introduce hints about the location of the Star Map, a basement level in a Hutt Palace revealing for the first time the ancient city beneath.

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-Had another idea for the Star Map, something unique (potential spoiler warning).

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Remember in the third Indiana Jones movie where the ancient tombs were beneath a regular library in the middle of the city, they had to solve some puzzles in order to reveal it, and then of course defeat the traps.

I could just picture the Hutts discovering an archaeological site and building a city right over the top of it. Both in complete apathy and a desire to capitalise on an existing sewerage/aqueduct system and foundations with as little cost as possible.

Also adds some fun possibilities to the Deserted Hutt Palaces sidequest hook, and makes this an ideal activity to introduce hints about the location of the Star Map, a basement level in a Hutt Palace revealing for the first time the ancient city beneath.

That's a brilliant idea. All the planets have some sort of hidden past to them - Tatooine might once have been a sea, Kashyyyk's past as an arboreal planet, Lehon's bloodthirsty civil war and so on. Sleheyron could do with some added mysticism beyond being an industrial wasteland planet - let's face it, in a galaxy like that of Star Wars there are going to be thousands such planets if not more. Plus, it would give our modellers some chance to go wild on fancy archaic interiors ;)

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Héhéhé, great to see you peeps debating and throwing about ideas.

Even if we don't use them to the letter, be assured we do pick things up.


Or at least give some thought. Now let me reveal a little on how I see the slave business.


Most people think slaves get treated like worthless dogs, being not fed, beaten to pulp etc... That's wrong, cause slaves are there to do WORK, mostly heavy work, for a cheap price.


Remember, Hutts are people who enjoy their money, they're also greedy. Slaves cost money. The Hutts need to pay a good deal of money to get them.


It also means, even though, they're slaves, they do get a certain "good" live. The slaves won't be lingering about in shacks, breeding diseases and going weak and die.


The Hutts don't profit from that. Instead, I see the slaves living in a sort of Ghetto, a group of towers made for them. Conditions are still poor, though its shelter.


The Hutts also give their slaves decent enough food. They need them to be able to do their job. So all by all, slaves do get a certain amount of respect. Not much, but enough to keep them alive and productive. Earning back what they cost to the Hutt, who owns them.


It doesn't mean, a slave can't get beaten and stuff, it just doesn't happen that much. If a Hutt would need to buy, a 1000 slaves everyday, he'dd go bankrupt!


Anyway, the slaves live in ugly looking aparment towers, with a few families into one little room things. The apartment blocks are right next to the heavy industry.


Saves on transportation ;)

This part of Sleheyron, is like the "poor" part.


While the Arena and Hutt palace area is the up town "rich" part.

The market is inbetween these two. Kind of middle class.


Not every job, is done by a slave, Hutts would need engineers and other specialists to keep their factories and refineries running. So these people earn some money and can spend it. So you would get small shops and other business like thingies :p

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