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LucasArts Posters: The Revenge


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10 minutes ago, Laserschwert said:

Thanks for the offer! I already have a few scans for SWOTL, but none of them are really clean. If you manage to make a good quality scan, I'll happily take it.

My current best quality version of the artwork is the one featured on The Adventure cover, which I've already started cleaning up, but the box might provide some more detail for some parts:


And the logo is pretty much done as well:


"Their Finest Hour" is more problematic, as the quality of the art on the boxes is really bad. I got a photo of the original painting hanging at Larry Holland's place, but he stopped replying to my mails, so I guess he's not interested in supporting the poster project.


The logo is done, though (with high-res assets - minus the Swastika):


Oh yeah, you've already have a good poster and hig-res assets !  I'll will do it by the end of the week and then you'll see if it fits for you.


The wheel is pretty fun to and the manual is..... MASSIVE !


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Hi @Laserschwert,


EDIT: @Laserschwert Just added a new scan version of Front and Back because I saw the first versions were cropped


Here you can find my scans of the Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe box



I have included

* Front part of the box

* Back part of the box

* Back part of the manual so the background pattern can be easily cleaned and expanded I guess

* Wheel


I can do other scans today if you want since I'm at work with good quality copy printer.


I have quickly compared the poster you posted few days ago and my box and I think it's pretty much the same except for the colors.  Mine are a bit "greener" than the poster you have. (which, for me, feels bluer)


Let me know what you think !


Edited by bennywhitebread
new file
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7 hours ago, Laserschwert said:

I've finally added the new Outlaws poster to the thread. Unfortunately, I don't know who painted the artwork. Any idea?


No idea, and couldn't find anything from a search. Might be worth tweeting at Stephen Shaw, one of the co-designers. Here's an old tweet of his where he talks about the embossed bullet holes on the box!

(apologies for the tweet that he's replying to getting auto-embedded. Twitter *sigh*)

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  • 2 weeks later...



I've found this Star Wars Rebel Assault art on Displate, it has watermarks but there is a clean lower resolution version available.



I've also attached my "amateur" :) edit where I removed watermarks and cleaned the image.




To Laserschwert,


I have in my collection a 14mb 4725x6299 DIG image from 2007, that is not available in the old thread. I'm pretty sure you made it, so if maybe you are missing it for some reason, let me know.


Be well


Edited by LoneWulf79
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On 10/15/2023 at 2:07 AM, conemy said:

very good contribution LoneWulf79, it has the style of GREG WINTERS. Do you know if this REBEL ASSAULT art is by this artist.


he is credited on many sites, but I'm not sure as there seems to be no signature on the painting. Maybe letters on the cockpit display mean something :)


Some art


Source Heritage Auctions




Source IGN





Source GamePro magazine




Rogue Squadron source https://nitter.net/JuEggebrecht




Rescue on Fractalus also from Heritage Auctions






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Well, that's a lot of material! I haven't thought about using Displate as an image source. I hate them with a passion, as they allow countless sellers selling my posters there, as long as I can't prove I own the copyright (which I obviously can't). It's just weird that they don't need to prove that THEY own the copyright to sell them. Ah well, at least now I don't mind taking images off of their site for the project. The Rebel Assault one is a great version of the full art, so I might give that a shot.

Heritage Auctions is always a good source, and my TIE Fighter poster is already based on one of their auction photos. By now I've got my hands on the original rendering for it though, so sooner or later I'll update that anyway.

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yes I noticed that they have your posters, and it was my thought exactly that you can get something in return. Well I believe what I posted is pretty much everything usable from them.


Sorry for throwing all that material your way :) I actually look for high res gaming art in general so I thought I'll share some. It's not that I think your stuff needs improving, use (or not) at your discretion, lol.



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Here you have my collection of Lucas games, well pretty much (minus yours), sourced from press kits, websites, frankly I can't remember for every image. I do have other games if anyone is looking for something, but I guess that's a story for another thread.


Link n/a.



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@Laserschwert Re: Outlaws cover art. I was also going to suggest it was Adam Schnitzel. I've been looking through the official strategy guide for clues. It doesn't specifically say so for the cover art but it does also say he is an accomplished painter, beyond the cutscene background artwork and being the lead background artist. I'll look harder for his signature in the artwork on that other Outlaws cover pop-art piece that I have that we've talked about before.


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