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Star Wars vs. LOTR



38 members have voted

  1. 1. Which?

    • Star Wars
    • Lord of the Rings
    • neither, i'm a trekkie!!
    • I love both!

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Well it looks like everyone in here loves Star Wars. I have to say Star Wars because I was brought up with it. LOTR is new and I haven't been so into it as I have been with Star Wars. Also like Notion said it has a bigger, growing, and expanding universe.



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Ok, I voted lotr and I'll tell you why in a second. I was brought up with both star wars and lord of the rings.


I think lord of the rings has a better written storyline, better actors and quite a few better things.


Star Wars has lightsabers. That in itself is almost enough to tie with lord of the rings.


The reason it may be slightly more popular is because of the gaps in star wars. J.R.R. Tolkien left no holes for people to wonder about in lord of the rings. Little left for speculation, everything was tied up.


George lucas didn't exactly ever end it, he made the begining and there's so much room for speculation. You know, that one other jedi that survived the jedi purge that no one ever knew about. Stuff like that. When there was just the original trilogy, there was mystery surrounding the past. There is some of this in LOTR but not much.


In short, I think they are both excellent works of art. George Lucas and all of those guys worked hard on Star Wars, and so did everyone who worked on Lord of the Rings.

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Well GL didn't spend his whole life writing the story and all that stuff. You have to remember that Tolkien was trying to make a mythology for the UK and he wanted it to be very good. He made up everything including the languages and stuff. GL was just trying to make something like that. He was trying to make a epic like the Iliad and that's were he got his inspiration. Tolkien got his from all the mythology that was around the are. France, Germany, Italy and all that stuff.


GL was also trying to make something that was new like the future and the stuff. It was stuff that was far ahead of our time and was suppose make people look ahead at the future.


I realy like Star Wars because of the technology. It's Sci-Fi and that's what I love to watch and read. LOTR isn't Sci-Fi and is more mythological. I really don't like that kind of stuff cause I personally like to hear about the future and stuff like that. I do have to admit that LOTR is good though even for not being Sci-Fi. I like it and it is the only thing that I like that involves scorcers and magic and stuff like that.


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it's so hard to choose.. my 6 favorite movie's in order..

1. Return of the Jedi

1. LOTR: The 2 towers

1. Empire Strikes Back

1. Attack of the Clones


1. LOTR: Fellowship OTR

Yeah thats right! They are all tied for first!!!! I guess i'll just go with Star Wars.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

LOTR doesn't even come close to SW in terms of movies. LOTR would just be another decent action movie with lots of holes if everyone wasn't so up in the books.


Shwa? :indif: Many many people saw the movie(s) without reading the book(s) and yet still think it was great. You shouldn't make such broad/blind assumptions such as that.


When's the last time you sat back and really looked at the Star Wars movies? They have just as many problems as the lotr movies do, if not many many more.


Why do we even have to choose? The movies aren't even remotely related to each other. I want a "I love both" option.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Shwa? :indif: Many many people saw the movie(s) without reading the book(s) and yet still think it was great. You shouldn't make such broad/blind assumptions such as that.



My opinion, Rhett, of course. I would say that the reason the vast majority of people like it is because of the books. I've read some of the books, but not too much, and i think it was a decent movie, certainly not anything very special.


Think about it. If the books never happened, and LOTR the movie was just made out of the blue, like SW, i very highly doubt it would be the even remotely close to what it is in terms of popularity. I just don't see how you can say it would have the exact same popularity etc. without the books.


And the last time i really watched the SW movies, which was last week, i can't see any visible holes. Holes and mistakes are not te same however. LOTR has large gaps in the storyline that SW doesn't have, and i assume that they aren't there in the books, but that speaks nothing for movie itself.

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well, i voted LotR.


LOTR is new


uh, LotR came out way before star wars did. just fyi.


you can't really compare Star Wars and LotR, because they're in 2 eperate genres: SW in Sci-Fi and LotR in Fantasy. but i like LotR better b/c there is so much history in it. tolkien, as has been said, spent his life creating the history, languages, and people of his stories, and he still didn't complete it. that's how much detail he put in it. he created an ENTIRE FRICKEN LANGUAGE BY HIMSELF, for cryin' out loud. and he didn't just write the LotR, he has a lot of other books a/b middle earth out there. now, if you compare the movies and the books, you can see that the movies suck. they leave out and put stuff in, and there are tons of holes. but i'd have gone and seen it if i hadn't ever read the books, or if they hadn't been written.


now, don't get me wrong, i like SW a lot, too. i just like LotR better. :D

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LOTR is new and I haven't been so into it as I have been with Star Wars. Also like Notion said it has a bigger, growing, and expanding universe.


LOTR is not NEW turst me the books have been around for ages.



StarWars is just plain better! Sure LOTR has its good moments but SW is a classic and always will be.


Look at the video games for example whats better?


StarWars Galaxies or the Two Towers?

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LOTR is new and I haven't been so into it as I have been with Star Wars. Also like Notion said it has a bigger, growing, and expanding universe.


LOTR is not NEW turst me the books have been around for ages.



StarWars is just plain better! Sure LOTR has its good moments but SW is a classic and always will be.


Look at the video games for example whats better?


StarWars Galaxies or the Two Towers?

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well i already did. i gave you 2 posts... just because im nice... but you lost those posts and points there.


be patient with the reply button. click it only once. and if you are not sure your post makes it.. just Ctrl a in the text screen and ctrl C.. then you can post the same thing next time.


My opinion.

I LOVED THE LOTR. both movies Rocked.

but i like star wars a bit better. i grew up in the 1980's and 90's with both Star Wars and Star Trek.. first i loved star trek better.. cause i thought they had better agreements.. but then i stubled acroiss the EU.. and loved it. so since then im a GREAT fan.


i never read the Lotr. i wasnt planning to either...im a big freak with SW already... i dont know if my family can handle Lotr with combination of SW ;):p

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I agree with that :p


I Prefer SW movies, cause you can see how much they spend making the movie, and i don´t talk about money, it´s a better movie and it has a good end!!!!!! :p


I really like LOTR but I hate to see the end of the movie and don´t think anything good about that, they can make it like harry potter, SW or any other movie with a second or third part, you can make something to end the book and not just to say to be continued...

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