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Disbeliever's crazy project!


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Indeed Quanon there are historically many levels of slavery, some have survived into the modern age as a respectable choice against complete destitution where a military career is for whatever reason unrealistic.


Classically slaves are a renewable resource, the produce of the conquered in an ancient time where among the most useful natural resources were populace. All the ancient empires used this, not so much to conscript larger armies (the Romans notably did this) but mostly to conquer an opposing nation's ideology and win political rulership over the thoughts and hearts of their people.


You see one of the governances of the classical period is the fact that military grade armaments were made of semiprecious metals (bronze), and only wealthy courts and nations could afford to equip even small, elite troupes well. The vast bulk of all the fighting was done by farmers with sickle and spear and wicker shields, which of course a small elite troup like a palace guard could carve their way through without too much trouble.


The Iron Age changed much here. Slavery changed too. Often slaves fought alongside elite troupes on the battlefield with much the same equipment, which was cheaply and commonly available and provided by the army (although craftsmanship varied greatly and custom equipment was common), slaves could earn the right to purchase their freedom or find themselves released after periods of military service for example.




It is an interesting thing, the Hutts. Certainly the depiction of Imperial slavery is that worlds such as Kashyyk are invaded, conquered and their populace used in forced labour camps in the classical fashion. Here policing must be brutal, uprisings put down before they begin, conditions barely survivable and renewable numbers making up for poor health. Picture the Nazi concentration camps, some of these were forced labour camps. But this would be the manner of the Sith, not the Hutts whom are above all "businessmen" (organised crime).


The Hutts as I understand it purchase slaves from professional slavers and put them to work in dangerous mining operations with short life expectancy.

It is interesting to contemplate what the conditions might be like here. Could slaves buy their freedom, perhaps a yearly lotto in which a handful of slaves are awarded freedom and offered paid employment as a morale booster for the general slave population. Perhaps after five years in the mines slaves are reposted to better conditions as palace guards or service personnel...if they survive this long. Wookiees would be better than most at that (but still there is the concern of an uprising with Wookiees being so tough naturally).


Indeed the Hutts are likely to treat their slaves reasonable well, after all everything has a price tag to a Hutt. We see in RotJ in the OT movies that Hutt slaves essentially get left alone so long as they accept their role and their servitude. They have no rights and discipline is expected, but keeping your head low obviously gets you a measure of safety and perhaps a reasonable lifestyle.

I'm sure there are small rewards for production volume. And severe punishments for contraband. But it is fairly unlikely someone's going to be cracking whips on the backs of brazen Wookiees no matter how many shackles they're wearing, that would be ignorant.


At the same time, too many Wookiees living in reasonable conditions with some measure of freedom would provide an opportunity for them to feel a strong empathy with the newer slaves and this could be a problem, as even a small number of Wookiees are a challenge for a well equipped paramilitary troupe.


So where "dangerous aliens" are concerned, I am in two minds on how the Wookiees might be ideally treated by the Hutts. I would therefore assume the Gamorrean population of this world is quite high, as guards and enforcers.

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Well, Vanir I could see, that Wookies would get a poorer treatment. Certainly compared to a Twi'lek girl, who gets used to be shown as a high value object.


My aim for the slaves on Sleheyron is not that of like Nazi camps or the Russian Gulags.

Camps where there was labour, but their main purpose was to eliminate and kill off people they didn't want in their "perfect world".


Thats not really what the Hutts are after. To get a real world example, I'dd watch to certain chinese factories( saw a nice documentary on this, though I'm not sure if its still like that today). Where the labourers infact live. Aparments are build on the ground of factory. Anyone who works there, also lives there. Each family gets his own small flat.


This also relates to the beginning of the industrial age here in Europe. You had the same setup. Factory workers lived close by and infact often could only buy goods in the factory shop. They only got coupons as payment and very little money.


The whole "plan", is to bind your employers to your factory, without the need to "buy" (via real payment) loyalty. I see the Hutts more in this line.


Then the very classical view then a decadent Roman Emporer throwing away slaves in cheap army units or grand building projects.


And, yes, the area will be seen in game. I'm not sure on how its all going to look.

