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How was the first Human born?


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Originally posted by Woodrodius

We evolved from apes, apes evolved from lesser creatures and so on and so on. Where did the first creature come from? Im sure that I do not know, but dont give us that Adam and Eve crap. The bible is complete nonsense. The bible can easily be proven false by noting that there are no mention of Dinosaurs in the story of creationalism that the bible puts forth. The reason is, quite simply, that whoever wrote the bible had no idea what a Dinosaur was or that they existed. Thus our scaly friends were omitted from the good book. End of story.


The Bible isn't "crap", but much of it is false. But that is mostly the Creation Stories. They were what the Jewish people in ancient times believed, becuas ethey did not know otherwise. We now know about dinosaurs,so we know the creation stories weren't 100% true. ;)

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the first human was born in the same way as all primates, through the birth canal.


Human evolved through 'adaptive radiation', just like every other creature on earth. While it is important to know that man can be traced down a straight path to some prehistoric ape-like primate as the ancestor, it is also important to realise that this path spawns of many branches before reaching homo sapiens. Different species evolved in parallel, each isolated to each other at some point, to some degree. Some survived, some didn’t, and this is what Darwin’s evolution theory is based on.


Humans didn’t evolve from the monkeys we see today, nor the chimpanzees, gorillas and orang-utans. They are also contemporaries of their family of apes, whose ancestors may at one stage lived in parallel along with human ancestors, and at an even earlier age, may have shared a common ancestor.


Currently we have evidences which backs up our currently accepted theory of human evolution, where a group of ape developed the ability to walk on 2 legs, and these creatures survived the mass extinction of primates 8 million years ago, to spawn a family of 2 legged ape species, of which the homo sapiens are the only branch that survived. There are many fossils that have been found that belongs to this sub-family, eg ‘Lucy’ and the ‘flat-faced-ape’. Non of these fossils we found can be claimed as the ancestor of man, or the “missing link”, with certaincy, but they support the theory of evolution of man from ape. They are likely to be members of a different branch, but they might be a direct ancestor. As of now, we do not know our direct line of ancestry, but we have evidence which support the theory.


As for how life formed, that is still a mystery. There are many theories but non can be proven as they cannot be emulated as an experiment. It is believed that after the oceans were formed, the liquid was a ‘soup’ containing many of the carbon-compounds and nitrates which are the building blocks of life forms on this planet. Then lightning or some form of catalyst caused these chemicals to react in a chain reaction to form the earliest and simplest single-celled organisms.

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Originally posted by Rogue15

how comes humans are the only mammal that can cry then. apes don't cry do they? :D


apes dont use computers guns or vehicles eather do they nooooooooooooooooooo


we EVOLVED from them we dont have feet that can grip verry many things eather now do we

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As single-celled organisms evolved in to multi-celled organisms, they became increasingly complex and large. Over the course of a couple billion years, the animals adapted and subsequently evolved into new animals. Among these animals were primates, which then gradually evolved into cro-magnon humans about 100,000 years ago.

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I really dont know. How can I say what happend a couple hundred years ago? Only by evolution.


But I will say this(which hopefully wont get me banned by that hoser,obi:D).



Religion and Antheistism is the product of Man's fear of the unknown(death) and that feeling inside you.


Of course,it doesnt meant your religion isnt real. God may or may not be real.


(Yes,I am a little bit religious. But mine is REALLY different from any of the big religions(mostly because it allows everyone to have different beliefs and dont really gain any power from it).



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Originally posted by Rogue15

how comes humans are the only mammal that can cry then. apes don't cry do they? :D


Certain monkeys can cry.


How come our hair at the back of our neck, and our body hair in general stand up when we're frightened or cold like on cats/dogs? It's almost like it serves the same function - scaring predators away by making us seem bigger. And it's also as if our hair stand up when we're cold to make our "fur" more cold-resistant, just like other animals. However, our hair is so sparse that it doesn't stand a chance at making us cold-resistant or making us seem bigger in any way. An obvious waste of space....


...Gee, it's almost as if we somehow "evolved" from these other animals, and when we lost our fur, we lost the advantages that come with it as well, but not the natural "trigger".


