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Gender Guesser

Boba Rhett

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Kode, its based on what the majority of guys/girls answered, not assumptions.


Some things they looked at:


Shape vs. Color - remember the pattern with the circles and squares, guys would look at the shapes (circle square circle square etc), girls would look at the colors (hot to cool)


Mathmatical/logical skills - remember the question where you had the sequence 2, 4, _, ? Where the answer was either 6 or 8 depending on whether you added or multplied 2.


Communication - The question on the value of internet, information or communication. Girls are much more lihely to say communication, as they are generally verbally based where guys are more statistically/mathmatically based.

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*gets fired at work* ;)


it worked (the website break-thru thing)!!!!


It says I"M DEFINATLY A WOMAN (86% confidence)....um...now what is scarey is that ....u guys are also very close to this confidence.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


oooo now I get to give Chase a girly smiley....hum.....

*looks for the most feminine sissiest one*



pcheerleader.gif <----- chase reveiled

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heheheheh I got 86% man. That is a relief. "It all adds up...

You are definitely a man! " I took this test when my brother/sister Redwing originally posted it in RSN like a year ago, and I got man then, too. He/She got woman. He/She won't lemme say his/her gender.:D

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