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XWA One Year Thread Part VII: Shadows of the Forum

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that's stupid.


one of the soldiers in my unit died last monday, i feel bad not being able to attend the burial detail, best thing it's ASUs, and i can't find my god damn tie, nor do i have my new rank sewn on so i'd look like crap. :( among other things like having work sunday and dentist appointment monday...

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Got back from the worlds largest airshow. Had a Flying brick (AKA C-5 cargo jet) land. and I got a good video of a B-29 flying low and then followed by a large pyrotechnic "Wall of Fire". THe Saturday night airshow was spectacular. Even the boring T-6 aerobatic team was mezmerizing to watch with all the lights on and then the smoke trails being lit up.


One of the "acts" for the night airshow was a aerobatic plane glammed up with lights, then did a synchronized light show to the close encounters theme song. Followed by doing aerobatics choreographed to music and launching flares and fireworks from the plane.


It was also one of the last times I was going to be able to do some things with my dad. As he likes to bemoan he is now a homeless retired Vietnam veteran ;)


Uh oh, what I have been waiting for finally happened. Skyrim is 50% off on Steam. There goes my life

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Wow, lots of lost posts here! Things you guys missed about my life:


1. I saw The Dark Knight Rises. It was OK.

2. I bought a Minimoog Voyager.

3. I had two good runs this week when it was cool and two lousy ones when it was hot.

4. I finally 100%ed Batman Arkham City. Great game. I think I liked Arkham Asylum better, though. So now I've been playing Mortal Kombat. It's fun. I like the story mode and the challenge tower, though the game suffers from the same horrible AI that pretty much every Mortal Kombat game ever has suffered from.

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trying to get back to running more, 3.5 miles yesterday in 35 minutes...i took breaks in between but kept pushing myself to run faster. going out again today, not sure if running that much every day is healthy for my achilles tendonitis or if that will just man the **** up and not be a bother after a week or so. time will tell. haha. no shin splints yet.


gotta repack my gear for deployment this week. blah.

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Lost in the crash was that I met my big sister's kids (Yes, I'm going to start calling her my big sister...who cares if she's only half related? :) ). New is that I had a rare bowling night the other night, not so much in terms of score, but in terms of staying clean; only two open frames all night, matching the fewest I've ever had in one night. :)

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2. I bought a Minimoog Voyager.

This... I approve of.




I haven't bought new musical gear in like... a lifetime.


Of course, I'm pretty tapped for funds at the moment. I'm actually selling some gear... Specifically, a pair of Yamaha NS-10M nearfield studio monitor speakers.


I've had them a long time... but haven't really used them in about 10 years. I had a guy offer me $400 for them... so I thought, "Why not?"

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This... I approve of.




I haven't bought new musical gear in like... a lifetime.


Yeah, generally I try to have less stuff. I have a nice digital synth, a Yamaha S90es, but there's so much crap there that creating basic analog sounds is a pain, to the extent that it is even possible, and I really wanted to experiment with this. I could have done with a virtual analog, but there is something special about the Minimoog, be it the original Model D or the Voyager. And I figure it has a fair chance of appreciating in value at some point, so why not? I considered a Prophet 08 as well, especially since it's polyphonic, but I wanted it more for bass and lead sounds anyway, and I was afraid the more complicated controls of the Prophet might get in the way at first. I haven't received it yet, but it's on the way!


Congrats, Zarg!

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My GF is moving out of her place. Temporarily keeping a bunch of her stuff in my cellar.


Moving sucks. Moving in the sweltering heat and humidity sucks more. It's been a long weekend.


Insane work hours next week, too.


I hope I can sleep tonight.

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dentist appointment went better than it did at basic. i guess saying yeah i can feel that it hurts should've been said at basic when i was getting the one filling...the dentist did a very good job as i dont have much pain (very very minor) on that side of my mouth, cold doesn't hurt it as bad as i thought it would either. just waiting for lhi to get my wisdom teeth extraction appointment set. of course they're taking their time. laziness i think.


been working out more, ran the lake yesterday, beat my time by 2 minutes. so that's 3.5 miles in 31 minutes 37 seconds. want to get my time down to 28 minutes. one of the only times i've ran it without stopping after 2 miles. just kept saying run for a set amount of time, not distance hit 30 minutes and was like well im already this far might as well run to the finish line and complete it.

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