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What kinda stuff do you do?


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My favorite sport is HOCKEY, I play ball hockey. next year when I'm 18 I'm joining my uncles ball hockey league.


My favorite song is : 80's Rock Star : by the weekend.


I love BMX. I'm going on a bmx road trip this summer.


I party occassionally.


I don't do drugs of any kind.


My favorite Celeb's are Anna Kornikoava, and Natalie Portman.


My favorite type of music is PUNK.


I hate RAP, Country, POP, Techno, and Blues.


I go to concerts on a regular basis.


And I'm a christian but I'm not one of the good ones. I live a life a christian should't live and I struggle in my sin. I know many things I do are wrong and I do them anyway, This means I'm stupid. But I hope to change, and know I can't do it on my own.


So share with me and other readers what you like to do!

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I like LF

I play competitive hockey, badminton, and basketball

I play drums on a regular basis, I am currently forming a band

I like listening to alternative, punk, and some rap (not all)

I hate pop music and techno

I hate school but it is a part of life we all have to deal with

I am in a Christian family, I myslef am Christian but I don't live my life the way a Christian should

Drugs are something that I am trying to stay away from, most of my friend are in to weed and they are trying to get me to try it but I am resisting


I also like not doing my homework on a regular basis!:)

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I'm also a christian (everybody gasps in horror)


I work at Pizza Hut

Play computer and video games

post at messege boards

listen to Techno, Rock, and some rap, prefer techno

I also like to ride my bike that's somewhat broke and rollerblade, though i do need to buy a pair since i grew out of my last a few years ago. :rolleyes: I sometimes like to read star wars books and any other book, and sometimes I like to draw. I like to chat with friends i don't know face to face online. I also make levels for Mysteries of the Sith. And I like to practice kicking and punching via Tae-Bo videos (ya it's sissy but so what :p ) oh ya, i also like to fish, camp, and host sleepovers. And i like threads like this that make me think.


also, i don't drink or do drugs. I'd prefer caffine over alchohol anyways....and drugs are stupid. (i never use them for headaches)

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idont really like any sport


My favorite song is : rush by yoko kono


i like anime


i wish i partyed more :(


i dont do drugs and i never plan to


i like jazz and classic rock and japanese folk music


I hate RAP, Country, POP, Techno, and Blues also


i havent been to many concerts


ive beena christian sence i was 3 and i cant remember when i was saved. i have struggled with many hard times in my life, more than i care to remember,and they all have tested my faith, sometimes i just felt like lieing on my back and giveing up, sometimes i thought of suiside (just thought mind you) but in the end it was God who helped me through my troubled times and im just as happy as could be right now and my life is great

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I think M*A*S*H is the best TV show ever to hit the tube.

I am a devoted christian.

I do not drink. (when I am of legal age, I still will not)

I don't smoke, or do drugs. (once again, when I am of legal age, I still will not)

I love anything computer related.

I like 007 movies.

I like Star Wars.

I like Star Trek.

I like Lord of the Rings.

I like Homestarrunner.com.

I love Classic and southern rock.

I despise Rap (I refuse to say "rap music," because it doesn't deserve the title of "music.") and just about any new "music" band that has came out in the last 8 years. (notice I said "most." some new stuff is ok, but very limited)


Well that pretty much sums it up. ;)

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

I think M*A*S*H is the best TV show ever to hit the tube.

I am a devoted christian.

I do not drink. (when I am of legal age, I still will not)

I don't smoke, or do drugs. (once again, when I am of legal age, I still will not)

I love anything computer related.

I like Star Wars.

I like Star Trek.

I like Lord of the Rings.

I like Homestarrunner.com.

I love Classic and southern rock.

