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Father Torque Foundation

Father Torque

Recommended Posts

1. Agen_Terminator

2. CanadianSurfer

3. Jedi Apprentice

4. Matt-Liell

5. coolio681



Updating it. Apprentice is through? OK.


1. Agen_Terminator

2. CanadianSurfer

3. Matt-Liell

4. coolio681



By the way Mobius, I donated to you. That is why you disappeared from my list earlier...


People, if you dissappear, feel free to tell me. I do make mistakes here alot, but I know I donated to you on that occasion...

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<------Has an idea.


Well I just had an idea for the FTF.


How about FTF padawans? Let me explain. Following the Star Wars theme you can take on padawans if you would like to be the users who get your points for extended amounts of time or until they get one of their goals.


Tell me what you think.


*runs away* :D


Edit: Yes Katarn I am done. I have my glow, italic username, and sig pic. So now I will just give back. :)

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Originally posted by Jedi Apprentice

And me now......:D


I see your point though. You would need a lot more people donating for it to work.


Maybe later..


I have 3 open spots:

1. Silent_Thunder

2. Mobius Berreta

3. open

4. open

5. open



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I don't wanna sound mean to the donatees, but I only stick with that person if they are an LF buddy, and I have only done that with Taters and my LFJA Padawan, Pnut_Master (Reborn can vouch :D:p:D )


Anyhow, If you do it that way, and we'll leave them off our list, we may get more donations to people. I haven't been posting to often lately, mainly in the DF forum... SO sorry again guys. Uping my list and points given so far.




1. Agen_Terminator

2. CanadianSurfer

3. Matt-Liell

4. coolio681


:rolleyes: )

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Originally posted by Jedi Apprentice

I think I'll just stay with the regular system Katarn and Reborn.


It seems to work fine. :)


How do you become part of the FTF council exactly though?


Once you donate 1000 points you are on the council. So I suggest keeping track of how many points you have donated so far in your sig like I have for my amazingly large number. :D

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