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What's Your Internet Connection?


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I'm doing a research project for my neworking class, and can't decide which form of internet to do it on, so I've decided to do it on whichever garners most votes in all my posts on various forums and message boards I frequent.


So, cable, DSL/ADSL, dial-up, ISDN... Speak up and be counted, you cattle-like masses!

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Originally posted by K_Kinnison

Cable.... and it is free *gloat* *gloat*


oh really................:evil3:


*calls madison, wi cable office



you mena was right? :D



ike, go to hell :o



not that I have alot of room to bitch, my cable only cost me like 13 bucks with the deal I got

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Originally posted by K_Kinnison

maybe i should say Free and legal! Me dad works for the cable comapny, we get all the channels for free, digital, DMX, andpay-per view half price. And we still cannot find anything good to watch on TV


heh heh, nice package tho :)

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