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~~What Did You Do Last Night~~ (friday)


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ill start... :D


First thing I did was watch Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid with some people in my room. Then i went across the hall to my friends room and we smoked opium for an hour. Then we went to eat supper, and then walked 3 miles to a huge party, got 5 drinks kegs ran dry (with 100 people they didnt last that long) so we smoked some weed in the back yard, then the cops came in an expedition and busted the party, me n my homie ran the entire 3 miles back to the dorm. Then we proceded to play the new Turok game on gamecube and smoked some more. Then we went upstairs to the girls floor watched a movie and hung out in a girls room who i met earlier. Then i fell asleep on some couch.

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Went to school.

Went to Costco during 4th period to buy the food and sodas for the Rotc pool party after school.

Was at the pool party and just hung out.

Had some shots that are in choclate and that are shaped in a little bottle. (You older guy's know what I'm talking about.

Went home and then was on-line the rest of the night posting, downloading music, chatting, and playing pc games.


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darky, i was talkin with u until 5 am your time.....got in trouble did we? :D


well, i ****** off my mom, got grounded for a week, got banned from the comp for the weekend, and had to do misc. chores around the house.....the usual, but of course, my mom forgot about the banning from the comp until i ****** her off again cause i didnt want to do somethin and i got ****** off at her :D lolness........thats my friday!


[edit - Stormy - your friendly neighbourhood censorbot :cool: )

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