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Need Help -> Can't Sleep

Boba Rhett

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I can't keep going on like this. A few days ago I gathered up the nerve to try out Lucid dreaming again. For those of you who don't remember the thread where I talked about lucid dreaming, long story short, lucid dreaming and me don't mix. :o


Anyway, since the lucid "incident" a few days ago I've only been getting about two ours sleep every day and I just can't cope with that. I'm afraid I'm gonna crash, really hard, soon. I don't want that to happen, so I desperately need some solutions to my problem. Btw, it's 5:12am here.




Any ideas on how I can get myself to sleep? :confused:


I need help! :o

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I work graveyard! Yuck. So while some of you are sleeping...I'm up reading the forums and supposidly working. So as you can imagine I have to sleep during the day! Yikes. There is NOTHING harder than sleeping when everyone is awake and u have to sleep! Here's some solutions:


If you are over 21 drink a beer or a winecooler they make you sleepy.

Watch tv for only an hour - only something that is on for a half hour and not too intense


Lye in bed and wait to fall asleep. Reflect on what you did that day.


I know these are gay ideas - but most of the time they work

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Go out and do sports. Go play football with friends or just simply jog for a few hours. The point is to make you very tired... it'll be easier to get to sleep after that.


Another thing is to have patience. Wait for at least two hours lying in your bed, lights out. If after two hours you're still not sleeping...then go outside and spend more energy! :)

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Uhm ... I had that with the pentacost weekend. It was nice spring weather and I was on a camping ... and really tired. But I couldn't stay in bed for longer than than 4 hours ... because i was bored to death trying to get some sleep.


It's no fun that when at 1.30 am you're the most tired person on the whole camp (I rowed a little toooo much that evening), you go to bed and wake up 5.30 am ... still the most tired person on the whole camp.


Sleeping home was my sollution.


Feel home at your bed, make it comfertable. Read a book, listen to some relaxing music. Make sure it's not too hot in your room, get rid of muskitoes ... just do everything to make it nice.


Or try doing homework ... get's me sleepy all the time ;)

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Watch a movie that u have already seen recentely twice, or something like that.



Once when I did that, I feel asleep in the beggining of a gunfight!



Though most of the time I take these pills which send me to slllllleeeeeppppppppp zzzzzzzzzzz *head collapses on keyboard*bnhh7777hnnhhhhhhh67uio8;4l;o;8/56iws8nwvvvvvvv653





BTW they are not drugs :p

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Good find, Heavyarms. :D I thought that thread was pretty cool.


To answer your question, It varies for everyone. There's no definite way for any person to do it. I've always just been able to literally tell myself to do it.



There are some tricks to make yourself lucid dream. I think I wrote about some in that thread.

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okay, you wanna sleep? I've got the surefire remedy that works everytime!


Making Love to your beautiful wife for a few hours before bed! That will wear ya right out, and it's alot of fun too!!! ;)


Oh yeah, I guess I forgot to mention, you got to be married for that remedy to work, sorry :p





Seriously though, I've found that Nyquil works wonders for me when I can't sleep and my wife has a headache ;)

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

okay, you wanna sleep? I've got the surefire remedy that works everytime!


Making Love to your beautiful wife for a few hours before bed! That will wear ya right out, and it's alot of fun too!!! ;)


Oh yeah, I guess I forgot to mention, you got to be married for that remedy to work, sorry :p





Seriously though, I've found that Nyquil works wonders for me when I can't sleep and my wife has a headache ;)


I tried that, but I couldn't find your house ...

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Well i have somthin that will always put me to sleep. Well if you have a wife, or very good girl freind, and if you are of age umnnnnn i dont think i should say this, but by now you probobly know what i mean, with out me having said it. Heck it always works :D and if you dont have a wife or extreamly close girlfreind their is this other way to do it to :D it always makes you fall asleep......... sorry if it was a bit nasty but sadly it's true




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Whoa, Rhett! That's extreme! So you don't like sleeping because you're scared of lucid dreaming? Well, I'd like a lucid dream one of these days;) Just read until you're tired and can't read anymore. I always do that.

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