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Sincere Apologies!


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I would just like to apologise to anyone I have offended over the last couple of days! I've been total b!tch to some people and I hate it when I get like that. I had a serious PMT attack so my hormones were a bit funky so just ignore all the mindless cussing I have done to anyone! Please don't hate me! :(

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Naughty ? One should become Evil ;)




Dear Lexx you are welcome in joining me as one of my henchmen.


Your first task will be the elimination of my nemisis, Austin Powers (Obi-Wan13)


*pinky to the lip* evil wicked grin ;)




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Originally posted by lexx

I would just like to apologise to anyone I have offended over the last couple of days! I've been total b!tch to some people and I hate it when I get like that. I had a serious PMT attack so my hormones were a bit funky so just ignore all the mindless cussing I have done to anyone! Please don't hate me! :(


BLAH... why does everyone have to be nice.....

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Originally posted by druid

You always strike me as being as sweet as pie.

I have no issues with you...but you know this ;)


btw: what is the Matrix anyway?? :D


OMG! Doc Holliday OWNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


sorry, had to say it. :D



Lexx, I don't recall you being mean. I thought we where groovy, baby!


*Does Austin Powers grin*



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Originally posted by obi-wan13


OMG! Doc Holliday OWNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


sorry, had to say it. :D


*Does Austin Powers grin* :D


OMG! Austin Powers 0wnz BIG TIME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=!


sorry, just had to say it. :D ...and I ain't kidn' either :D


*imitates Val Kilmer's slightly sweaty upper lip*

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i think clemmy took the brunt of it ..... poor bugger :)


oh wait thats me :eek:


hmmmm ok me letcha off


but i say 1 thing .....


Lifes a b!tch ...... and so are you ;)


(u so know im joking!)


i sense a great hormone in the force :p

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Thanks guys! :D


I was mainly refering to the people I may have pissed of in Hermes the last couple of days but I see that it has all been taken in jest...thank God. I just wanted to make sure, that's all.


:D :D :D

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Well, Lexx, by me you have nothing to worry about as it is I who piss you off by being a grumpy bastard.


But I still wanna marry yer and have many little ewok children. We'll teach them the way of the Force in the Matrix and RULE the Universe together as wife and husband!


....or you can kick my arse with a light saber.


The choice is yours, but I warn you not to underestimate my power. (GAH! I just quoted Luke....somebody slap me...)

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Originally posted by obi-wan13


OMG! Doc Holliday OWNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


sorry, had to say it. :D



Lexx, I don't recall you being mean. I thought we where groovy, baby!


*Does Austin Powers grin*




Two Words, Clint Eastwood!


Lexx I don't read enough of your comments to know one way or another. I have been an ####### ever since I broke up with my girlfriend so I know where you are coming from.

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Originally posted by lexx

I would just like to apologise to anyone I have offended over the last couple of days! I've been total b!tch to some people and I hate it when I get like that. I had a serious PMT attack so my hormones were a bit funky so just ignore all the mindless cussing I have done to anyone! Please don't hate me! :(


Are you kidding. You're much nicer than a lot of people I know.


I must have been gone that day because I haven't heard any complaints. Then again nobody dares to complain about Lexx and her HEROS, right?!




That's riiiiiigh! Boo-yaa! :cool::saberr:

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy


Two Words, Clint Eastwood!


Lexx I don't read enough of your comments to know one way or another. I have been an ####### ever since I broke up with my girlfriend so I know where you are coming from.


What the heck are you talking about. You've been cool too. Shhheshh... if you people are rude then I'm a heathon.



He he he... :cool:


None of you have to apologize for anything.

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