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Pim Fortiun HAS BEEN SHOT!!!!!


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Stop writing in caps, Ackbar.


Since I'm an atheist, I don't believe in that whole armageddon deal; I'm more inclined to say that this is simply a rash act from a guy who really didn't understand the consequences of his actions.


Good or bad, the man is dead. Now what will happen to the far-leftist?


Food for thought...

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Oh PLEASE. SILLINESS. And disrespect to the nation of the Netherlands.


The antichrist will most likely be of southern European descent, not northern.


The antichrist will already be world ruler when he is killed and rises.


This guy isn't nearly charismatic, well known or well liked enough to possibly be the antichrist. Nor does he have a fraction of the power or clout necessary to rule the world, nor would he get it by rising now.


My apologies to the people of Netherlands some of us have insulted.

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I was no fan of Pim Fortuyn. i didnt think he was totaly right. but some of his ideas realy said some things to me.

now there should be elections the 15 th of May. and i wasnt planning on voting for him. But NOBODY, NOBODY would deserve something like this.... how weird or unrealistic his ideas must have been.


This is so not Dutch.... i mean.. here in Holland we all have different thoughts about politics... but we dont shoot people for thinking different. i was realy shocked by this.


The only thing im glad of... is that the guy who shot him was DUTCH... and not a foreign man.... or else we would have had civil war here.... and that is not a joke....


My thoughts go out to the people near to Pim Fortuyn..

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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

subject closed.





WIN Clone Campaigns today




HOW Can you be Thinking of WINNING Clone Campains Today!!!


:mad: :mad: :mad: There Is No Winning TODAY!


Last Things ABout IT!







And This



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Guest DarthMaulUK

I closed it because it was all getting repetitive. NL_Ackbar also gets carried away alot with his posts.


I closed it as I didn't want it to get into a flame war - as some of the posts were starting to go that route. I also believe that things like this shouldn't be on Gamers messageboards - especially as the topic header can be see on the Galactic Battles.com main page.


If it gets out of hand, i WILL close it again and then delete it - and Ackbar - give it a break with your ' how can you win this or play that' posts.



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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar


Good or bad, the man is dead. Now what will happen to the far-leftist?


Food for thought...


I see no reason why there would be any repercussions towards the left.


There isn't really a far left in Europe anymore. Never since the fall of the Berlin Wall.

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You don't bomb a country three years before the war, much like you don't close a thread before the flames come. ;) If you think flames are imminent, just intervene and set things back on track. :) I'm sure in the future we'll be more mindful of what we title our threads but we can't just stop talking about certain things just because they don't go with the website's theme.

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Ah, open again. I was writing this reply why DMUK closed it, then the forums chrashed ... Anyway, I still had something to say about it:




To clear things up.


Pim Fortuyn was a man who made politics live. He was both hated and loved. His ideas about politics were ... well, a lot of people could relate to him. He was one of the mayor faces for the elections.


Why is the Netherlands so obsessed with his death? Well, for one thing things like this DON'T happen in the Netherlands, not even Europe. For example, did you know that our minister president goes to his office by BIKE! with no bodyguards or anything. That kind of country are we. When I heard it at work I was shocked, this is so surreal.


Pim Fortuyn had an opinion, an opinion I did not share. But because of this he is murdered. Our democracy is attacked.


Let me explain how this feels in the Netherlands ... september 11 ... A surreal day. You think it's a bad joke, you don't believe it.


About the armageddon stuff ... he is dead. Fortuyn himself has nothing to do with the events in Revelations.


My say

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Just want to clear some things up, apparantly some of you read just what you wanted and discarded the rest. :rolleyes:


I NEVER said he WAS the Anit-Christ. I said, if he walks again in three days, then I'LL be convinced he is the Antichrist, NOT he IS the Antichrist and NEVER told anyone that I was absolutely right and you're all going to Hell. Don't believe me? here's the exact quote:


If he survives, he will walk again in three days...

And then I'll be convinced he is the antichrist

That's a pretty big IF!


Still don't believe me? Read the thread (Which some of you have apparently not!)


Oh and far as being cold-hearted or mean to the Dutch, that is completely unfounded and extremely innaccurate! How's this being mean?


If it plays out that he was just a regular man who was wrongly assassinated than I will pray for his family and your country, even know I pray he makes it. No man deserves death, not even politicians...
Complete with my bad spelling!


and more...


I'm sorry for your country's loss, it is never easy for a nation to deal with political assisinations, god bless the Netherlands in this difficult time.


Again, don't believe me? Read the thread!


Either some of you would excel at taking my words out of context, Not read them in their entirety or are just plain looking for a fight. Maybe it's all three?! I don't know, but what I do know is an innocent man was killed yesterday and a country mourns his loss. Is he the antichrist? Probably, most likely, in all likely-hood, odds are, most assuredly, more likely than not, and I'm pretty sure NO!!!!




I've ben here for quite some time now, and I have never been confrontational, mean, cold-hearted, flammatory or even the least bit rude to anyone, why in the world would I start now?


I simply placed a theory on the table, because my friends, no man knows the hour nor the day. I simply want you to be on guard, because I have grown to care for you guys as an extended family, that is all. And I made abudantly clear I was sorry, and I was praying for Fortyun and the Netherlands, however I will repeat myself now for those who would not believe me, I am truly sorry for your country's loss.



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whoo. getting a little hot in here. I think I'm beginning to see flames. ;P


Being an agnostic myself, I have to say to the whole religion side of this, "show me the proof." :laughing:


I do feel for the Netherlands, but things are beginning to go astray.

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There are no flames here! I was merely defending myself against baseless accusations. Flames are defined as derogatory or inflammatory posts directed malisciously at others. The worst I accused anyone of was "Not reading the entire thread", Hardly inflammatory! :rolleyes:


I'm dropping the religious aspects of this discussion because I feel that others are twisting my words or taking them out of context, so There will be no flaming, I assure you. Like I said before, I am a non-confrontational and generally very docile person, It does preturb me so, though, to have my words twisted and/or taken out of context in order to incite religious or international debate! ;)


So again (for the third time ;) ) I am truly saddened by the Netherlands loss. The victim's family and their nation is in my prayers.

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