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george lucas officially sucks...


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i posted this in it's proper section, but since i rarely go there and since there's so much off topic stuff here i figured it'd just get lost in the mix anyway... but i wondered if anyone else had an opinion on this as well... here's the initial post:



thanks george lucas...


i just watched, for the first time ever, the digitally remastered episode VI...


thanks george lucas...


thanks for shattering my childhood...

thanks for destroying this movie...

thanks for making my memories just that, memories...


what the hell was so wrong with the original that this needed to be so altered in such a way that it barely resembles the original?


thanks for giving me a reason to hate you now even moreso after these latest 2 pieces of garbage you put in front of me and labelled "starwars"


thanks a lot...


thanks for nothing...



specifically i was referring to the scenes in jabba's palace, where the max rebo band has a new look and plays new music... then the REALLY overdone ending where they show people rejoycing in (i'm guessing) naboo and coruscant... i mean... What the hell???

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Are you sure your ok? :confused: Do you know which one you are talking about by saying digitally remastered? Are you talking about the Special Edition VHS or what?


What was so wrong about the additions they made. They didn't ruin the film in any way in my opinion. I though you were talking about some boot leg VCD that you may have watched so that's what I was thinking when said it was ruined. I also think that EP I & EP II are great and not trash. I can't belive that someone like your self would trash GL about something as Trivial as this. They were both great but I guess your just ungratefull.



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I liked the SE trilogy...was there something in particular that you were upset about???


The nice thing about it all is...that if you don't like the SE star wars there are still "original" star wars videos that have the digitally remastered/restored stuff minus all that extra stuff that you apparently did not like.

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I loved special edition personally. I mean I got to see the trilogy on the big screen and everything when they came out in special edition. Twas so cool for me since I had been a fan since I first saw the trilogy around 3-4 and had been reading SW for a little bit before the Spec Ed. So with that I must say, Thank you George Lucas.

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While I'm not totally opposed to all the changes made in the SE versions of the original trilogy, I do hope that when the DVDs come out that they will give you the chance to watch the originally released versions of the films. Like the E.T. DVD set did.


My biggest problem with the SE versions is actually one of the smallest to notice: Luke yelling as he falls from the Cloud City platform after his fight with Vader in ESB. (A lot of people I know didn't even pick up on that change.) I dunno, it just bugs the HELL out of me. It seemed much more dramatic when he was falling silently. Like he had accepted his fate, choosing almost certain death over seduction by the dark side. Having him yell as he falls ruined it for me. :mad:

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Originally posted by pbguy1211

hey, i'm all for new things... but he tried to redo classics and made them worse. if it ain't broke don't fix it. so much of the music was different, and all of a sudden we see cloud city and coruscant in the end? what the hell?

Can you explain exactly how this is a bad change? As CC said, it shows that the whole galaxy is now free of the Empire.


And the new music is fine, it's still John Williams :)

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hey, a digital touch up here and there is fine...

adding a deleted scene, fine with that...

but completely altering scenes from the original was unneccessary.

bespin was barely in v, and coruscant wasn't even in iv - vi.

he's trying to re-write history to have the new 3 make any sense at all.

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I am not sure that I am following you on this. Coruscant always existed and was the location of the emperor (who was always palp) even before episodes I, II, and soon to be III where even mentioned. They just decided to leave these little things out of the movie because it did not huge deal to add them. Plus time is money in that business.


Nothing was made up, just added.

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again, that's your opinion, pbguy.


Maybe he thought it was cooler the new way...


I don't necessarily take any side on this one....


and he doesn't officially suck. He sucks in your opinion and maybe the opinions of a few hundred more - as sad as it may be your opinions aren't official. ;)

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Well, i can't really say that i saw the original Star Wars. I never had any reason to until the SE. No one i knew was a fan, so i never went until they came out in theatres....then i went about 25 times....



But what your listing as problems aren't problems at all. So they added a musical scene, so what? They didn't really change anything, only added it, right? And the celebrations on Bespin and Coruscant are natural, though the stormies and Iceheart probably woula have busted them up real bad for doing in on Coruscant.


Besides, i think its been mentioned before, most of the things were things he wanted to do with the original but couldn't, so whats wrong with that?

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It's not that bad.


1-Coruscant was created by Timothy Zahn for the Thrawn Trilogy. it was not always coruscant but was accepted as official canon stuff by GL(coruscant I mean)


2-The Max Rebo band in SE sucked. I liked the old music.


3-The ending music wasn't so bad. But the old one was still better. It sounded more like a celebration.

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for me, I liked most of the new stuff that was added...the stuff I didn't like was: the new member of Max Rebo's Band

edit: picture


& the new song...they tried to update it for "modern" times and just made it seem silly....I'm just glad they didn't go back and edit out something w/ Oola when she fell into the Rancor pit... :naughty:

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Then watch the THX version for crying out loud! I mean it's the original that has been remastered...that's it...just go out and get those. The only thing I disaprove of with SE is ROTJ ending music...I still listen to the original version all the time because it's so nutty:D Although the new SE music there is good it just isn't insanly crazy like the original...


BTW, I'd give a 99% chance that they use SE as the basis for the DVDs, but they will also add more scenes to the movie and mess with it some more...I'm all for adding a few extra minutes of space combat in ROTJ, how about you?:D

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Heh, SE is how digital can be used right in my opinion. :o


If you'll notice no song was removed from the Jabba's palace sequence, only Jedi Rocks was added, and it was a good song, it stayed in style with point and counterpoint singers, what would've been the 'garbage' you've been describing is if instead of using jazz/blues George had tried to use disco or heavy metal. :o


Also I liked the orignial ending music was great, the new music is good, I really odn't see a problem here, it helped me notice the character interactions on Endor instead of the music, also they didn't take away any footage from Endor, just added some, which was excellent footage, I loved the footage, it really will help draw the entire thing together once the prequels are completed. :o


But it really is all a matter of personal preference, I personnally thing special edition is the way George can use digital right, while still making timeless classic movies. :)

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

I bet it was used in one of the earlier drafts of Star Wars or something like that.


Yeah, lots of the SW games use concept art that never made it into movies, i guess it works the same for planets and other things like that.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

The only part I hated in the SE was when Greedo shoots first in the cantina. HAN SHOT FIRST!!! :mad:


Yes the bad thing about that was that they didn't even stick in a frame or two extra they just have this amazingly fast shot and the thing is it doesn't even altar the story

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