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Cinematic Droids


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Droid re skin with the same style as the plc files with the smooth cinematic look to it. Ill be adding the shine shader to them as well


4 NEW PICS 10-30-11


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Oooh, those do look cool! I'll stick with my same recommendation though, some kind of noise on the orange spaces would be nice. Maybe a brushed metal texture of some kind?


Whatever you do, these will look sick with your 2011 texture pack. Do you plan on doing all droids?

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Oooh, those do look cool! I'll stick with my same recommendation though, some kind of noise on the orange spaces would be nice. Maybe a brushed metal texture of some kind?


Whatever you do, these will look sick with your 2011 texture pack. Do you plan on doing all droids?


Yea all droids will be done how ever the majority of droids are on the droid planet.


Well part of cinematic is more smooth look than a ruff look but ill see what i come up with

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Well part of cinematic is more smooth look than a ruff look but ill see what i come up with


Then maybe a really light stainless steel type texture overlayed? Remember these are just suggestions, I would honestly take it as-is now. I don't mind the flat-ish textures at all, I think it gives everything a fresh look. Others may not agree with me though.


Edit: I found out what I was thinking. IMO, the first one looks pretty perfect for what you're trying to do. The second one looks weird because the metal texture really works against the clean orange texture. So I would either clean up the metal (which would fit your style) or dirty up the rest.

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Then maybe a really light stainless steel type texture overlayed? Remember these are just suggestions, I would honestly take it as-is now. I don't mind the flat-ish textures at all, I think it gives everything a fresh look. Others may not agree with me though.


Edit: I found out what I was thinking. IMO, the first one looks pretty perfect for what you're trying to do. The second one looks weird because the metal texture really works against the clean orange texture. So I would either clean up the metal (which would fit your style) or dirty up the rest.


Yea i was looking at the first one and it does seem to fit the cinematic role





I'd say the red one. Not sure why. Also, they might be a little too clean looking.


Yea the first one still clean is what im going for but maybe some type of noise will be added

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I like both of them, the in-game shots are much better looking than what I expected from the base skin's colorization.


I understand that you are going for a "cinematic" look with your textures, and I especially like the work you have done in your latest module enhancements... I will be installing them, and that will be the first of your mods I have done so with, so personal kudos! In those areas, the clean, as you say "cinematic" look befits an era where technology reigns and power is in limitless supply - things should look clean and perfect, unless you are in a battle zone.


The droids, however, might be different. Some droids are shiny and new looking, like CP3O's silver friend (e chuta to you too) in ESB. Some are like R2 - battle worn, carbon scored, scarred, etc. Thus the comments of others that I agree with to an extent... "too clean looking"


Therefore, if you want to make the best mod, and IMO make it truly cinematic, you need to mix it up. Some droids should be immaculate, especially on a droid planet. Others should be roughed up a little.


Good work, just my :twocents:

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To me, they look more like cell shaded animation, rather than cinematic. With the bright colours, and smooth texture, they look quite plastic, which reminds me of Stormtrooper armour in the original movies.


If the clean, smooth look is what you're going for, then you're succeeding quite well.

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I like both of them, the in-game shots are much better looking than what I expected from the base skin's colorization.


I understand that you are going for a "cinematic" look with your textures, and I especially like the work you have done in your latest module enhancements... I will be installing them, and that will be the first of your mods I have done so with, so personal kudos! In those areas, the clean, as you say "cinematic" look befits an era where technology reigns and power is in limitless supply - things should look clean and perfect, unless you are in a battle zone.


The droids, however, might be different. Some droids are shiny and new looking, like CP3O's silver friend (e chuta to you too) in ESB. Some are like R2 - battle worn, carbon scored, scarred, etc. Thus the comments of others that I agree with to an extent... "too clean looking"


Therefore, if you want to make the best mod, and IMO make it truly cinematic, you need to mix it up. Some droids should be immaculate, especially on a droid planet. Others should be roughed up a little.


Good work, just my :twocents:


I see your point so droids should be nice textured others ruff textured but it since they may be in more than one area it may be difficult. so i just decided to do 2 versions one smooth type and one ruff type that way the user can pick and mix and match then everyone is happy.



Looking good :)




To me, they look more like cell shaded animation, rather than cinematic. With the bright colours, and smooth texture, they look quite plastic, which reminds me of Stormtrooper armour in the original movies.


If the clean, smooth look is what you're going for, then you're succeeding quite well.


Yea everyone will see the textures in different ways. It does have the hard type material look of the stormtroopers.

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With the bright colours, and smooth texture, they look quite plastic, which reminds me of Stormtrooper armour in the original movies.
Yes, hard plastic, which definitely looks clean and has the futuristic look... This expresses what I see.


@Xarwarz - Yeah, it would be a lot more work to make individual .utc's for each droid with the appropriate texture, rather than replacing defaults. I understand :) And your compromise seems like a good idea... it will create a somewhat caste system-looking droid society, which is what I imagine is the case anyway :bdroid2::3pdance:


Again, nice work!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 9 months later...
Very nice skins.

Did you ever released them?


Not yet i have to take a break from modding so i dont lose interest... currently ill start working in january of next year during vacation time so i can focus..... but i have lots done.


Oh baby. Definitely Xarwarz :] I don't know if it's just me but the metal feels a bit more like plastic... I don't know... But still, it looks great - as always. :) Keep it up!


Actually the plastic look is just one version the other will be more metal look

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