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Macintosh Now Hiring Stoners To Do Their Ads

Boba Rhett

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heh, well, your right Helix, all those comercials are pretty bad. I love when they show the ones with the so called "Professionals" on bashing PC's and saying how great Macs are. Well, being an actual "Professional" I find the idea of switching to a Mac ludicrous


That girl sorta looks like somebody I dated in highschool, ironically she was a stoner too ;)

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Originally posted by Toonces

heh, well, your right Helix, all those comercials are pretty bad. I love when they show the ones with the so called "Professionals" on bashing PC's and saying how great Macs are. Well, being an actual "Professional" I find the idea of switching to a Mac ludicrous


That girl sorta looks like somebody I dated in highschool, ironically she was a stoner too ;)


OMG you dated her:eek:






boba, that is old news:p

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Originally posted by The Phantom

Phantom Helix is not very star wars smart


What playstation video game was a fighter type game in which star wars characters were the fighters?


WHY must youy waste our time, and pick on Phantom? I am growing weary of this, and I haven't used my bannin powers in a while.......





Lay off, I am serious.

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masters of teras kasi i think, i dunno the exact name, but i played it before...fighters just got boring now. yeah and about those macs, i hate them, i have a pc and a mac, and i think the mac is terrible, no programs work for them, and all the games come out for like half a year later, by then some of them have already died down.

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