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Should Carth Onasi's Jacket have red shoulders, or no?  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Carth Onasi's Jacket have red shoulders, or no?

    • Yes.
    • No.

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Hello everyone! This is my modding WIPs page (and whatever, whatever).


1. Prison Ship (k1)

You have the option to travel to a high-security Prison Ship, although its dealings are questionable.


2. Republic Cruiser as Ship (k1)

Instead of the Ebon Hawk, you get a hammerhead-class cruiser named the Indomitable as your flagship. And it's legal!


3. Yavin IV (k1)

You have the option to go to Yavin IV. Should you choose, there is plenty of loot to plunder, as well as lots of danger!


4. Reign of Revan (k1)

If you chose the dark path of KOTOR, you became Lord Revan. This mod lets you reign as Revan.


5. The Battle of Dxun (k2)

While on Dxun, you receive a flashback of the Battle of Dxun, a major battle in the Mandalorian Wars. You must fight with old comrades as you relive the horrors of this pyrrhic battle.


6. Recruit Ajunta Pall 2.0 (k1)

An update to my Beta recruitment mod.


7. Recruit Balak V'stok (k2)

You get to recruit Balak V'stok, a runaway Czerka mercenary. After learning of his past, you hear of the Veridan, a powerful crime sindicate, but as unknown as the GenoHaradan. Balak was once one of them, and now he wants to take them down. Join Balak on Nar Shadda as you fight them and their leader, Vakar.


8. Korriban Restoration (k1)

Restores various content on Korriban.


9. LDR's KOTOR Improvement Mod 2.0 (LKIM 2.0) (k1)

An improvement patch to LKIM. This will fix anything I forgot, improve and remove stuff, add stuff, and so on.


10. LDR's Big Skin Pack (k1)



11. A Crashed Republic Cruiser On A Nameless World (k1)

You get to explore the crashed Republic Cruiser on the beach on the Unknown World.


12. Korriban Expansion (k1)

Expands Korriban, includes the Ajunta Pall sidequest (no longer recruitment) and what was in the 'restoration' mod.


13. Katarr (k2)

You get to go to Katarr, and feel first-hand a Wound in the Force.


Before you people start telling me that, that's too many projects, I just want you to know that I've heard it before (ie. Holty, Dak, Kyr'am). Oh yeah, my computer broke and I needed to get a new one, so most of my work was lost. I saved some of it on a disk, but that was when I finished the first module of the prison ship.


Beta Testers:

1.) Ӄhrizby

2.) Zhaboka

3.) Dak Drexl

4.) Slstoev

5.) Fair Strides 2

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2. Republic Cruiser as Ship (k1)

Instead of the Ebon Hawk, you get a hammerhead-class cruiser named the Indomitable as your flagship.

What will be in it

* Requisitions Officer.

* Sparring area.

* Cameras.

* Republic Admiral.

* Republic Soldiers.

* Jedi.

I am personally most interested in this mod. (and I would be willing to help. I have ideas :evil1:)



At least pick a different name...

Reign of Revan?

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I am personally most interested in this mod. (and I would be willing to help. I have ideas :evil1:)


So, what ideas do you have? I'm trying to make the new ship as fun and interactive as possible (unlike the Ebon Hawk).

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Nice list of mods.


From what I see you have about 2 years worth of work = all mods done.


I would say take on one of your larger mods at a time and use a small mod like item created one as for when you get overwhelmed or a little burned out.


With Reign of Revan- i would make each a battle combat base module not one with quests you find in the regular kotor.


Take time and flesh out the ones that need it while working on building the ones you know and are already laid out.


Good luck and always remember to focus on the cake and not the icing when building large mods. :thmbup1:



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  • 2 months later...

I just want to let you all know that these mods are not dead. I'm just unable to do them because the cheat console in my game doesn't work. Even if I fix it or if someone helps me fix it, I still have real life issues to deal with, and the addictiveness of Halo Reach (but I can put Halo Reach on hold for a maximum of 4 days).

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I have good news. I'm finally ignoring my temptations to play Halo Reach (which is easy since I got grounded from my Xbox) and I'm going to start modding again. Now, the mod I'm going to start is Korriban Restoration. Most of it is placing more characters in the modules, since I felt that they were "too empty". I started the Dreshdae Exterior. I have all the coordinates and utcs ready and a possible utp, but I have no idea how to do an OnEnter script. Can somebody please help me?

