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Leaving the swamp...


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True. I may not be as senior as you guys, especially not in this forum, but I have still been around long enough to see it happen.


Perhaps its the fav 5 threads, maye the points, but something has shifted the swamp from discussion and fun to post collecting.


The loss of the word association, whilst necessary, started it I feel... It was fun, mad, daft, pointless - just what you need every now and then.


Hopefully you are also right when you say things are on the up, but ultimately, the only thing that can be agreed upon is that everything is always changing, and its not always goning to be a rosy outcome.


Lets hope the swamp lilly flowers again...

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Originally posted by kstar__2

but you won't leave lf will you, i mean, will you still be at aresen?:)


Yeah, i'll be there sometimes. Infact i'll go there now. :)


And i'm sorry that I am going to leave the swamp, it wont be for ever though. :)

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Originally posted by Clemme w/Stick

You always seem to have a positive look upon things, huh Rhett?!




its the anti depressants speaking :)


- Clem


on the main issue ... all good things come to an end ... theres no point in trying to rekindle them ... if u feel the good in the swamp is gone ... its gone


but i think its just our memories remembering the good bits not the bad ... i dont think the swamps changed much

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Well its sad to see people leave. You guys talk about making the Swamp a better place but leaving isn't helping one bit. This place is a little diffrent that it was when I first came here but that doesn't mean that it is bad. Places change and so do people. It's just natural. I am with with Rhett. It is getting better in some ways. I hope that you have fun where ever you are going to post at and that you come back man. Your going to be missing a lot but it's your decision.



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Originally posted by Flanders

Read the topic. I am getting tired of the swamp a bit, so I wont be posted for a while until it gets back to its origional self.


See you soon. Flanders


By doing this you have broken the LFJA code of conduct. Let it be known that it is NOT LFJA practice to post threads about leaving, no matter what your reasons are. You Flanders as as a Jedi Master really should know better. I am severely dissapointed in you...



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