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What is guaranteed to make you cry?


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Apart from someone dying or anything to do with relationships or love.


There is a film called 'The Colour Purple' which is guaranteed to make me cry every time. No matter how hard I try, I always burst into tears at a certain point in the film when the sisters are seperated. From then on, it's waterworks through the whole film.

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i don't really always cry on a specific point, but one day, i made 10+ english (wich is a forein language to me) pages, and when i looked back, they where all deleted! than i cryed a little....and i yelled......and i called the computer names...........and than i got hold of myself and started to rebuild the site again

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Originally posted by SPY_jmr1

hrmm.... seem to be on a posting spree, eh lexx?:)


you wouldnt understand, but I think I can safely say for most of us, a 20lb sledgehammer in the nuts would do it:D


that and olde yeller, I hear its a surefire way, but I have never seen it.


yep, 2 topics, that certainly is a spree for me! :D


a 20lb sledgehammer down below would do it for us too, believe me! ;)

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20lb, SPY? I'd say a three ounce one would do the trick. :D



The last time I remember crying over something like that was in school. One of the upper classmen clogged the bathroom sink, turned on the water and let it flood, then turned out the lights. I walked in, slipped and fell, then had another kid fall on top of me. I broke my tail bone, right hip bone and bruised my left one.


Oh I took a flying leap off a flight of stairs a while ago too. :D I cried when that happened.

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ever see the movie Cadence? charlie sheen gets sent to an army prison, is the only white guy there, and has some trouble fitting in.


anyway, there's one character, i think his name was sweetbread, and when he gets killed i cry uncontollably like a baby.


so, ahem, how about those bears?!

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When i watch the film Homeward Bound, i cry, like, non-stop throughout the film!

i saw it first at the cinema when i was very young and i cried all the way home! A lady who worked at the place came up to me and said something like, "Oh you poor little girl, was it that bad!"

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Animal cruelty. I am a membe of animal rights groups and they sometimes send you pictures of what some sick bastards do to their pets.


However my tears are tears of rage not sadness, you do something cruel to an animal in front of me and I will get the 20 lb. sledge you guys were talking about.

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