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Time for a change, and I need your help!

Havoc Stryphe

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As some of you have noticed, I've been itching for a change, and the time is upon us. But I need your help!


I have already changed my Avatar, but that was just an initial test to forum reaction. Now I give you a choice as to what I shall "look" like in these forums. Please pick from the Avatars and banners below for my new "look"




Original (A): scoutavatar.jpg


Current (B): cidavatar.jpg


New ©: cidavatar2.jpg


New (D): cidavatar3.jpg

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BANNERS (I know it doesn't matter at the moment, but for future reference):


Original (A): havoc.jpg


Current (B): cidbanner.jpg


New ©: cidbannercg.jpg


New (D): cidbannercg2.jpg


New (E): cidbannercg3.jpg


I need your help to decide! Cast your vote today! All the Avatars/Banners are my own work/design (With the exception of Banner A, that was Eets' work ;) ) so you won't hurt my feelings picking one over another.




Oh, and Eets, If you feel that you can and want to make a better Avatar/Banner, then by all means.... Do it! :D

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Yeah, I'm at work right now, so making transperencies is a bit much. But I was planning on doing that later at home.


By the way, That "Blonde dude" :p is a character from Final Fantasy VII named Cid. He's the primary Engineer and Pilot of the Highwind Airship. He's gruff, straight to the point and a real ass-kicker ;)


He also likes Dynamite, which makes him ok in my book! :D

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