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how did everyone come about choosing their names?


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I guess it all started back in 1997 wehn I had AOL and I was changing my e-mail address every week. I was Dengar8D8, greedo8D8, BobaFett9D9, etc. then I got a yahoo game account and thought the name greed626 was kinda catchy (I say it greedo 6 2 6 not 6 26 or 626 or 62 6). anyway I liked the sound of it so I stuck with it and now I use it everywhere (it's even my nickname on my SAT and college applications):)

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Hmm...well...some people think it comes from Rodimus Prime The Hotrod but....



I was nicknamed Hotrod (the car!!!) when I was about 7 years old. It stuck with me until Diablo, where battle.net wouldn't take Hotrod (already used). I then changed the name to TheHotrod...and then started a clan later for StarCraft called "Reapers". Rp was the tag. Eventually, I got too busy in life and left the clan. However, I kept the Rp tag as a trademark for anything I owned online (plus, no one else would have RpTheHotrod, while some people might have TheHotrod. Makes it better by signing up without worrying about someone else having the name.







Ta Da!!!!

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I never named myself.

I just (when the game was released) used to throw people into pits using the force grip...thats all I did grip ...run...throw..

People got annoyed and called me a Wh***, I said "so I am watcha gonna do about it" ...as they were falling into a pit lol...

I still have a good ol chuckle about that these days...


arrggggggg im falling lol! :band::bdroid1::band::p

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Luc Solar was a cheesy name I came up with when playing my first Star Wars game more than a decade ago. I guess it was some sort of hybrid from Luke Skywalker and Han Solo...I dunno.


I wouldn't say it a "cool" name but I've got used to it. :)


Whenever I'm playing I add stuff to the name though.. you know, like:

Luc[Ph34rMe!]Solar / Luc[2Drunk!]Solar / Luc[spareMe!]Solar :D

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I'm a big Babylon 5 fan - when I first came onto the internet about 3 years ago, I was signing onto a Babylon 5 forum. I needed an alias, so I thought for a second, and suddenly The_One was born. Should've been The One, but the forum didn't support spaces, that's why you see both The_One and The One around ;)


By the way, if you're not a Babylon 5 fan, I'm not explaining it.


I also get highly frustrated when people think my name is derived from that Jet Lee film. I have not seen it, nor do I intend to. This is 100% pure B5 :D

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Originally posted by The_One

I'm a big Babylon 5 fan - when I first came onto the internet about 3 years ago, I was signing onto a Babylon 5 forum. I needed an alias, so I thought for a second, and suddenly The_One was born. Should've been The One, but the forum didn't support spaces, that's why you see both The_One and The One around ;)


By the way, if you're not a Babylon 5 fan, I'm not explaining it.


I also get highly frustrated when people think my name is derived from that Jet Lee film. I have not seen it, nor do I intend to. This is 100% pure B5 :D


I thought it was the One ring. Look at your Av... Oh well.

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