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Why is college so important?


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I have been thinking this since 2nd grade. I have no clue what career i want, and with trying to get a job, nobody's hiring cause i have ZERO experience. I was wondering if it'd be the same if i went to college. for those that have been through college (not knowing what the hell they'd do when they were through before they went):


What good came out of it?


:atat: :atat: :atat: :atat:

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Not going to college is ok if you want to flip burgers for the rest of your life. I'm not saying that you will have a job like that if you don't attend college but your chances of doing so are much MUCH MUCH higher if you don't go. College opens doors to higher paying jobs.

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Originally posted by Rogue15

this is PA, they gasp at anything cause it's a ****ing country where nothing exciting happens.


Hey! I live in Pennsylvania, and I resent that remark! :mad:


Lots of exciting things happen in PA:


Once, a horse got away from this amish couple's buggy and bolted down the highway running cars off the road.


They signed the decleration of independance in PA. Sure it was 200 years ago, but it seems like only yesterday.


Rocky lives in PA, and don't give me that crap that Rocky isn't real! If he wasn't real, then why is there a statue of him at Philly's City Hall? DUH!


Just the other day, a deer jumped out in front of my car!


They call us the Keystone state, that must make us important... right?


Rolling Rock beer and Yingling Lager, do I have to say more?


Cow tipping, now that's excitment!















For those of you who would say to me, my answers are pathetic...


I know, I'm being facetious! :p


PA is boring :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe


Hey! I live in Pennsylvania, and I resent that remark! :mad:


Lots of exciting things happen in PA:


Once, a horse got away from this amish couple's buggy and bolted down the highway running cars off the road.


They signed the decleration of independance in PA. Sure it was 200 years ago, but it seems like only yesterday.


Rocky lives in PA, and don't give me that crap that Rocky isn't real! If he wasn't real, then why is there a statue of him at Philly's City Hall? DUH!


Just the other day, a deer jumped out in front of my car!


They call us the Keystone state, that must make us important... right?


Rolling Rock beer and Yingling Lager, do I have to say more?


Cow tipping, now that's excitment!















For those of you who would say to me, my answers are pathetic...


I know, I'm being facetious! :p


PA is boring :rolleyes:



It's not THAT bad...we have Hershey Park; Knoebels; Farms around every corner...Filthadelphia...uh...Starberry Corner! (in Harrisburg) uh...other...things...


But you tell me that there are over 10 states that are 'Very Exciting'...fact is you lived in Florida...home to Disneyworld...hott ckicks on beaches...old people everywhere...and one of the best climates in the US...not much is gonna compare to that. :p

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Originally posted by DashRendar



It's not THAT bad...we have Hershey Park; Knoebels; Farms around every corner...Filthadelphia...uh...Starberry Corner! (in Harrisburg) uh...other...things...


Okay, to be fair we have:


Amusement Parks:



Hershey Park



Conneaut Lake Park



Intersting places:


Penn's caves

Crystal caverns

Hershey, PA

Lancaster, Pa (Amish)

Allegheny Trail

Liberty Bell

Independance Hall

Baseball Hall of Fame


Valley Forge

The Erie canal

White Water rafting down the youghegheny(sp) river.

Large National Forests and State Forests for Hiking, camping, or hunting



Professional Sports Teams:










Interesting facts:


Zipper, Bifocals invented in PA

First Fire department was in PA

Philadelpia, PA was the Nation's original Capital

Western PA was pivotal in the French and Indian war.

Oil was first drilled for in PA (And the original Oil tycoons were Pennsylvanians NOT Texans!)

Pennsylvania is NOT a state, it is a commonwealth.

PA was the first taste of freedom for many runaway slaves from the south.

PA's only beachfront property is a 25 mile (approx) stretch of land on Lake Erie.

The now infamous Civil War battle of Gettysburg, was faught in PA

The Famous Revolutionary War Battle where George Washington rode a boat across the icy waters of the Deleware river in the middle of the night and surprised the British soldiers, was fought in Valley Forge, PA.




