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Rank Listing

Sherack Nhar

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Here's the rank list for the LucasConsoles Message Board:


Atari 2600 (Minimum Posts: 0)

NES (Minimum Posts: 100)

Genesis (Minimum Posts: 200)

SNES (Minimum Posts: 300)

Saturn (Minimum Posts: 400)

Playstation (Minimum Posts: 500)

N64 (Minimum Posts: 600)

Dreamcast (Minimum Posts: 700)

Playstation2 (Minimum Posts: 800)

Xbox (Minimum Posts: 900)

Gamecube (Minimum Posts: 1000)

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Where's the Colecovision in that list??? ;)


I still have a working one of those! (No,.. really! I set it up last month and some of the games still function, although the controllers are rather dicey.)


I could ask where the Intellevision (by Mattel?) is as well, but that's one probably best left forgotten! :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

My first console was the Atari 2600.


Then I got a NES, then the SNES, then the N64... I have no plans to buy one of the next-gen's like the PS2, X-Box, or GC, simply because it's getting too complicated for an old fart like me... I might buy a PS2 when I move to university this summer, and therefore away from the DVD player, but probably not...

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The Dreamcast impressed me as well, but there was a serious lack of good games for it, and that's why it died... Sega's out of the console war for now... I'll try out the Sonic game for the GC sometime when I rent the system.

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Find a different path. :)


I'm loving my Gamecube and I'm convinced that 2002 will be the year of the cube. There's just so many great titles coming out that I'll probably have to rob a bank to afford getting them all. ;)


As for my first console, do any of you remember the Commadore 64s? I know they weren't consoles but gaming's all they were used for in my house. :D After that came the Ataris and the Colecos then SNES, then N64 and now the GameCube.

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Originally posted by Nitro

The Dreamcast impressed me as well, but there was a serious lack of good games for it, and that's why it died...

That's SO untrue. Dreamcast has a lot of great games for it. A lot. But most of them were either sleepers (great games that were never popular, ie Bangai-O), niche games (ie sports games and fighting games), or so innovative that the market wasn't ready for it yet (ie Space Channel 5, Samba de Amigo, Jet Grind Radio, Seaman).


The Dreamcast died because of a) SEGA's past (Because of the Saturn, people didn't want to risk their money by buying another SEGA console); b) because of a lack of funding; when Dreamcast launched, SEGA was deep in the red, and had remained so until today (not enough money for advertising, etc.) and c) because of Sony and the PS2, which put the final nail into DC's coffin.

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