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Favorite place?


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When I'm stressed, I go to the kitchen, shut the door, put the music on real loud, make a cup of tea then sit down and smoke a ciggie. Calms me down every time, and believe me, I get stressed a lot, hence my 20 a day habit! ^_^

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for me its weatherdependant. if its more then 2 feet of snow (like right now) but not overly cold ill go onto my roof with a discman, an outdoor pillow (so i dont get wet when i sit down) and a good book. maybe a thermos of hot chocolate or two as well.


if its summer then ill go to my backyard and climb my favourite tree. theres a nice nook in it thats perfect for lazily sitting in and reading.


if its raining out then ill just go for a walk. that ALWAYS cheers me up (im odd like that).


anytime else or when i dont feel like being outside ill just sit right here in my room. its a nice little cove for me and my thoughts (and i let my cat curry in of course). ive got my doctors chair (soooo comfortable) my computer, my waterbed and my phone. what more could i ask for?..... besides a tv and a fridge.

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Originally posted by Darth Talliusc

for me its weatherdependant. if its more then 2 feet of snow (like right now) but not overly cold ill go onto my roof with a discman, an outdoor pillow (so i dont get wet when i sit down) and a good book. maybe a thermos of hot chocolate or two as well.


Thats... disturbing... I hope you slip and DIE!!! YAAAAA.. just kidding. :)

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Well whenever I am stressed I go to my friends house or a movie to get away from it all. I also go to my room and just listen to music.


As for when I am sad or lonely I go outiside at night and get on top of the Patio where it is all tarmack. I just lay there on my back and listen to my CD Player and think as I watch the stars. I've done this a lot. (Trust me :()



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in my living room ...


  • turn off the lights and telephone
  • pour myself a drink (rum & coke, scotch & water, beer ... whatever i'm in the mood for)
  • turn up the music (some nice jazz or classical)
  • sit in my comfortable leather recliner

do this for about 15-20 minutes, and i'm good to go! :D

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I really enjoy being in my apartment. All my stuff is there and its a single bedroom, so if I dont want any visitors or just chill alone, I can.


I like to go on walks. Maybe walk to campus when classes are out so its not busy and there are not tons of people everywhere. Or I can go to the park not far from here and walk there. Maybe I can head to the closest Best Buy or EB and check out games and computer hardware to get my mind off stuff.


I love to go hiking and camping. Especially places far out in the middle of no where. Like the mountains or the boundary waters or the beach at night.... Although these places I can't just go to when ever I want (obviously), so I have to schedule vaction time for these. Plus I like to work for my solitude on places like these, but you find the results rewarding.

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Mine isn't necessarily a place, but with a Discman and a good book, I find it easy to relax that way. Learnt to just turn off and read a good book OS. Didn't want to take my discman along so it could get stolen, or ignore the people I was travelling with - damn rude to travel with people and have a discman IMO...

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