So, an in all, PA is pretty much your normal, run of the mill, state. :p

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Eagles suck. :D;) (i'm a jags fan since i moved from jax, fl)


well, i suppose PA CAN be fun, but it usually costs something. I WAS born in PA, in williamsport. I wish i could go hunting, that would be cool. i suppose it's less boring than florida, as in florida i was stuck inside all summer cause of the humidity. and YAY it might snow today. haven't had a good snowball fight in over 5 years. :)


and i've been to knoble's a few times, i love those rollercoasters, especially at night when they turn the lights out on them, it's freaky. S1 told me he brought this helicopter thing i gave him one year for christmas on it, and he launched it at the top, and it got destroyed. :D


if i do go to college, i'll either go to penn state, itt tech, or someplace out in CA just cause i want to live in a state my parents haven't scouted. :D

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new slogan for Pennsylvania:


PA!! At least it isn't South Carolina...


now THERE'S a boring state....our sole amusement park sits on the SC/NC border (and no, I don't count "South of the Border"...which if you don't know what it is, don't ask). No pro sport of any kind (we got single A baseball and hockey, though!)...have to travel to Greenville/Charlotte or Charleston areas just to get a decent concert....no mountains...average beaches....all the college teams suck....all that and one of the dumbest general populations in the nation = 1 bored Darth Homer






What was that? Bitter? No, I'm not bitter...a little sarcastic maybe, but definitly NOT bitter.........stupid parents moving away from Texas......

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I'm gonna kill you PA whiners. Arkansas...look it up. What do we have here for fun? Weeeeeell for uh startur joosta look'n at deh roll'n hills is a treet fur must folks. Bot mi pursenal favorat is a listinin ta deh cows a moo'n all dey lung.


We have NO professional sports...I REPEAT NO PROFESSIONAL SPORTS! We thought we might get some when we built a dome in N. Little Rock, but NOOOOOO. It is too friggin small. A FRIGGIN WASTE OF MONEY!:mad: I WANT A FRIGGIN NFL TEAM THAT IS CLOSER AND BETTER THEN DALLAS!!!:mad: OR EVEN AN NHL TEAM FOR GOODNESS SAKE!:mad:


We have NO MAJOR THEME PARK AT ALL! Magic Springs...FEH. It's 1/10 of the size of Six Flags...probably less then that in fact. Our tourism is based souly on fishing, looking at nature (oh joyous rapture), and shouting the crap out of animals. Fun fun fun. :mad:


I took a vacation to PA for a week. Had the time of my life. I got to see Gettysburg. (and no I did not see a reenactment although I would REALLY love to. I've visited 20+ Civil War Battle grounds without seeing a single reenactment.) I went to Hershey and had fun there. I went to Lancaster and I was reminded of home. I went all over. It was one of the best vacations I have ever had. PA is awesome compared to Arky. You guys have it made in the shade.



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Heh, you guys should all come over to Washington when it isn't raining........so that leaves you a time span of about 3 months maybe to check things out. :rolleyes: Man, I hate the rain......



Rouge, you should at least go talk with a college advisor/counsellor or something, just to see what it can do for you.


You should do it for all the reasons that Kyllin stated......anymore, unless you want to become a doctor, the degree you earn really doesn't need to be in the field you want to get in. Ppl change their minds all of the time. Employers want ppl who are commited to finishing a job and college takes a lot of time and hard work (not to mention money :p ). For example, I know this guy who got a degree in art and he used it to become a state trooper and has been for about 4 yrs. *shrugs*


Just check it out!

