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Vanity Thread - Show Off Your Fancy Gear!


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Lynk and I were discussing the new gear our respective characters just got and I figured it would be good to have a thread to post pics of it in. So if you have some swish new gear, this is the place to post it.


I'll start off. Both my Mercenary and Juggernaut dinged 48 today, and I bought them some long overdue new gear to celebrate.


The Merc got the TH-16B Elite Corpsman set:




And the Jugg got the freaky Vader-esque Ancient Paragon's set:




The helmet for this set has an interesting voice modifier, a bit different than the normal helmet one. Here's a video of it in action compared to the regular voice (male Sith Warrior, Steve Valentine) and the standard helmet/face mask modifier:


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I'm pretty sure this is what Vader would have been like if Lucas had hired Tim Burton as the concept artist.

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Oh wow, that helmet you have for your Jugg is pretty damn awesome. I'd definitely keep that to end game and beyond if it's moddable.


We've been doing hard mode flashpoints trying to get epic gear and I managed to score a Columi chest piece and pants for my Vanguard so he's looking pretty cool at the moment even though I only have 2 pieces out of the full set...


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...and then I have Silvana who has finally gotten rid of that Bladestorm armour that you see every Marauder with and gotten herself a purple robe, the same one I had her wear in beta.


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Nothing particularly exciting, but after hours of searching I was finally pleased to get some moddable armour for my Sith that actually looks cool and as Lynk says, isn't Bladestorm armour - I was getting sick of running around in those ablative pyjamas.


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Just a few days after I complain about not finding any good helmets and how I'm still walking around with a chestpiece from Balmorra and I get a purple helmet and a matching chestpiece during a two hour quest chain with another player. Not as impressive as DP's Mercenary, but I'm sticking with it until something better comes. Only showing above the waist because I haven't found in decent matching leggings.



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That's the same helmet I had before the current one. Think I bought it with commendations on Hoth from memory. I think it's part of the TH-15B War Medic armour set? If not then it's a reskin of the same model at least.
TH-15B Commando set, so yeah, it's the same model but with slightly different colors (just like the TH-15B Vanguard set and probably another as well).
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Going to have to load FRAPS.. ToR's screenshot gizmo kinda sucks tbh :xp:

Probably only use it for action scenes as it only takes forward looking shots, but at least the GUI is out of the shots. If there is a way to tweak this, PLEASE let me know. FRAPS is a memory hog if not watched. I'd rather not use it unless I'm capturing footage ;)


Also, the (2) helmets I've found so far look so stupid on my gunslinger I had to disable the head slot so they wouldn't show :fist:. Too bad it doesn't work for my companion as Corso landed my hand me down.. hehehe


I'll load a few screenies later on when I get things squared away and sort out my 1,000 twilek dancing shots :naughty: (I think that market has been cornered :xp: )

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  • 3 weeks later...
Damn, that's one seriously ugly helmet. Looks like he has a really bad thyroid condition.


It's meant to be a TOR version of the Snowtrooper helmet, but yeah, agreed... it's horrible... Jeff and Kus don't think so but I don't like it at all...


Unfortunately it's part of the Tionese, Columi and Rakata sets of epic gear so I have no choice but to use it until BioWare allows me to switch out all of the mods into my previous helmet and use that...




...for now, I'm gonna turn off the head slot for my Vanguard.

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Where did you get the set?? Can you please tell me?
As I said in the first post, it's the Ancient Paragon set. It's intended for around levels 46-48 or so. You can get various pieces from commendation vendors plus random loot drops, or off the GTN. As far as commendations go, from memory I think maybe the helmet and gloves are on Voss and the boots and legs are on Corellia. Can't remember exactly. I know I had to buy a couple of pieces off the GTN. The chest piece at least, and I recall a second piece. Whatever it was, I know they cost me about 25,000 credits each (versus about 12 commendations per piece for the rest). There's also a recoloured version that has a lot of red. Can't remember the exact name, but it was something like Ancient Vanguard I think. It should be pretty easy to spot from the helmet icon.
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Anything barbaric or spiked for any class? (For example, resembling the band GWAR, or like Legion Of Doom with their shoulder pads)


Any cowls of sorts (starkiller style or ninja style)? (Deep red, black, violet, dark green, dark gray, or dark brown)


Any high-neck stuff that partly covers the face? (I guess like Malak's jedi jacket for lack of a better example...maybe japanese or chinese style outer attire)



Any sort of neon glow colors for armor (besides the yellow-beige color--no offense)?


Oh and I almost forgot...anything Vlad-ish?

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Any high-neck stuff that partly covers the face?


You mean like this? The first obtainable one is from a quest Dromund Kaas , its called "Explosive Discontent". You can get that Neck/ear part from this quest if you are a sith warrior.


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You mean like this? The first obtainable one is from a quest Dromund Kaas , its called "Explosive Discontent". You can get that Neck/ear part from this quest if you are a sith warrior.


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Not quite, but that definitely might work for something else I'd had in mind. :)


I meant more along the lines of:

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Except the profile not so wide. Maybe closer to the face, like a male version of Tia Hallibel's neck cuff ...thing.

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(Hmm, and now that I think about it in create player vids there are some awful close facial/hair matches for her if I were to make a female character--any chance of making a mulatto or red skinned blonde?)

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This game is hellbent on keeping my leading lady in "sportsbra" armor. Can't say as I'm complaining though.. hehe :xp: Not a whole lot different than what she was wearing, but she now sports the front drape and a sweet 'backpack'


Vette inherited the hand-me-down. hawt. :naughty:





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