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Disappearance on Yavin


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Well, I've decided to start myself a new WIP. It's been a long time since I've done anything major, but I'll give it a go once more.


Okay, the title of this project is Disappearance on Yavin. Obviously, it's going to add a significant part of the planet Yavin IV. Plus, there will be other locations that you and your party will have to go. :D


A little backstory....


A plea from the Republic brings you to the world of Yavin. A Republic pilot and his ship have gone missing. So, you and your party set out to investigate. Upon arrival at the Republic outpost, which was a supply base during the Mandalorian wars, you may begin to realize that all is not as it seems, and that the Republic operation on Yavin IV may have a much larger purpose...


Okay, now to the screenshots.


I've fully reskinned 5 modules at the moment. Some are interior, some exterior, some both. I've decided to go for a pretty foggy Yavin IV. It really seems like a place that a Republic fighter might get lost in.
























I'm trying to keep this (fairly) small at the moment. I'm going for an achievable mod. So, I'm going to start with just the main quest, and add sidequests and such in later.


Also, anyone who wants to pitch in, let me know. There is always room for a helping hand :thmbup1:

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Looks great. Another K1 mod that will be added to my collection. I'll be watching this closely :D So the side quests will be added through a patch or something like that? Or will the only main quest version be released followed by the one with the sidequests. Either way, this looks brilliant.

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I love it. Great skins!


Thanks, that means quite a bit coming from you.


So you get to go to Yavin IV and Coruscant? I dig. :D


Well, you get to visit Coruscant. Briefly.


Nice use of the SF :)


Thank you! I was just walking through the Star Forge one day, and it came to me.

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Well, you get to visit Coruscant. Briefly. I was just walking through the Star Forge one day, and it came to me.


It might make a little sense to have Coruscant resemble the Star Forge as foreshadowing - like one is a corrupt version of the other. By having Coruscant in your mod, perhaps this is your chance to have your awesome Jedi Temple make an appearance - even if if it's only in the landing video.


I assume you'll likely reuse the Star Forge landing bay with some re-skins and a new sandbox. Here's something I'll make a brief suggestion on . . .


As can be seen here in the sections highlighted in green, some of the landing bay does not appear to have great textures. If you show the bay from this angle, perhaps some new skins for this area might not be out of place?




I imagine the textures might also be a problem if you were to show it from this angle. Yes, folks I know this from Manaan. Hopefully, my point is clear though.



Lastly, will your Yavin mod be - in some way - be compatible with the pre-existing Yavin mod? You may have missed my question before.

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It will of course be compatible with your other mods, right?


Yes... more to come on that.


Ok I've hardly ever seen any reskins of the star forge. Which suprises me since the modules can be used for so many different things. Great reskin. And the story looks like its going to be fun.


Yeah, one reason that I chose the Star Forge is that it is a less frequented module. You only go there once every game, and at the end too. So, my goal is to have you guys getting to the Star Forge and saying, "Oh, this is a reskin of Coruscant."

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