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Young David

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Sinterklaas, wie kent hem niet.

Sinterklaas, Sinterklaas en natuurlijk Zwarte Piet![/align]


Behold, for today is December 5th. A holiday in the Netherlands because we celebrate Sinterklaas sklaas.gif (Note, this holiday is celebrated on December 6th in Belgium)


Who is Sinterklaas you might ask. We'll start with a picture:




Looks a bit like Santa, huh? Well ... that's because Santa originated from Sinterklaas. It's even in the name. Sint means saint (he was a saint) and Klaas cannot properly be said by foreigners so we get Santa Claus ... and that sounds a lot like Sinterklaas.


Sinterklaas (also called Sint Nicolas) is an old man who lives in Spain and visits our countries every year with his steamboat to celebrate his birthday. Normaly one would get presents on his birthday, bit Sinterklaas prefers to give them. On the night of 4 and 5 December he goes around the country to give every kid his presents (He does this one night later in Belgium).


Because he's old he get's some support ofcourse. First there is his white horse Americo and all the 'Zwarte Pieten' (transl: Black Pete's) Who look something like this:





Together they make every child happy this time of the year. He's even more populair than Santa here.


There's a lot more to tell ofcourse ... oh wait. I forgot the candy ... Pepernoten!




Pepernoot means 'Peper nut' ... but there's no peper in it ... and no nuts either ... but hey. I'm addicted to it.


So .. now this thread ...

Ask ll the questions you want, ánd congratulate Sinterklaas with his birthday.

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u should know better than to show scruptucious netherlands candy's to a pregnant woman!!!! ;)


Now I'm hungry for one of those things and I don't even know what they taste like!!


Happy Sinterklaas!



is that where you put out your little wooden shoes?? I think I remember reading that in school as a kid.

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I'm not gonna send anything. Last week I'd been giving the task to keep 2 bags of pepernoten for a week ... one's empty now :rolleyes:


But hey, you can make your own. I found a recipe on the internet:


Pepernoten (Gingernuts) is a typical dutch candy that Sinterklaas gives to all children. Here's the recipe for this delicious candy.



- 125g baking powder

- 1 tsp treacle

- 1/2 tbs 'speculaas'-spices

- 25g butter

- 50g brown sugar

- 1/2 tsp salt

- 1 tbs milk



Preheat the oven to 180-220 C. Mix all ingredients in the mixing bowl. Wash your hands and with your wet hands mix everything well. Knead the mix until it becomes a dough that does not stick to your hands. Grease the baking-tray using the butterbrush Roll the dough into little balls, as big as marbles, and put these on the baking tray. Put the baking tray in the middle of the oven and for about 20 minutes. Turn of the oven, let the gingernuts cool for 10 minutes and then use the saptula to remove them from the baking tray.

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Hey this is cool. Happy SinterKlaas to everyone who celebrates it today. :rhett:


Are there carols? What are they?


Why was it moved to the fifth in some places?


And what's up with Plack Pete? :eek: He looks like the logo for what was a restaurant chain here a long time ago called, "Little Black Sambos".

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That's the beauty of it...we celebrate Christmas too !!

Off late, more and more people start celebrating that the American way; with presents and all... not too long ago, we just had the tree as decoration.


Mind you; we're not that big into Santa here. There's not many Dutchmen who can name all reindeer.

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I had a hard time yesterday explaining to Dash what Pepernoten (it seems it's translated as Gingernuts) taste like. Well ...


The main ingdredient is 'Speculaas' spice. But there isn't an english word for. I pitty you Americans who've never tasted anything with speculaas in it. How can live without it? (Some goes for 'drop', but that's a different story ;)).


Pepernoten are more like small cookies rather than candy. They look like the pictures in my first post and they taste like ...


You know what? Why don't you all come over? Or send me some money and your adress to send me a bag full of it. (I'd really do it :D)

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Ok, my address is....wait, no don't wanna broadcast it out here...there's no telling what I'd get in the mail and Eets may show up wanting to spend a few night over here...maybe I'll just surf the web for pepernoten recipes or something, BTW, Happy Sinterklaas to all (late, to YD)

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There's a speculaas spice? Not just the spices used in speculaas? :confused:



speculaas spices


1 tsp nutmeg

1 tsp cloves

1 tsp mace

3 tsp cinnamon


I looked some more and it named this combination of spices, "Speculaaskruiden". It said this about it:



You can buy them ready-mixed in the Netherlands or you can try making your own. They consist of:


powdered cloves


powdered coriander



powdered ginger

powdered cardamon


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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

There's a speculaas spice? Not just the spices used in speculaas? :confused:



speculaas spices


1 tsp nutmeg

1 tsp cloves

1 tsp mace

3 tsp cinnamon


You know the word Speculaas? :eek:


Speculaas is a kind of cookie with speculaas spice as ingrediënt. Pepernoten have speculaas in it too, so they taste alike.

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"Do they celebrate Christmas?"

The Netherlands are christian, as far as I know, so I guess YES.


But then again, there are variations of that religion..:)


In the Scandinavian nations they make small houses out of gingerbread and decorate them with candy. Then after christmas we smash them with hammers and eat them as part of the tradition:evil2:.

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"The Netherlands are christian"....

Dagobahn Eagle, you wouldn't say that if you lived here.

Anyway; Christmas and Sinterklaas have all but nothing to do anymore with the birth of Christ and the Catholic saint Sinterklaas came from, anyway.

It's become a total toy-oriented fest, and only in the churches do you still hear about the original meaning.

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