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Vurt's retextures


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Mmm; the contrast is a bit high I think on the NPCs face... He just looks rather dirty and overly smudged with oil... Or received a beating... Unless ofcourse it's a NPC from the Telos Lower leves/ Sewers, which would make it fitting :lol:


Anway, you're certainly doing nice work. Dantooine looks stunning with the little colourfull flowers. :)

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Thanks for all the kind words, glad you like it :D


Rextured the 4 Gammoreans, original textures are extremely low-res (256x256) these are 1024x1024, so they're a bit more detailed and far from as blurry as the default textures.. There's also some added individuallity, like one of them now wears plate shoulder pads, helmet and gloves.





Original: http://piclair.com/data/bkju9.jpg


Nothing amazing really, just a simple brush up.

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Haha, yes they're pretty bad up-close. Fortunately, when running around and fighting and whatnot it's not THIS noticeable though, when up-close (cut-scenes / talking) it's painful to see how low poly they truly are.. I havent re-modelled anything for KOTOR so i don't know how hard it is, usually remodelling NPC's is far more difficult than redoing a static model (which i have a ton of experience with, especially vegetation, though not for KOTOR..). If you know of any guide or tutorial for remodelling KOTOR NPC's let me know..

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Haha' date=' yes they're pretty bad up-close. Fortunately, when running around and fighting and whatnot it's not THIS noticeable though, when up-close (cut-scenes / talking) it's painful to see how low poly they truly are.. I havent re-modelled anything for KOTOR so i don't know how hard it is, usually remodelling NPC's is far more difficult than redoing a static model (which i have a ton of experience with, especially vegetation, though not for KOTOR..). If you know of any guide or tutorial for remodelling KOTOR NPC's let me know..[/quote']


I love your skyrim mods. Simply brilliant. Honestly I don't know how possible it is to remodel them but i know you can add more polygons to the models. Here is a tutorial on doing that to heads. I believe it works the same for full body models. Somebody correct me if i'm wrong. I have never actually done this.

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Haha' date=' sure i'll join up with you :) Looks really good. PM a link to what you've done and i'll do the same, if you're interested.[/quote']


my project is an open beta so you can get the tgas in my wip thread, I can pm you the psd's tomorrow morning. (away from desktop ATM) what Photoshop are you using? I see you I use filterforge too lol.

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