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XWA one year thread V: A Slightly Better, but Used Hope

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Random facts I have recently learned about fellow XWA'ers from Facebook:


Nute: appears to have a girlfriend. Like "In A Relationship" status change and everything!

Wow! That's epic! Good for him! :)


And Ike: kinda looks like Gordon Freeman in glasses and a beard.

That's pretty cool, too.


It's a gorgeous day here today. Gonna try to get out of here ASAP and spend as much time walking today as I can.


Heading to spend the day poking around on the Cape with a friend tomorrow.

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why do most of my close friends have to be self-righteous pricks? :(


my friend at work is starting **** with me cause i "ditched" him and my other friend to go hang out with that girl. i never really ditched them though, they never call me to go hang out, so why should i be the one to ****in call everyone and then wait ****in forever for them to get ready even when i call hours in advance.


****ing drama bull****, they think just cause i'm not hanging out with them for ONE ****ING DAY, that i've rejected their friendship. and besides they insult me way too much (the one friend is a liberal/atheist who is very opinionated but he also doesnt have a job doesnt pay rent doesnt have a vehicle, i'm not mad at him though just can't stand being around him sometimes cause he makes me depressed with his atheistic mindset. and the other guy that's pissing me off is a racist who thinks his **** doesnt stink and acts like i'm insane for hanging out with people that do not like him/he doesnt like) and i'm starting to just get tired of putting up with their bull****, especially since i work with the one guy he's blabbing his mouth about me at work. best part is, i'm going to ocean city with these guys.

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Had a great day on Cape Cod. Beat the weekenders and traffic.


It was bumper-to-bumper coming the other way when we left this evening, but we sailed right across without a pause this a.m.


Made it all the way to the beach at the tip of the Cape by midday. Poked around a couple of quaint little towns, had a couple of really great meals, and saw some killer scenery.


Taking another drive tomorrow West of Boston with a different friend.


Staying busy is nice. :)

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Hung out all day with a different lady friend from work. Drove around all afternoon looking at properties outside of Boston she is thinking about buying. Ended up down on the South Shore just driving around.


Ended up eating at a restaurant where some old friends of hers were the house band.


It was a good day.

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Random facts I have recently learned about fellow XWA'ers from Facebook:


Nute: appears to have a girlfriend. Like "In A Relationship" status change and everything!

Wow! That's epic! Good for him! :)


And Ike: kinda looks like Gordon Freeman in glasses and a beard.

That's pretty cool, too.

Oh... And Redwing with glasses and a giant molester 'stache looks like Ned Flanders...

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ahhhhhh realizing why i hate people...


starting to believe that no woman will ever care about me. but eh whatever. FIDO i guess.


OCMD in 3 weeks 5 days. can't ****ing wait!!!!


hard to believe i partied 4 days straight...didn't really spend that much either. roughly $130? not too bad. :)


anyways this is what happened and why i am a little mad, but w/e.


i got off work last night and went out with my friends, decided to send that girl im kinda seeing/chilling with a text, kinda figured it would be funny to call her sweetie, jokingly...(text went like 'hey sweetie whats up') anyways her ex was with her when it got sent and guess he went to give her the phone and saw it, responded back and well...**** happened. she said that he thinks she is still with him, but she keeps saying she is single, bla bla bla. I was entertaining the idea of going on a couple days vacation with them, but now she says the ex says if i go i have to get my own girl. so i replied back to that text with 'forget about it, i'll probably be at basic by then anyway' then she replies back 'oh no. don't leave me can you stay' well after that i pretty much shut my phone off so i could think about what to reply back. she texted me later that night with a 'hey' then this afternoon i replied back just acting like nothing really happened, she tried calling while i was working but i didnt answer, didn't call her back either.


apparently her ex is leaving in august for ohio. i asked her before i did any of that if he would be pissed/jealous since i straight up told her i liked her, she said he wouldn't, and that she doesn't feel the same about me but we could be just friends, but she also called me a few flirty names (babe, hun, etc) in front of him, which is why i thought it would be funny to give it back at her, but more subtle, via a text message.


another weird thing about her is she was telling me to do stupid **** like shave my arms, wear different clothes, fix **** in her place, etc like im her bitch or something.

(i let that **** go in one ear and out the other)

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Unbelievably lousy night's sleep last night. I was having trouble getting comfortable, a lot of tossing and turning... and just when I did start to doze off, this HUGE thunderstorm parks itself overhead for a couple of hours.


Running on fumes today. What 4-day holiday weekend? :dozey:


I'm glad I took it mostly easy yesterday.

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