I imagine even amongst the slaves there's going to be a sort of social standing.


No doubt this gives us more unique ways to explore the story. As I'd imagine certain slaves are content with their lives. Others look to break free, revolt, though its a lost cause to begin with.


I don't see a revolt being succesfull, on a planet within Hutt space. Even if each Hutt gets killed, others will come down with a vengance not seen in decades.


In my personal view, Sleheyron offers a more grim and greyish tone to K1.

I feel the game lacked that a bit, it was always very DS or very LS choice.


Think this would be a great oppertunity to have lighter shades of choices, where you have to setlle for something in between.

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I seriously wonder what any of the people from BioWare who worked on the area models in the game, would say about these. I'd certainly say they look just as good as the other models, though it does look more "bleak", when compared to the rest of the game's areas. But that is sort of a given, when its a world where the Hutts control, likely most, if not all things.


I wouldn't mind working out a couple of quest ideas(though I know right now isn't exactly the right time to mention any), as I'd love to contribute something to this.

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Well its Monday, and I am back to work on this project :lol: (I take weekends off for anyone interested)


@Q, nice interiors! Can wait to see it all in game. I thank your kind words :lol: I just do not like to let projects linger, as I have said before, because I think th elonger this takes us the longer its more likely to not get done. If we can burn through all area models and get the planet built, we can contract others to help script/program our quest.


Im liking all the ideas going back and forth, keep up the creative ideas. As Q said, even if it does not get used, or completely used, we appriciate it and it gives us direction.

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I seriously wonder what any of the people from BioWare who worked on the area models in the game, would say about these. I'd certainly say they look just as good as the other models, though it does look more "bleak", when compared to the rest of the game's areas. But that is sort of a given, when its a world where the Hutts control, likely most, if not all things.


I wouldn't mind working out a couple of quest ideas(though I know right now isn't exactly the right time to mention any), as I'd love to contribute something to this.


:lol: bioware would prolly gather in their break room, sipping designer coffee, and pull up our screens on the jumbo screen while everyone points and laughs :lol:

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Haha!! :lol: nice one, dis!! What they don't really know, though, or are afraid to admit, is that your work on Sleheyron is, in my opinion, way better than what they would have achieved. Or they would do something really nice, but it would take another 2 years like in TSL!! :xp:

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Dis is not the only one with pretty pictures :xp:






And why did I render this?

I need something nice to put on the commercial screens all around Sleheyron.

Though these are just a starting point; not final product :p


@DIS: Great shots and good job. Just as always! :D

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MAN,that is incredible!!!

Although at some points it just looks unrealistic.

But I am sure that somebody would fall of his/her chair if they see this or

maybe they would "jizz" themselves as some would say.

Are you doing to put these near the hutts.

OH,oh IDEA!!!

Why don't you make statues of them and put them near the Big Hutt statue symbolizing how "great" the hutts are.

Last idea:Oh their perfect for a porno club.


P.S. The last idea isn't necesarry.

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She should be a local Holovid star, Rita Tharion. So inviting on her screens and yet when the PC party meets her in one of the Hutt palace parties she seems aloof and unapproachable, surrounded by bodyguards...that is until she pulls the Player aside and offers him a sidequest...

Ambitious little minx. Vengeful the Hutts like to continually remind her of her slave heritage, what with her fame and popularity on the intergalactic HoloNet.



Also those open areas are going to be filled with marketplace tents? Surely the Hutts wouldn't waste any space that could be used to make extra credits. Plus it adds to the Middle Eastern atmosphere it's developing, it's a kind of Istanbul with heavy industry.

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Quanon: Thank you, I was looking for a new desk top image for my laptop.

I have it in larger resolutions xD

Photobucket shrinks it down to 800x600.


Do I really want to know what that thread is about? And you made this just for Sleheyron? :raise:





Well, I do remember on Telos: Citadel station, there was this bright pinky/purple screen on the outside of the cantina. It had a dancing twi'lek on it.


Though, not "real life" more abstract. I was thinking more a long those lines.

But I was having fun with posing :p


If you want I could do a Carth one :lol:

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