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What screensaver do you have running?


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I currently have Invader Saver. http://come.to/invadersaver


It's a great screensaver which lets you play the game aswell. Click 3 then 1. Use left and right arrows to move and Ctrl to fire.


The other one I use alot is System47. It's the best LCARS screensaver out there! http://www.mewho.com/system47/


I'm interested to know what screensavers you are running so post a link. :D

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With WinXP Pro, you have the built in Slide Show Screensaver, so I have that, with it using my folders which hold my 240 odd pics from my digital camera and my friends 350 or so scanned in from her normal camera, of my 6 week trip to Europe in October last year..... Keeps the trip in the forefront of my mind, and keeps me wanting to go back....

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I like your new look lexx! It goes well with the name, I might add.... Lady maul is GORGEOUS!!!! ;)


Anyway, I don't use any screensaver -simply because every screensaver I've tried had the wicked idea of turning itself on when running a program. Then the program (game, m'kay?) minimized and it would sometimes freeze up.


Why do screensavers have to activate when a program is running and then minimize the bastard? Can't it understand that I only want it activate when I'm only looking at the desktop - So there's no chance of minimizing any programs and therefore freeze my sh*tpc up?

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Jais m8, that PC of yours gives you so many problems, I really think you need to format that Hard Drive of yours and start fresh. I know it's alot of hard work re-installing everything (I've been there), but it will be worth it in the end, trust me.

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Originally posted by lexx

Jais m8, that PC of yours gives you so many problems, I really think you need to format that Hard Drive of yours and start fresh. I know it's alot of hard work re-installing everything (I've been there), but it will be worth it in the end, trust me.


Lexx, I can assure you that I *have* toyed with the idea of formatting my HD. There are two problems in the way:


1) All my music will be deleted, and that means a lot to me. My burner doesn't work, and probably never will....

2) Going through the trouble of reinstalling my net connection and network card, hub and stuff is gonna take MONTHS before it's all over. The last time, it took over a year before it all worked perfectly. Plus, some of the drivers for that stuff are lost now...


Lexx, don't forget I have TWO crap-pc's. Doing them both are gonna **** it all up. And the winblows cd for one of them is ****ed.


Does every screensaver activate when running a program? What are the requirements for activating the screensaver? Not touching the mouse/keyboard, or nothing on the screen is moving? I know you can abort the screensaver by just moving the mouse, but every screensaver I've tried activated EVEN when the screen was an orgy of moving objects and lights.


And why do screensavers minimize a program that's running when it's activated? I don't want it to do that...

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jais if u have 2 pcs .... u can keep all yer important stuff


put the important stuff on 1 pc... format the other (copy stuff by network or just put the HDD in other pc and copy straight) then do the opposite


thats what im gonna do with mine and my mums soon

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hmmm, I see your point, fair enough.


Screensavers activate no matter what program you are using and they are set off when you don't touch anything for whatever set amount of time you like. If they are giving you trouble, don't use them I guess. The last thing you need is more problems.

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