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Okay im gonna give you a full breakdown of my currnet playlist;


Dr. John

Tom Waits

Nick Drake

Gods Speed you black emperor

Alabama 3

Buffalo Springfield

Leonard Cohen

Scremin Jay Hawkins


Ohhh my, my musical savy is undisputibly the best! Well IMO! :D


:cool: :cool: :cool:


And if I'm in the mood for a little rock I will plump for Soundgarden!

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I dont know who its by, but it comes on at around four on our local rock station in the Houston Area, but it is kinda funny, so I burned it. It starts out like "The Devil went down to Georgia"


"The devil went down to Jamaca, he was lookin for some weed . . ."


Wont post the rest.



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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

ROFLMAO!!! :lol::rofl::lol:


As always, yet another gaming tune (don't I ever stop? No!):


From the Seiken Densetsu 3 Original Soundtrack:

Meridian Child


Kickass. :D Clefo, you should know that one!


DUDE!!! SOMEBODY ELSE HAS PLAYED SD3 BESIDES ME!!!! yeah!!!! have you played all three endings???


Incubus: Warning

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