I despise Rap (I refuse to say "rap music," because it doesn't deserve the title of "music.") and just about any new "music" band that has came out in the last 8 years. (notice I said "most." some new stuff is ok, but very limited)


Well that pretty much sums it up. ;)


wtf M*A*S*H*? I dont have cable t.v. so plz tell me.sux for me :(

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Originally posted by git_sum_stuka


wtf M*A*S*H*? I dont have cable t.v. so plz tell me.sux for me :(




You don't know of M*A*S*H? DUDE! You have been deprived! let me help you out a bit:D









and even a foreign site:






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I am a huge fan of Star Wars and Lord of the Rings.

I hate all tv shows (except for Bernie Mac, and all Disney shows :-D)

I have been a Christian for my whole life.

I like Rap and Rock (sorry Mandolorian54 and obi-wan13 :) )

I don't drink or do drugs (considering I'm not of age)

AND I HATE SCHOOL (except for the girls) :angel:

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Originally posted by Reborn Outcast

I have been a Christian for my whole life.


I don't drink or do drugs (considering I'm not of age)


Well seeing how you are christian, you shouldn't do it when you are of age. But now isn't the time to preach, I guess. ;)



BTW, I like rock music, so you musn't appologize. :D


(by Rock, I mean people like Boston, Journy, Allmon Brothers, etc.)

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Well I can think of some more stuff so...



staying up all night playing video games(most recently GTA vice city)


My favorite system is X-Box, but I like all the systems.

I hate people who are pregidus agaist stuff for no logical reasons and I hate PC (politically corect)


I'm not a picky eater.

I hate pinaple on pizza(it should be illegal)


I think the death penalty should still be used(more inoccent people die from criminals that are released from prison than inoccent people sent to deth row.) I don't want to pay my taxes to feed criminals(some of them live better than people I know.)


I don't think gays are freaks(just people who need sycological help)


I also like soccer but not as much as hockey.


I like to write stories(someday hope to publish a book) but lately have been on the internet all the time.


I also like to read(star wars and tolkien) but not that much.


I prefer movies. The thing I like best about movies over books is no reading. and I can watch a movie in two hours while it takes weeks to read books.


I don't watch alot of tv. I love Monty Pithon.


I don't finish my homework very often(this year anyway)

but I ussually get out of trubble.


And a love to draw cartoons. My friend and I are making a cartoon. we don't have a whole page done yet but recess is short at school.


My favorite candy is acid rocks.


I go to a concert evry month.


I don't have a girl friend but I have a crush on two girls who are best friens. I will ask them out some day.


mabee soon. I'm going to a concert with them but I don't consider it a date.


My favorite star wars character is boba fett and I am currently reading the bounty hunter wars.


and you should join in on my MEGA MAN RPG. in the jedi knight 2 RPG forum.


lastly I have the slowest internet connection that exists but hey, its free.

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Im a nerd


play lots of instruments french horn, trumpet, piano, banjo, violin

play lots of pc and console games

sad to say i like trek more than star wars

like star wars alot


Mash is good too

dismantle lots of electronic devices and rebuild them with other electronic devices

i like going to school

allways do my homework

never late to class

have same opinion on drugs, smoking, and alcohol as obi13

i get up at 5 everyday for 6 years now

am an official member of the handyman club of america

and finally i know the kreb cycle by heart (its a biology thing)



im starting to get scared with all these christians around (no offense intended in anyway)

im afraid they are gonna gang up on me and beat me for no reason.

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Well I am a very complicated guy.

I listen to all types of music from punk, rock, rap, instrumental, metal, techno, some country like stuff from Faith Hill and Shania Twain

I am in AFJROTC and I am very devoted to it.

I don't really play sports

I have a girlfriend that lives in Wisconsin

I like to play video games and PC games

I love Star Wars

I can tolerate some Star Trek

I love Stargate SG-1

I like M*A*S*H too and I think it is a good show except that I don't get to watch it anymore cause it is on real late but I want to start getting the season DVD's :D

I like making Avatars

I like to go play LAN games now :D

I am also a military and history buff

I don't like school that much but I get by

I am a very technical guy and like electronic stuff

I love a lot of Comedy movie and Sci-Fi too


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