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By OnEnter script I mean the placeables and characters and stuff that spawn while the module loads. Instead of adding them in the GIF file with the coordinates and such and be forced to remake the other placeables and characters, I could just use an OnEnter script. But I don't know how to do it because I'm a terrible scripter. Viado, I was going to use the Training Annex in the Manaan Sith Base as a Training Area, because I'd prefer to use that than a dueling ring.

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How to spawn a container when I enter an area:


(you can always decompile the script and add the lines to spawn a container or you can use the easy following method which gives the same results at the end)


1. extract the On_enter script for the module. Check the .are file if you are unsure. Per example, when you enter the bar in NAr Shadaa, the script would be: a_306onenter.ncs

2. rename the script you just extracted to something else: exmaple old__a_306onenter.ncs

3. Create a new script:




void main()
 object oEntering = GetEnteringObject();
 object oPC=GetFirstPC();
 if (GetIsPC(oEntering))
     //check if the object is already there to avoid multiple objects
     if  (!GetIsObjectValid(GetObjectByTag("o")))
     //replace the (0.00,0.00,0.00) by the xyz coordinates where you want to spawn the container.
     //for TSL, use the whereami armband http://www.starwarsknights.com to get the coordinates. For kotor use the whereami cheat
         oContainer= CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, "container_templateresref", Location(Vector(0.00,0.00,0.00), 0.0)); 
    // Fire the old onenter script that we renamed at step 2:
    ExecuteScript("old_a_306onenter", OBJECT_SELF); 	


4. Save your script as a_306onenter.nss (the original name of the On enter script we extracted) and compile.


How to spawn a npc in an area:


It works exactly the same as a container:

1. extract the On_enter script for the module. Check the .are file if you are unsure. Per example, when you enter the bar in NAr Shadaa, the script would be: a_306onenter.ncs

2. rename the script you just extracted to something else: exmaple old__a_306onenter.ncs

3. Create a new script:



void main()
 object oEntering = GetEnteringObject();
 object oPC=GetFirstPC();
 if (GetIsPC(oEntering))
     //check if the object is already there to avoid multiple objects
     if  (!GetIsObjectValid(GetObjectByTag("o")))
         //Note that the script uses OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE instead of OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE - that's the only difference with the container:
         CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "my_npc_templateresref", Location(Vector(43.41,-0.28,9.66), 0.0));

         // this portion is optional and will only work if you spawn the npc not too far from where you enter the area - careful if there are scripted cutscenes too.
  // You can also use the On perception event instead of the on enter script for this.
  //Make the NPC walk towards you:
  //Make the npc initiate the converstation after approcahing you:
         AssignCommand ((GetObjectByTag("my_npc_tag")), ActionDoCommand(ActionStartConversation(oPC)));

    ExecuteScript("old_a_306onenter", OBJECT_SELF); 	


4. Save your script as a_306onenter.nss (the original name of the On enter script we extracted) and compile


You don't need to add all of the features to the scripts. Just the one to spawn it. If you need more help, either PM or VM me. I'll go into detail then...

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void main()
 object oEntering = GetEnteringObject();
 object oPC=GetFirstPC();
 if (GetIsPC(oEntering))
     //check if the object is already there to avoid multiple objects
     if  (!GetIsObjectValid(GetObjectByTag("kor_czex1")))
         //Note that the script uses OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE instead of OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE - that's the only difference with the container:
         CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "kor_czex1", Location(Vector(22.99,23.79,59.10), 0.0));

         // this portion is optional and will only work if you spawn the npc not too far from where you enter the area - careful if there are scripted cutscenes too.
  // You can also use the On perception event instead of the on enter script for this.
  //Make the NPC walk towards you:
  //Make the npc initiate the converstation after approcahing you:
         AssignCommand ((GetObjectByTag("kor_czex1")), ActionDoCommand(ActionStartConversation(oPC)));

    ExecuteScript("old_a_33abonenter", OBJECT_SELF); 	


Alright, I made my script, but I have 3 questions:

1.) Where do I put my X and Y Orientations?

2.) How do I add more people to this script, and also a placeable?

3.) How do I make this script work ingame?

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