[edit] - stupid mumafookin typos grrr....

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Originally posted by Pedantic

And a question to evolutionists...where did the first cell come from?


Most probably from a planet....


And I think 'god' exists, [i dont want to upset any religions]

If he really did exist, the Earth wouldnt be this mess right now.

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Posted by Flanders

Most probably from a planet....

But where did the life on that planet come from? ;)


In any case, evolutionists are not dealing with the origin of life - merely its progression and adaptation... They have no obligation to answer the question, "where does life come from", because they are not trying to answer it.

And I think 'god' exists, [i dont want to upset any religions]

If he really did exist, the Earth wouldnt be this mess right now.

That's contradictory :p


Do you mean you don't think that God exists because if he did, the earth would be in a better state? ...I can think of many reasons that religious people might come up with to refute that - even some valid ones! :eek:;)

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Originally posted by Wacky_Baccy

In any case, evolutionists are not dealing with the origin of life - merely its progression and adaptation... They have no obligation to answer the question, "where does life come from", because they are not trying to answer it.

That's contradictory :p


But how can they accurately answer the question of how life has progressed without first knowing its origins? :confused:

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Originally posted by Pedantic

No one can explain God, simply because he is infinite, and we are finite. There is no way we can ever understand God.


And a question to evolutionists...where did the first cell come from?


question for you where did god come from???

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I think that either the first human was born of two apes that were nearly human.




It was the super-intelligent cave monkeys who did their scientific dancing ritual around a fire where they had a piece of driftwood with the picture of a chicken drawn in mud on it and when they finished the dance a giant furry egg appeared out of the sky and landed on the wood. Five minutes later the first human was born.....or made......whatever.

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the first cells would be no where near as complex as the cells now, it prolly would be only nucleic acid encased in a cell memberane. there are only a variety of theories regarding on how that came about, but its supposed that its formed via catalytic reaction of nitrates, carbon compounds and other molecules in the primordial soup.


and can you expand on the Second Law of Thermodynamics? im not familiar with this and im pretty sure many others here arent either. Why do you think disorder has progressed into order via the evolution of man?

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Originally posted by Pedantic

But how can they accurately answer the question of how life has progressed without first knowing its origins? :confused:


Easy. By studying it. It has worked so far, why not just succumb to the idea that scientists generally know what they're doing?


Religion has done no scientific progress at all. They've only hindered it. If the world consisted solely of devout Christians, we'd be nowhere where we are today. No one would care about delving into such things as evolution, and it's derivative, genetics, because there'd be no need to. Who cares if we don't get to invent all that snazzy, functional, life-saving medicine, as long as we follow the Bible in its written word?


To be a scientist, you have to give some things. The most prominent of those is that you have to stop seeing the world as some magical place where things just happen. If your lucky holy cross brings good luck, some people are content with that. But to the person that thinks scientifically, he has to find out how it brings good luck. And no, "because I believe in God", is not a valid answer - it only leads to more hocus pocus, more nonsense that cannot be verified or proved. And it's thus useless in the scientific term of it. Face it: Without those people that don't think we live in a magical, imaginary world that conforms to our current beliefs, we wouldn't be where we are today.


If we "evolved" it was from disorder coming to order, yet science proves the our being heads towards disorder.


How would the Second Law of Thermodynamics prevent this? Do you seriously think physicists(sp?) would create a law that interferes with biologist's work? If you think that, I can only consider you naive.


How do you explain snowflakes? They're created from total chaotic conditions, yet they spontaneously form to create a highly ordered structure. This means, God makes a miracle every single time that a snowflake is formed. Now, that's a pretty stupid job for God himself, since if he could just create a world in which there are conditions for those snowflakes to form, without it violating a natural law, he'd have a much easier time doing his other businesses. And don't make me look up all the rest of the billions of things which form from disorder to order.


Read this, and be forevermore silent about that law.


Final note: If God is all-powerful, it means we have no free will. If he isn't, then he can make mistakes. If he can make mistakes, the tables are turned, and it is now up to us to forgive God for his wrongs.

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