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Mara Jade Released...

Edward Peretti

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...well not quite. I've just submited the file to jkII.net. I'm away for two weeks (gotta catch my train as soon as I finish typing!) so whether they release her during that time it's up to them.


Hopefully someone will give out a link if she is released some time soon.


Have a nice Christmas everybody! :D



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ok i downloaded mara and have found a few problems with her.


1. her arms are detached at the elbows. there is a large gap between her upper arm and lower arm on both arms.


2. she doesnt have a taunt. i press taunt and all she does is do the thing with her hand, no sound.


i know this isnt my comp or games fault because i have downloaded countless models and all have worked perfectly.

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Just tested the model, it totally kicks ass! The best model I've seen for JO so far.


Just for the heck of it, I took some pictures to compare the old Mara from MOTS to this remake:


Can you tell the difference? :D


I think I'm in love with this model 3heart Now, all we need is a nudie skin for the model ;P



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shouldnt they be?


and what about the elbow problem. even in one of the screen shots on jediknightii.net they show the problem. look at the right arm (thats YOUR right) on the blue team mara and you will see the problem. sometimes it connects on the front but it never connects on the back.

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hey, i meant no harm with any of my posts. chill. is it wrong to post an error with the model? I thought it was just a simple thing that could be fixed within 5 mins or something. do you flame people when they give constructive criticism? all i was pointing out was that something needed to be fixed with the model jesus.


i think mara is a GREAT model one of the best out there, but i cant stand to use her with that gap in her arms, its too distracting. but hey i am only one person so what does it matter. i will use her as a bot probably every time i play because then it isnt noticable as much.


o its my systems fault there are elbows missing? none of the other models i have downloaded have missing elbows. so is this model only meant to be played on perfect systems?


sorry for the rude post but i took offense to first being accused of bitching about this models crappiness (its not crappy in any way), and then being told its my own comps fault for the missing elbows.

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Edd, this is fantastic work! It was well worth the wait. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


I love every aspect of this model. While it is beautiful, after playing around with it, no matter how good it looks, the bare midriff really doesn't fit Mara Jade.. I don't think. An alternate skin with the midriff only changed would be fun.


But even if that never happens, the release of this model is wothy of a celebration!

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