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What the delphi is going on?


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...This wasn't intentional. I just know I didn't touch the GB files when I was editing Indy. I have no idea what happened.


All I know is that the IndyJones.net forums had a similar problem. The link on the IJ.net forums went to GB.com, and the scrollbar was the same as on the GB forums.

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It's no problem Metallus. :) It's given us something to talk about. :D





.....and it's also distracted my from my increasingly disturbing infatuation with Padme. Have you seen her commercial yet? Look at her when she says, "I call it agressive negotiations". Sweet sweet monkey, is she a hotty!


/end rant

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Wow, I'm a lucky, lucky bastard. I found the template code buried within the admin pages...so hopefully everything is back to normal now. :cool:


Sorry about all that. Now let's see if the Indy forums don't look like the GB forums now.


EDIT: ARGH. I fixed these forums up, and then the Indy ones went back to the way they were (crappy old layout with link to Galacticbattles.com at the top). Then I fixed them, resulting in this forum being changed back...something isn't kosher. I must talk to someone else about this.

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I kinda like it. I mean, what better world could there be? I can post about star wars while my eyes get entreated to Indiana Jones. The best of both worlds! ;)


Minor hiccup at best, I'm sure Chris and Metallus will have it back in no time. In the meantime, just remember:


Han Solo hates snakes


And Indiana Jones was a smuggler before joining the republic


:confused: :confused: :confused:


It's like the Bizarro World for Harrison Ford instead of superman! :D

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