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Offical Pyro thread


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I would, but the FBI is still looking for my stash. I have done things with fireworks that defy all laws of science. That was before I brainwashed by the Navy. These days I just light sparklers up for 4 year olds and watch them run around. We all grow up sooner or later


The FBI is doing the same.


*Hear knocks at TheWhiteRaider's door*


Hold on a second.


*Opens door*


Hello... HEY!! WHAT ARE YO............................................


*FBI tracks all people that see this thread*


FBI Agent: Lets go find the rest.

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Sorry to hear about the raid TheWhiteRaider. Hope to see you soon out of prison. Also check out you're bellybutton and make sure that they didn't stick something in there. :D


I love to play with fire and fireworks. I haven't had a mishap yet and I hope I don't have one.


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we were in hawaii for the 4th of july, and we were sticking heaps of those little crackers inside cans, then blowing them and hiding from the shrapnel!


omg omg then we were lighting those little ones and dropping them down on top of the pool and theyd explode just before the water and the people int he pool would be like OMG OMG BANG OMG



then we threw these smoke bombs on the beach and one landed near this old chinese guy and he got up and chased us and we were like OMG OMG AHHHH


and last year, there was a loophole in the law here, and we could buy firecrackers for a few weeks, so we did, and we got these ones called patriotic artillery shells.... and theyre like..... tsssssssssssssssssssssss








then you can just scrape all the magnesium off sparklers and put them in film canisters and bury them in the ground and light them. THEY GO OFF BIG TIME OMG! :p



or you can just make a pile of match books and boxes and light them. theyre good too....

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Kids these days! No imagination!


I am like Groovy now in that my use of fireworks is limited to ligting someones sparkler and watchig them frolic.


But when I was younger I made things that would land all you little monkeys in prison. You see when I was a young teen there weren't all these stupid laws that came about after that highschool got shot up.




I made a cannon that could launch a flaming tennis ball from goal post to goal post on a football field....downside was that it left a toxis gas cloud that you had avoid for a few mintues after each use.


Also who knew that white stuff that protects your electronics during shipping could pack such a bang.


I never made any bombs though, I always figured that if I made something to explode I would end up killing myself so I avoided that stuff.


You are not a true pyro unless you have ever played fire soccer. One suggestion don't play this game ever!! (if you do don't try to head the ball)



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i ollied over a fire one time when i was skatin, then we build fires in the driveway sometimes and spray some kind of paint sutff on it, or we spray the stuff on a circle of sticks and they flare up really quick and then goes down. and we o into the words and make torches out of sticks and leaves.

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i find that the best fireworks stories are the ones that were accidents...... or indoors ^0^.


well once we were smoking some..... uhhh...... grass. and my idiot friend decided that it would be really cool if we launched fireworks in the backyard. me being an idiot (and none too sober) i said "heerrrlls yesh" (dont ask why i was talking like that, it seemed funny at the time) so we went out back and put em down and lit em. our problem was that we had neglected to set them in the ground properly. one fell down toward us and shot straight through my legs into the side of my house.... scared the hell out of me. the other fireworks went off without major incident... until we came to the big one. i dont remember what it was called or why we had it but man did it shoot out fast..... straight into the neighbours window.

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On 4th of July I put illegal fireworks down ant holes, set fire to those little tanks which set fire to grass, set fire to various bugs located in my tree, use the burning hot sharpened end of a punk to poke holes in potato bugs, I once threw a hole pack of lady fingers on a worm, stuff like that.

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you people are weak.


*note you should only do this in kansas because no one is around and no one cares*


take a bunch of those flameing fire crackers that shoot out flames (duh)


take a 5 gallon gasoline tank and fill it with gasoline.


dig a hole, duct tape about 20 of the flamers with a long fuse attached to all of them, put the tank in the ground about 1 foot down, bury all but the fuse and fireworks. light it and run


leaves about a 3 foot crater

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never very done anything really spectacular with fireworks apart from the old putting firecrackers in dog’s poo.

There was one time many years ago when me and my friends were in france for the day and we bought loads of firecrackers and put them all in a large metal bin (or trash can for all you Americans) in a shopping centre, set light to them and ran off to a safe distance. It was so loud when they went off, sounded like machine gun fire, a couple of people hit the deck. few minutes later armed police showed up and we thought we’d better disappear but they stopped us and started ranting in french, but then they found out we were british and they just shook their heads and let us go.

the stupid things you do in your youth :p

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Originally posted by Dath Maximus

you people are weak.


*note you should only do this in kansas because no one is around and no one cares*


take a bunch of those flameing fire crackers that shoot out flames (duh)


take a 5 gallon gasoline tank and fill it with gasoline.


dig a hole, duct tape about 20 of the flamers with a long fuse attached to all of them, put the tank in the ground about 1 foot down, bury all but the fuse and fireworks. light it and run


leaves about a 3 foot crater


*Finally proves the fireworks weren't TheWhiteRaider's*


You can do that in Idaho.


*Knock at door*


Not again...

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Wehn I was a kid out in the country we took a PVC pipe & stuffed the end with gasoline soaked cotton hooked up to a sparkplug & a wire (and a button we rigged to triger the spark). In the other end went a tennis ball. Push the spark button... BOOM.. flaming tennis ball in the air. :)

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You know what's fun?


Get like twenty packets of Alka-Seltzers and pound them up while they're still in their packaging, then pour all of them down you neighbors garden hose.


Then you take some calk and block off the hose's opening a few inches inside of it.


A great explosion will be the end result once he turns his hose on. :)






Not.... not that I'd know or do this or anything.

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Don't ask me why, but another hooligan thing I did was light bottle rockets and shoot them out of a......um.....bottle. Which I suppose is fine, but not in a moving car. G-man was driving, I was shotgun and doing the lighting of the rockets. We turned a corner rather fast and the sparks came in the window and ignited the stash which was on the floor between my legs. G-man stopped the car and we both dove out the window and watched the car fill with smoke and bright mulitcolored lights! Which I guess was a sight worth seeing but not worth the price of cleaning off the powder burns until 6 a.m.

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