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If you were a jedi......


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Originally posted by JEDI_Anakin_S

I would do absolutely nothing because there's no chance that Jedi/Sith exist except in the Star Wars Universe, which, last time I checked, we do not live in.



your no fun here, you know that sometimes? Hes asking IF it were real!


I would go kill people like a crazy perosn untill i got bored then i would activate a bomb i made and destroy the univers! MUAHAHAHHAHA

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Originally posted by Jah Warrior

I would use force sight to find the identical thread to this that was posted the other week and revive it using force heal.


I dont think that this was psoted lat week, but its been posted before!


Last week was "What would you do if you were a jedi for a day"


47 posts to go, hangen in there!

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Locker room? Get a girl to go out with you? Blow up McDonalds? I see so litle imagination coming fro the Jr. Swampies.


Think BIG people BIG!!! Instead of locker room, which is full of stinky semi good loocking girls. Replace that with Playboy mansion party, which is full of incredible women. For the older crowd out there you might prefer perfect 10, hehe.


Also how about play pro Football, Pro Basketball, and Soccer. You are a jedi and thus can see things before they happen, this would make you incredibley difficult to tackle, block, and you would know which way the goalie was going to dive. Do you realise that by doing this you would be world famous and never worry about money again.


This is only the beggining of what you could do!


now please lets have some thought in the threads, none of this locker room nonsense. I've been there, it't not all that great. You want to get in a girls locker room? Play soccer and once your on the team, start talking to some of the chicas on the girls team. Once you know the all, and kick some serious game at them, they will welcome you into the locker room. Trust me on that pimpin.



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