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Your Opinion on Decision 2002

Father Torque

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hey fellow forumers i have one thing to say republicans rule the legislature:D :D but i do have to say the Donkey Democrats put up a good fight. But i do wish that John Thune would win the South Dakota Senate seat because hes a republican like me and Tom Dashel is from South Dakota and he is a democrat so i f Thune won we could rub it in his face:p :p so what is your opinion on the decision(elections)2002 P.S I think Bush is a great president and i support his tax cut and his other future plans to help the USA:usa: :usa: :usa:

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Daschle sucks, he is a big wimp who dosent let anything get done. Since the republicans won the senate im not too sad about thune losing, now he can face dacshle in 2004. (dacshle is up in 2004) and i think that was thunes plan all a long, since he isnt opting for recount with a 0.25% difference in the vote. He lost by 512 votes, and i honestly think dacshle cheated (thats right, not johnson, dacshle) dacshle is the least popular senator in south dakota ever probably, yet he always gets elected, i smell cheating going on (im from south dakota)

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I'm a democrat and I wouldn't mind if Daschle was beat... him and Gebhart, our "leaders" in the Senate and House. I hope that this debacle taught a lesson to all of those out-of-touch democrats in Congress: the Base doesn't want you to cater to Bush's every whim. You let him have his unconstitutional and immoral war resolution, just so you could get it "off the table" so that you could talk about social security and medicare. Newsflash: you just screwed all of us draft bait, and we won't soon forget it! The time of the DLC and moderates is bloody over!


Daschel, Gebhart, Lieberman and Kerry all harbored dreams of the White House. Well, gentlemen, you ain't gonna get it. Al Gore has been the only democrat with the balls to express a democratic message in this whole mess. I'm for a Gore/Durbin ticket in 2004. Gore won in 2000, and Gore'll win in 2004--and this time, we'll make bloody sure that the margin's wide enough so that old Brother Jeb won't be able to steal it for his brother.


My only condolence is that Illinois's executive offices are almost all filled by democrats, and that our senate has gone democrat... so my state, at least, did all it could.


You asked me what I thought, and that's what I think.



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Well, with a newly controlled republican congress........the excuse of not being able to get "things" through congress no longer applies as far as Mr. Dub ya is concerned. He now has his golden opportunity...........let's hope we don't all die! (I'm not kidding)




<i'm independant btw, I choose the lesser of two evils>

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Originally posted by Father Torque

republicans rule the legislature:




*person in the back*

Woop Woop


*Other forumers*

ZDawg Shut up alredy



Woop Wo-... ok.. :(




















J/K, But really i agree totaly :D

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Republican? Aren't they those that want that war with Iraq so bad?


I don't know what the terms "Republican" and "Democratic" mean in the US, but if we go by the dictionary and ancient history: Any country that isn't being "converted" to democracy will surely fall in time.


Look at what happened to the republican Rome. Look at what has happened to those countries who have become democratic over history. I'll say any country who doesn't want to be democratic is as bad as those middle eastern theocracies. Something is wrong if a modern country isn't democratic in it's actual sense.


Of course, I could be wrong and maybe the "republican" in the US also mean democratic - but then it'd make no sense to divide them up, would it?

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I think it does not bode well that the Republicans control Congress with a Republican president in the office with an itchy trigger finger. Did you see that smile he [bush] had on his face? It's like he knows that in a few months he'll be launching an attack that will destroy the world. That's the problem with a retarded redneck idiot as president. Or maybe he's not stupid and retarded and just wants us to think that.


Maybe he's the Antichrist here to start a huge war on earth.


Maybe I should lay off the drugs... :D

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Things to look forward to now that the GOP is in control


Corp tax decrease

Lowering of clean water and air standards

Drilling for oil in Alaska

War is Iraq

Renewed drug war even though 70%+ want marajuana decriminalized (see recent Time magazine)

School vouchers (take money from public schools)

Growing deficit

Growing unemployment


Oh and the one thing that none of you thought of....

When the a party controls the entire congress and the White house there is no one to launch an investigation. Thus the pres or congress could get away with whatever they like for the next two years.



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