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I've lived in a few states....born in PA, moved to michigan, moved back to PA, moved to NY, and from there moved to florida, and now back to PA. it's like some kind of disease that won't go away! ;) actually, PA is quite fun, considering i can walk all over the place without having to cross 4 lanes of traffic...the only things i miss are:


walmarts being within 1 mile

mall being within 3 miles instead of 10

Golden Coral being right out the back door

being able to walk to the theatre

a bigger library (the library here they call it big, but they'd think the one in jacksonville, not to mention there's 3 of them are like 4 times the size)


see, i'm not used to this country setting where you practically NEED a car to get anywhere you want to go. And that goes for a job as well, i have only my bike, and everyone within peddaling distance doesn't want to hire me cause i'm too good for them and they're probably scared of me since i've worked with my dad for 3 years prior to moving here, doing remodelling, pressurwashing, paint prepping, and trash removal, and loading a truck, but do they pay any attention to that on my application? HELL NO! they might ask about the stuff i did, but they're too country to know wtf i'm talking about so they assume i'm lying.


anyways enough of that. PA is cool in some ways, there IS a computer place and video store i CAN walk to...as well as alot of pizzarias and sub shops. it's just......odd.

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I live in NC. But I love NC, so I have nothing to complain about. I usually have something to do and have more than enough share of excitment. Anyway, back on the college thing...


I think college is one of the most important stages of development. It involves so much of your life, and is the final step/preparation into the "real world." Its a time to explore and learn what in life you are searching for and what you want to do. I am a senior this year, and am very excited about graduating. I have loved every bit of college here. Its been a long and very hard road, but it was all worth it and I would do nothing to change it ever. I have done everything that I possibly can do since I have been here and have been very involved and dedicated to everything that I did.


For the most part, not knowing where you want to go and what you want to do is completly normal. You just have to search for things you enjoy and explore the possible career oportunities. It will just happen. We don't know the answers now.

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Hey, college is very important! I am in college now.. Yep I used to be in High School where I was active here. I am enjoying it here. College does open gateways to better job.


Man New York is friggin cold! I came from Arkansas and now I am in New York for College. I think that is cool. My major is Information Technology with accounting background. That is in high demand now. oh yeah baby.


Oh yeah College is really good for babes as well. HOT DANG! Lots of hot babes Oh yeah! Well thought I would give my views.... :D




Supreme Warlord

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there is loads of stuff to do...


malls around every corner, the river! (even though that is on the border) The beach, the sun, the cities, and hey you only have to freeze your butt off in the Snow if you want to...(ie you have to go drive to it...then you drive back home...no shoveling snow required!). But then again, we have smog, some scarey people, and other states are SO MUCH GREENER.




Speaking from experience. I am 22 and I do not have my college degree yet. Money and being out on my own has slowed me down somewhat...I had to you know...go out and deal with the real world. Luckily I never have had to flip burgers. BUT here I am in a company where I could move up REALLY fast if I had a degree...but no...I'm starting my family and going to college and its taking longer. My boyfriend on the other hand, has his degree and now he can go get that 50,000 dollar a year job etc etc. Stuff that I could NEVER apply for. Basically. College is worth the time, and the money. If you have the opportunity to go, GO!!!!! Hey I can only take a couple of classes at a time - but I've learned that college is so important if you don't want to grow old working at WALMART or look at those Managers of Wendy's...sometimes they are 40 and trying to support their familys off of that. When I'm 50 and I'm only making 6.50 an hour....I'm a failure. College opens doors to jobs and opportunities that you would otherwise have to work your ASS off to get - and maybe even after working your ass off...someone will come along with no experience and a degree and make more money than you - and lets say you worked there 6 years.

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One other good thing about California. If you DO decide not to go to college, you can get a job flipping burgers at In & Out. Starting pay is fairly decent ($9 or $10/hour last I heard) and if you stick around enough you'll elevate through the different managerial ranks. The highest level of store managers at In & Out make around 80K a year...



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to hell with college if i can get a job at woodstream corporation!!


i've got an interview at pizza hut tomorrow, a tour of woodstream corporation on monday, and orientation for a job at mcdonalds on tuesday. I hope i can work at woodstream...they make animal traps and pay good and their benefits r00l and it's within 3 minutes of walking and on the street i live on!!


mcdonalds wants me to walk 3 miles uphill to clean up the sideeffects of their burgers. :)

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